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lidl e

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Everything posted by lidl e

  1. Maybe a two notes opus ? Thatcand the zoom will give you everything youre looking for i think.
  2. If you find the time and it isnt too much effort. Thanks, QM!
  3. That sounds killer for sure! Is that a patch that will wotk om v4 only? Any chance you have a patch that works on both that might give an audible difference you can post?
  4. Ya, thats the one for sure. Let us know how dramatic the difference is when you get the v4!
  5. So there's a lot to take in there In layman's terms, as someone who loves my FI but really only use other peoples patches with slight tweaks, what am i missing out as far as new sounds? Are there going to be some new crazy patches that sre just not possible with the v3? Is this really only exciting for heavy duty deep divers, or is there something that would immediately jump out to a casual user just plugging a v3 and v4 in side by side?
  6. Answered... Gotta feel for the person who bought the last V3.
  7. My aggie there is a GS series 1x12. I believe these preceded the DB line. It sounds amazing. But the head wont flip down into it!
  8. We had a discussion about these a year ago. Id been searching since...
  9. Ya, this is strictly for home use. Unless its a very mellow jam, i dont think thisbthung will ever see a drummer. I got the 20 over the 50 specifically because i knew i wouldnt need the volume. I have other options for that!
  10. Interesting... The pf210HE no good? I found a great deal locally. I shoild pass?
  11. I do! Excpet for the deep freeze at the end there and that one weird synthy thing with the notes stepping id use all those at shows. Here's two songs id use heavy effects. The first is synth bass that i recreate with a C4 live. The second is recorded with my big board there and we are throwing everything at it for fun. Especially the pigtronix TBF, the clean tone on the second track sounds better than everything else.
  12. so, again an indulgence, but i just took five minutes and di a quick run through my gig board to show you some of the sounds i would use. Some of them you might think sound totally awful, but through a massive amp with a killer dummer behind you, these all sound unreal and SO much fun. Don't judge the playing! i'm just messing around with no drumbeat or warming up. I mess around with the Deep Freeze at the very end and that just starts to sound insane @mike f i probably should have opened up the tone knob a bit! I threw the rig up on the dining table. Wife waint be happy when she comes in! effects.wav
  13. Im having a lazy sunday with the family out, so I'll answer in my usual lengthy way. I use my boards for many applications, live shows, recording, inspiration, fun, re-creation of existing sounds, but the overall basic reason, when you get down to it, is to change the sound of your bass. I use a lot of effects and always have. I find when listening to some smaller band's demos they have the same bass tone through out the album. That is boring and uncreative to me and everything starts to sound samey. I can dial in different tones depending on the mood of the song. Heavy fast tune, throw a bit of distortion, 70s groove type, a bit of OD. Want some atmosphere, throw on a bit of chorus and reverb. Want to fill out a three piece? Pop on an octave pedal. Covering 70s tunes? Nowadays the easiest way is a digital synth pedal. Or use a bunch of analog pedals in combination to recreate. In my current band the guy used to do everything himself, so there is a lot of synth bass. I use my C4 to copy those sounds. I use my pedalboard on every gig and i can get pretty much any bass sound in a small footprint quickly and easily. I dont really use delay much live, but i find it the most inspiring effect when writing riffs. And, most importantly of all, it's just plain fun! There is nothing better than getting in a room and making crazy noises just for fun. I dont need an audience, just a drummer, a good amp and my effects boards! No guitarist necessary!
  14. My main man! What's up, pook. Cheers. I've been toying with the dual track idea. I assume you mean simultaneously and not doubled after. I think i have at leat a few options on hand to test, but might need a boss LS2 to do itnright if im getting what youre saying. I do have a switchblade pro but id trust a boss moreso for recording. My ampeg has two xlrs out i could use one of those and the use the LS2 to do a direct signal into the focusrite. Or go to the Opus instead of direct So many options. What soukd you use for the clean side? Just guitar cable directly into interface? Or are you just doing the sensible thing and doubling it on the DAW
  15. @mike f if you really want the best/most fun ambient pedal, grab one of these! (although as mentioned, i wouldnt be surprised if TC added their freeze pedal [the tc infinite] to the plethora)
  16. I've been bringing my polytune from my big board for shows. Tuner on it is fine for rehearsals though. You'll see people online complaining about no manuals, but theres one fella who does videos for every feature. If youre really really anti screen menus if might be too much, but again with minimal effort i got it sorted. I can see someone being turned off by it at first. @stewblack has one still i believe.
  17. Seems to be my MO on almost everything! Not just music kit! Currently I'm just getting everything setup to be able to record my own basslines and send them to our bandleader/producer so i dont have to drive down to wexford to record. He'll do all the EQing and mixing for our band, but i do have the dream of making full songs with drums and guitars. I knowni can do it, but i need to work on the DAW side of things. I'm so adverse to digital, I've been planning kn getting a beat buddy to do drum tracks with as it's a physical pedal! So ridiculous when there are things like EZ drummer, right? I tjhnk you mentiomed you have a beat buddy before? Anyway, great advise all. Once im more comfortable recording lines to send to your man, I'll loekly upgrade from ableton lite to standard and try and start getting into DAW more I do still want that empress eq though!
  18. So that board gives me every sound i get from this board, which i use for recording. All because of the plethora Except for the pigtronix mothership 2. That is it's own one of a kind beast!
  19. This will be a long one... So you need to think of it as a pedal board moreso than a multifx. Youre not layering sounds/presets to make a patch, youre laying out three different toneprint pedals. You can build different "boards" using whatever three pedals you want. So you select which three you want and then find the TonePrint. It basically is just an easy way to use multiple toneprint pedals. I will say, i was overwhelmed at first taking it out of the box, but it is so user friendly once you actually look through the menus. People complain about no manual, but you dont need one. Each pedal has extensive manuals and like i said, all the setup on the plethora is just the order you want them placed. Once you have that done it is the exact same as having three individual physical pedals in front of you. It took me aboit 90 minutes to become very confident in how it works. All the settings options are again very intuitive. Like you can assign the knobs to be any combo for any pedal so you can manipulate them just like the physical pedal. I'm not a technical fella when it comes to effects, but with minimal effort i was able to integrate into my live rig. I found my big board too much for shows, so i built a small gig vosrd based around the plethora and it gives me everytjing i need. A lot of people complain about no distortion, but to me that was the biggest selling point! It's only basically all the modulation effects youd need. Dirt and synth/envelope come elsewhere. The tuner is a bit shit. You need to use the 12th fret harmonic for bass past the low E. It barely picks up even drop D on the tuner. As easy and useful i find it, there is also so much more it can do to be more useful live. They implemented midi in this last firmware upgrade and have said there will be more toneprint pedals added. I'd guess they will eventually add their IR pedal and their freeze. If they add their IR pedal, it will be the greatest pedal of all time! You can make 127 custom boards. I only have three i made but i do use them live. You can easy switch up and down between boards. One issue is my feet are quite big and i need to make sure im not stepping on multiple buttons at once. I hablve it setup using the default where the two right buttons pushed at once go up a board and the two left go down. Im not into midi, but you can offload all that control to a midi controller apparently. 2 cons. The bluetooth phone app is awful but very easy using a cable and works great. Option paralysis is real! But that's a toneprint thing. There are so many great options! And as you go through the different toneprints you can "audition" them before saving
  20. Nice one! This is the stuff i need to understand better. I like the fatness and fullness of the sound but i think the low end can be tighter. This is the tube DI of my ampeg pf20t with a jam red muck. That is going dorectly into ableton. So i do have a DAW but i am terrible at using it. All i can do is push record and get sound down. Hence this thread! The DAW isnt super intuitive to me, so i am teying to do all my sounds before my interface My latest plan is EQ, but instead of using the DAW, which I'm sure any competent person would do, I've been planning on getting an empresse paraeq deluxe and doing all my EQing before it hits the DAW. That's fairly ridiculous solution if i can just do it digitally i suppose, but i like the tactile feel of outboard gear. I did also recently purchase a 2 notes opus to get into the idea of IRs and it is simply amazing. Again, i preferred the idea of outboard gear instead of doing it in the DAW Im planning on doing a blind test of the opus vs the ampeg with the same setup using a dynIR. Same tubes and same pre and see how close they sound. Ill post it here. Thanks for the reply!
  21. Do. It is my favourite piece of kit Look at all the pedals it includes: Helix Phaser Viscous Vibe Tape Deck Looper Hall of Fame 2 Reverb Flashback 2 Delay Sub 'N' Up Octaver Brainwaves Pitch Shifter Corona Chorus Hypergravity Compressor Mimiq Doubler Vortex Flanger Pipeline Tap Tremolo Quintessence Harmony Sentry Noise Gate Shaker Vibrato And a tuner (which isn't great) and cab sims (fair bu usable?
  22. I dont kniw... I question everything i am learning! As in it sounds alright to me but am i just happy I'm actually getting sound... or is it shite.
  23. Plethora x3 is the best ambient tool around and would lkely be cheaper or as reasonable as the line 6 or Bosses. Youd get the hall of fame and the flashback and like 8 more pedals
  24. Cheers, lads I suppose there realiy is no context. I am literally just starting out into recording. This is like the third thing I've recorded on my new setup and the first with effects. I'm just wondering if it sounds "right" as in a viable tone. Like wpuld that work if i were to layer stuff over it. Are the levels good? Does it sound sfarty at all? Should i crank the input on the focusrite? I dont know. Just trying to figure out if im doing it right i suppose, byt from tour respo ses it siunds like youre hearing bass! Which is what i was hoping.
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