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Posts posted by AndyTravis

  1. Well, to be honest, i think you're being a bunch of knobs about this.

    I'm not 'gay' or 'Crap', I certainly know my way around a fingerboard, and i'm pretty sure i'm a decent enough bassist to be able to adapt a bassline if the singer wants to change key.

    I chose to do a tune of ours with a capo on the fifth fret, i then stopped using the capo and just went up a string (it was just another item to forget when packing the van). It didn't really sound the same, the capo seemed to deaden he strings off a bit. So i used a capo for the time that tune stayed in the set.

    I've also used it for chordal pieces before, I actually covered a Richard Bona thing for my Music A Level , type 'Richard Bona - Jools Holland' into youtube, he uses a capo, so he's obviously 'gay'....

    Just as a closing thought, who makes these 'rules' up, i'm sure the bass guitar is still a relatively new instrument, so while it's a bit of a 'cheat', i don't see how it's 'wrong', that just strikes me as a blinkered set of views.

    I'd love it if the bassist playing with Kasabian at the minute (he's their third in 2 years) is some Berklee educated jazz supremo, and he's following orders for a paycheque.

  2. I own an old BB300, and i've played 1200s, and one 3000. I have also sold shitloads of 414/415 and 614/615s and 714s.

    Spend a fair bit of time with Dave from Yamaha at the stand talking about them.

    These basses are fantastic, i'm waiting for Dave to get the go-ahead to sell me a 'car stock' one in a year or so once they've released them into the shops (hopefully dirty cheap).

    Thing is, they're for the yamaha fanboys, not the Fender Custom shop punters. They were developed by Yamaha with Yamaha artists who all play variants on the BB basses.

    I've read so much from the top end punters, and the Fender boys (me being a Fender boy) about '£2k for a Yamaha? Pfft' and some folks should really get a grip.

    I'd have one at the drop of a hat, a really funky looking bass, with loads of classic sounds. If you want a fender 'type' bass, without it being Fender-ish (Lull, Sadowsky, Nordy etc), then this makes perfect sense.

    Sunburst is the winner for me. 70's as fook.

    They aren't intended to revive Yamaha's bass chunk of the bass market. If you don't want to pay £2000, get a 414x, which looks similar enough.

    The neck. by the way is just like my 300's in profile - a winner.
    Buy one!

  3. So, had a cheeky ishibashi check at work...

    And the friggers have done exactly what I didn't need.

    I'm crazy about Lake Placid Blue.
    I own a USA '75 Reissue in LPB With Rosewood Board, blocks and binding, a matching head.
    I also own a Jap '62 reissue Precision in LPB.

    I've always dreamt of a Maple boarded Jazz with Blocks and Binding in lake placid blue.

    It was on their site, and after I e-mailed to enquire, it had dissapeared.

    I'm now waiting for an email back.

    If this doesn't come off, i'm going to have to buy a used natural one and have Martin Sims do a refinish for me. As i can't bear not to have this setup to finish the Lake Placid Bluecollection.

    I am in pain not having this bass...

    Once this is done, a Natural 70's precision with a maple fretless board and i'm done. No more GAS!

    Enjoy the 1 scrappy Web photo i managed to save.


  4. i'm chasing a 75 reissue jap jazz, maple board with pearly blocks and binding in lake placid blue on ishibashi.
    If they say it's still available, i'll be gas free.
    Damn time difference, sweaty palms...

    Nothing to be afraid of, not 'needing' that new bit of gear would be a godsend for me...

    Edit; I've attached the picture of the bass.

    This is frighteningly close to being mine.
    I need Ishibashi to respond to my e-mails.

    I'm hoping they've had a few days off or something, i did a 'buy/enquire' as well as a 'contact us' and now the bass has gone of their 'for sale' page.

    Nightmare. Watching my Dream bass dissapear!

  5. Always admired him, the cream of the Indie bass crop.
    LOVE his white Fender Jazz with the tortie plate and block inlays.
    Heard the new OCS single the other day, and it wasn't an instant classic, if you get me...
    But still, Damon is a geezer, and certainly can play.
    I'm off to find my ocs albums...

  6. And they really aren't just MIM basses, they feel as good as some much dearer Fender Relics, i.e. Custom Shop, and with a better set of pickups, you'd be on a winner; If it's what you're into.

    At least with the Roadworns, you could for that minute think you actually have that 64' Jazz, or at worst the 64' Custom Shop. If you bought one of the ESP Vintage basses for a grand, you'd always think, 'ooh, i'm playing a distressed copy of a Fender P/J'.

    Anyhow, i think they're ace for under a Grand. And the MIM thing really isn't anythink to be sniffed at, My 50's Precision is still in my top 2 basses, and that includes some silly expensive gear. I've sold a load of high end gear recently as it became my 'go to' bass.

    *'Go to', eurgh, did i just say that?

  7. I'd go within a gnats chuff of straight, then you can muck about to your own taste with the saddles.

    Unless someone specifies a big neck relief, it's how I do setups, and how i set my own gear up.

    The only thing is, it can be a little unforgiving with older basses with some frets slightly more worn than others...in which case, a qualified luthier can do a fret dress while they're at it.
    I'm going to have my 75 Reissue Jazz's frets done soon, as i just cant get it right and usually there isn't anything I can't do with a Fender...apart from Fretwork...

  8. I really want the Sunburst one I have in stock.

    I'd go mad and bang some tatty old covers on it too.

    My other half drew a line under it though, "Andy, you really look after your instruments, why do you want one that looks like it's been run over by a truck?" So that pissed on my chips...

    I love how it feels, looks and I think with a decent set of Fender CS Vintage, Lollar or Duncan Vintage for Jazz, you wouldn't be too far off the time machine series.

    If you look at a 60's classic Jazz for £500, then a strip back and quality nitro refin (body and neck) minimum £300 (i'd say closer to £500), then a decent relic job at least £100?, it really does add up to that £900 easily.
    Plus if you did all of that to your New Fender, you'd void any chance of future support from dealer or Fender, what if your truss rod pops, or the fingerboard splits, extreme I know, but still a possibility...

    The only thing is, for anyone wanting a quick Jaco tribute, they have 'ROADWORN' stamped under the pickguard.

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