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Everything posted by Jackroadkill

  1. Oh, now you're talking.... Kyuss with Cliff would have been amazing.
  2. You know you're in trouble when Dave Mustaine is the most reasonable guy in the room.
  3. I don't know what any of this means, but if you can make some decent pickups I'll give you a shout for future projects!
  4. I'd love to have the time to practise six hours per day, but if I had that time available I wouldn't practise for six hours per day. Sorry to bring the party down, but what scares me at night is the futility of existence.
  5. Christ, if you fell in a cesspit you'd come out clutching a Klon Centaur!
  6. Neck? Aye, that seller's got some neck alright.
  7. There are many, but tonight's is: Dominion / Mother Russia Flood 1 Luctretia, My Direction. An honourable mention for Knives Screamager Hellbelly.
  8. Maybe he did - we wouldn't have been able to hear him.
  9. As in "You ain't bringing that in here, sweetheart!"?
  10. I use a baritone Tele for just that job and it sounds fantastic. Glad to hear that it was a productive session.
  11. There are some great tracks on that list. I'd come and see you play a set like that!
  12. I might call my next band that. Cheers!
  13. I reckon that as long as it's something you're aware of you should be fine, really. At least punk and disco have some commonality (as in they're both fun and danceable), whereas rockabilly and moody faux-goth aren't really all that similar! I can also report that Enter Sandman, Chelsea Dagger and All Day And All Of The Night become pretty wearing when played in that vein, too.
  14. My mate was in a band that played rockabilly versions of all the standards. They were a great band in the sense of the playing, arrangements etc but it wore pretty thin pretty quickly. The first time you heard She Sells Sanctuary played that way it was brilliant, but by the fourth time it was getting dull.
  15. So glad I didn't sign up; so far it's a scratchplate and a chorus pedal, but there's potential for so much worse.
  16. Nope. I'm going to buy an HPF and a compressor, so I've failed already.
  17. I use Roto 45-105 on my Jazz bass and that's tuned to C standard. They're a little wobbly but only a little.
  18. I'm trying to sneak on into our band's setlist. Bridge Over Troubled Water would be a favourite but I don't know how well it would sit alongside Breaking The Law or Los Angeles Is Burning...
  19. I use two basses anyway, one tuned to E and the other tuned to Eb. We have about five songs that are in the latter tuning in our set so we play them one after the other, and then change instruments to return to standard tuning. Whichever bass I'm not using at any given point becomes a de facto spare. They're both Player Series Precisions with the same pickup, wiring loom and strings, so they sound pretty similar to my ears, and as mentioned above by @neepheid, no punters have ever mentioned any difference in sound regardless of which I use.
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