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Everything posted by bremen

  1. Denis Bovell's I Wah Dub http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BIcx_HVeB0c
  2. [quote name='sbrag' timestamp='1361894391' post='1992602'] I've had the bass line to badge by cream stuck in my head for about a month for no apparent reason. I cant remember th last time i listened to it but do have to play it occasionally to get the ear worm to stop. Are there any other sufferers of random bass line ear worms. [/quote] The opening of The Fall's 'Bombast'. It gets stuck for days.
  3. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1361816667' post='1991388'] 2. This is what I can never understand, how can you have heard 'most' new music? It's a common thing I hear on BC that 'most' new music is sh*t [/quote] I'm with you in disagreeing that 'most new music is sh*t'. In fact, the word 'new' is redundant.
  4. It's the combination of the words 'vintage' and 'ebay'.
  5. [quote name='Bob G' timestamp='1361400561' post='1985564'] I've just been reading through this thread - I have a real hankering for an upright, I've been playing saxes for about 8 years but following recent dental work it's quite uncomfortable, and as a bass-player of some 30 years the old low notes are calling to me once again. I don't really have room for a 'real' DB unfortunately, so I reckon EUB might be the way to go. Having read all this, I am definitely going to count the pennies a bit. If not a Stagg (which seems to have nice features) is there something a little better/more expensive, say around the 7-800 quid mark? Cheers, Bob [/quote] The Aria is definitely a nicer instrument (I've had both) but as Pete says you do need to spend 100+ on strings whatever you get, so that makes it more like 900 quid. There's one on Ebay with a cracked headstock, not sure how structural/repairable that would be.
  6. [quote name='the boy' timestamp='1361809177' post='1991215'] Sorry, thanks. That was really helpful. Are you a troll? [/quote] Bit abrupt I agree, but the streets and pavements of Cambridge are full of a really dangerous mix of unaware cyclists and unaware runners. I've had many a near miss. Cambridge is a bit of a special case though.
  7. [quote name='Hutton' timestamp='1361804305' post='1991108'] See how much you learn when you don't live in the perfect world of Musicman, Warwick, Warmoth etc. [/quote] I have to admit the holes for the bridge were borderline too-far-from-the-neck on one of my Warmoths.
  8. [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1361804028' post='1991101'] Just riffing on the "built in cable"..how cool would it be to have a built in cable in Basses that rewound rather like on a cylinder vacuum cleaner? You could have a 30' cable and wander all around the stage! Just need to work how it would all fit in the control cavity...... [/quote] Could be like one of those retractable dog leads. When the singer's had enough of the bassist snurfling audience members' arses he pushes a button and - pertwanggg! you're back on the stage.
  9. I don't get that slim=fast either. It's surely how it fits your hand. Maybe it's psychological - because it's thin like a greyhound you expect it to go faster than were it fat like a St Bernards. (not taking the piss, for once, never underestimate the power of placebo)
  10. [quote name='SteveK' timestamp='1358189465' post='1934582'] I think this thread proves (if ever proof were needed) that todays popular music is bo**ox. 95% of the songs mentioned in this thread are 30 or more years old. Is nobody writing decent songs anymore? I mean, for chrisakes, I'm 56 years old, and some of you guys are still playing songs that I was playing in my teens. Please don't tell me some of you are still playing Hey Joe, Proud Mary or Sunshine of your Love [/quote] But they're complaining that they hate them, not praising them up! Being a fellow 50something grumpy-old-man, I reckon 95% of music is bo**ox, regardless of when it was written.
  11. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1361797471' post='1990927'] Well IMO, if the CNC is set up and used correctly, surely the neck socket should be tight enough that the neck can't move. On the Warwicks I've owned the neck socket is so perfect you barely need screws. SO I certainly don't think it's a step too far to start going on about Fender quality control. [/quote] Agreed, you can't get a Rizla between neck and pocket sides on any of my three Warmoths.
  12. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1361796830' post='1990902'] Was thinking of doing a ric cake but John Hall threatened to sue. [/quote] Go ahead anyway. I'm sure it'll play like butter.
  13. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1361792271' post='1990769'] Hell of a bedroom rig. [/quote] And that's just your avatar.
  14. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1361720661' post='1989770'] [/size] Yes, the OMG principle could have shortened bass history by many years. Below: Dr Arthur Spatula's 'Amplifying Engine' (a precursor to the modern bass pre-amp) provided a 'tone' so remarkable that men were often seen to weep after hearing it. Unfortunately it was deemed impractical for gigging purposes as it weighed seven tons. Only three 'Spatulas' were ever made - two of them being installed in British pre-electric recording studios powered by orgone accumulators. [size=4]The third went missing at sea under mysterious circumstances aboard a Mail Steamer bound for Melbourne and was never recovered.[/size] [size=4][/size] [/quote] What kind of amplifying engine is best for metal?
  15. [quote name='JimBobTTD' timestamp='1350675446' post='1842293'] My Warmoth Deluxe 5 Jazz does not have a floppy B. [/quote] Mine neither. Also got a swamp ash body.
  16. I have an Aria EUB that has a magnetic pickup, which looks like a bit of a bodge (a neat bodge, but it does look like an add-on) in that it's a separate module that sits between the end of the fingerboard and the body. http://www.ariauk.com/aria-swb-lite-bis-upright-bass/ I'm sure if you could get hold of one it'd be possible to attach it to the back of the fingerboard on your doghouse.
  17. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1361544799' post='1987306'] I agree. The only reason I'd replace a bridge would be for adjustability. [/quote] Specially if the bass in question is easily the best one by far that you've played in 25 years!
  18. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1360696862' post='1974970'] Yes. I'm in a band called Barabajagal and we have been mis-spelled many ways. Perhaps the most feeble effort was Brabber Jack. [/quote] I was in a band called Filthtones (yes it was very appropriate). We were once billed as Phil Thones...kind of stuck.
  19. I'm so desperately untutored/tone deaf that I still think in terms of 'wonder what note I'll get if I put my finger HERE' then if it's not the right one I'm skilled at getting away from it before too many people notice.
  20. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1361476369' post='1986412'] Not [i]Mature Splurge Garglers [/i]by any chance? [/quote] Is it the safety specs that gives a clue?
  21. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1361273943' post='1983590'] No - there's a £10 per posting surcharge for those wishing to add to "The Beatles" thread. [/quote] Splendid idea. How about a surcharge that allows swearing. I'd pay a tenner to be able to say 'f***ing ****' in a thread about, for example, B****** W*****.
  22. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1361240111' post='1983411'] Hee, hee. I suppose if he/she did some porn dressed as a schoolboy, paedo's could view it without fear of prosecution, w[size=4]hat with him/her actually being an old woman, and all. The mind boggles.[/size] [/quote] [url="https://www.dropbox.com/s/wi57ly7iuzv5g6e/2011-12-26%2019.35.41.jpg"]https://www.dropbox....%2019.35.41.jpg[/url] edit: having a lot of trouble trying to post an image here...
  23. Two 4 ohm cabs in series is an 8 ohm load. Great amp, far better than the Bassman 100.
  24. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1361042481' post='1980342'] All those saying they don't lend or borrow rigs obviously don't play at the lower end of the originals bands circuit. For a start most of the time the stage area is tiny with little space left once you've got a drum kit and 2-3 sets of amps up there. Stick another band's amps in front and they are left perched on the edge of the stage. Add a third band and it's simply not going to happen. Also at a lot of the venues there isn't anywhere off-stage to store gear that isn't being used at the moment. And when you've got a maximum of 30 minutes turn around time between bands, it's just not practical to swap over more than drum breakables and maybe one guitar amp. No matter how well rehearsed your band are at doing this you have to assume that the band on before will be terrible at getting their stuff off stage. Remember that it's all about entertaining the audience. You need to get set up and playing as quickly as you can. And TBH even though a lot of the band we play with (and indeed ourselves) have a fairly "energetic" on-stage presence, everyone is pleasant and helpful when it comes to making sure that the evening goes well for both those playing and those listening. [/quote] Yeah this is where I'm at. A blanket ban on anyone using my gear would be very unpopular with my bandmates.
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