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Everything posted by ashevans09

  1. Anyone know what bass this is? [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gcZo_sYWKHw&feature=related"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gcZo_sYWKHw...feature=related[/url] Me likey. Alot. Cheers for any help Ash
  2. Just shove in my two cents - got a 1978 P bass about a month ago, and it is absolutely the mutts' nuts. I love it. Yes it is slightly on the heavy side, but it makes up for it tenfold in tone and playability
  3. I personally love the black/tort/maple combo, but go for what sings for you mate, lovely bass nevertheless Just got a P myself, fallen in love with bass again!
  4. [quote name='ahpook' post='177042' date='Apr 15 2008, 02:09 PM']a nightmnare methinks. no offense folks, but that's one pig-ugly t-shirt[/quote] Really? I quite like it
  5. Hi there Would anyone here happen to have or know where i can get hold of a circuit diagram of the Mesa BB750? Ta' Ash
  6. Yeah I'd +1 about checking the head. Though once you get a transformer it's ok, it's just a bit of a hassle lugging it from gig to gig.
  7. Hi there, Just got my dirty little mitts on two epifani 4x10s , and something that occured to me just now is that I now have two tweeters (one on each cab) that can be controlled individually. So here's my question, will I get much tonal difference by running the tweeters differently? Or should I just stick to the same tweeter level on both? How will it affect tone? Unfortunately I'm not really able to test it out at this hour, but I was just wondering if anyone had had any experiences? Ta' Ash
  8. Well... wow is all i can say. I can't recommend this enough. Crisp, clear and tasty. You're onto a winner mate!
  9. My Mesa was used by As I Lay Dying. Bought it off their frontman, very nice chap.
  10. I had an ABM 500 for a while - it was made well and I never encountered any problems with it.
  11. [quote name='Muppet' post='172409' date='Apr 8 2008, 04:57 PM']I know a guy at Panic Music (official Ampeg repair centre). He's got some intresting things to say about step down transformers and their use with amps, suffice to say he does not recommend them. I'm no techy so I can't tell you the details but if you are interested then speak to Mike. Saying that, I've a heavy duty stepdown transformer you can have for free if you can collect it from Peterborough.[/quote] Hmm, interesting that, I might drop him a line. And also that's really kind of you , unfortunately I'm not in a position to collect it, but nevertheless that was stella of ya mate! As I need this amp for friday, I'm buying a stupidly heavy duty step down transformer from a local builders' supplier tomorrow for the short term, and for a long term solution I'm gonna start calling around some of the amp techs mentioned here. Thanks alot guys! Ash
  12. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='172372' date='Apr 8 2008, 04:09 PM']Are you gigging or rehearsing with it soon?[/quote] Got a gig friday! I'll report back
  13. As I know diddly squat about electronics, would I be looking at replacing the output transformer or the mains transformer? Thanks, Ash
  14. Yeah I realise it says nothing on the website, but one of the guys at my local store said that would be the deal. Anyhoo, thanks for the help guys, following up a couple of the suggestions so I'll keep ya posted!
  15. Just recieved my UL410's yesterday ^_^ , and though I've only been able to run a crappy little behringer through them at the moment they sound absolutely IMMENSE . Very smooth and yummy. And the Gallery got them in pretty quickly for me - 3 weeks I think.
  16. Ah crap is this in the wrong forum? If so I'm sorry
  17. That looks like a puuuuurdy piece of kit
  18. Hello there, About two months ago I bought an American Mesa BB750, and after arriving here I've taken it to a couple of amp techs and shops, all of whom have told me they can't rewire it for UK voltage. I find this pretty staggering to be honest, because as far as I was aware all Mesa's have a dual voltage transformer, and even if they didn't I was told changing it isn't a big deal. Obviously I was wrong. So, here's the thing, I need a bass amp pretty quickly. I'm currently borrowing a rig for gigs and while I'm very grateful to be able to just even use one, it's not the same as your own. I've invested my time and money in this Mesa and I really would like to get it working, so do I just buy a pretty heavy duty step down converter, or can anyone tell me of a tech who will be willing to sort this for me (preferably in the Oxford/London area)? Money isn't an issue here, I just want this sorted. Thanks for the help, guys Ash
  19. Also imagine the scale size on that if your brother was fully grown.....
  20. Baaaack on track... This project sounds awesome! You thinking of recording anything?
  21. The old adage is true - practice practice practice. Though there's always an excuse to buy more gear What kind of amp you looking for? Small practice or something bigger? There's a wealth of information available from the lovely people on this forum so everyone'd be more than happy to help you out
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