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Everything posted by BassBunny

  1. I was somewhat taken aback by a comment from the Drummer of the corporate band I play in who was at last nights gig with the "pub" band in Warrington. Steve has drummed all over Europe and also been a session drummer at Strawberry Studios in Stockport. He mentioned to Mrs BB that my playing has improved dramatically since I started lessons with Nick. In his words, " He really looks comfortable with the bass and his improved technique shows in how relaxed his playing is now." Can't thank Nick enough for his efforts so far.
  2. [quote name='Aussiephoenix' post='95335' date='Nov 27 2007, 10:04 PM']Gone as could be, to the nice gentleman with good taste in Spain.[/quote] Glad you found a buyer Dave. Knockout basses If it hadn't been for the shipping costs it would have been sitting next to my Kingston Heir right now.
  3. Great Deal. I can vouch for this one as well as Jamie. It's a crackin way to explore 5 string and fretless and Sug isn't making any money either as he got it from me. Hell of a nice guy as well.... Got beaten to the ACG by the waySug. But something tasty may be in the offing.......
  4. [quote name='steve' post='94241' date='Nov 25 2007, 07:01 PM']hello from a fellow manc[/quote] Hi from another Manc. Must get around to introducing myself
  5. [quote name='niceguyhomer' post='65954' date='Sep 26 2007, 03:24 PM']Nick's been my tutor for several months now and he's really brought my playing on no end. He's a top bloke and deserves a big fat yellow bassist recommendation from the donut man. [/quote] +1 from me. I have been seeing Nick for a short while now and he is excellent. He doesn't have a set format and works out what is needed by listening to you. My playing has improved dramatically.
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  8. [quote name='niceguyhomer' post='91881' date='Nov 20 2007, 10:45 PM']We'll see and believe me, the decision won't be taken lightly but after nearly four decades of gigging, it's starting to wear a bit thin.[/quote] And you can't have all Nick's good work going to waste
  9. [quote name='BeLow' post='91698' date='Nov 20 2007, 07:00 PM']Retiring?[/quote] Don't do it Alan. I know exactly how you feel and the gig situation is pretty depressing sometimes. I seem to be carrying one band and the other is like yours, "No New Numbers, Rehearsing is a Joke and lack of organisation/comms". Trouble is since managing to take early retirement, without something band related to get wound up about, don't know who the hell would get the fall-out. Probably end up riding shotgun with MRs BB when she goes shopping for shoes. I am probably getting out of one of the outfits, but have something else on the boil which could be realy good. Change of faces and musical tastes can work wonders.
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  12. [quote name='Dr.Dave' post='90337' date='Nov 18 2007, 04:35 PM']The GK1001RB has gone[/quote] Bummer, was just about to go for the Grumpy option.
  13. DD, Where about are you situated in this fair land? Could be interested in the GK1001RB if it doesn't cost an arm and a leg to get it to Manchester.
  14. After "selling" this beastie within an hour, the buyer changed his mind. So back on the market.
  15. +2 . Yep Rayman has it pretty spot on. Excellent venue. Fabulous organisation but I agree on the content of the acts. As a seasoned musician, (albeit most of the time on Guitar until I discovered the "Dark Side"), I appreciated what was going on. But there is just so much you can handle. There were however, some young bass players there who have just started playing and it would have been nice for them to see/hear a wider range of styles. Lawrence Cottle was excellent and it was nice to see a unit with a sax featured. Star for me has to be Jeff Berlin. Lost his Bass and then lost power after the first number. Quickly turned it into a clinic and had some good jokes as well. The consumate professional. Bond was pretty awesome as well. God knows what we would have been in for if he had brought all his kit...... Dave Marks lecture should not have been missed by anyone. Some excellent advice, nice guy to talk to and although he was stating the obvious, it does need stating. Had a nice chat with John Shuker and looks like I am off to Sheffield next year to build my own bass. Something i have wanted to do for ages. Hats off to the organisers. An amazing amount of time and energy gone into the event and can't wait for the next one. Even got a free Rotosound T shirt and a set of Elites. More than covered the ticket cost.
  16. [quote name='hammer' post='86835' date='Nov 11 2007, 12:37 PM'][attachment=3441:stingray..._g_l_009.jpg][attachment=3442:stingray..._g_l_014.jpg] I put this up for sale a few weeks ago and got some interest but no firm offers so here goes again. It really is in very good condition and is very versatile in its range of tones. It comes with a hard case. I'd be looking for about 600GBP for it. Ian[/quote] Ian, where in our fair country are you? Also is it 34 or 35" scale? Cheers, Stuart
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  19. [quote name='Geejay' post='84535' date='Nov 6 2007, 06:02 PM'] Hi All, Three or four weeks ago, about an hour and a half into our usual two hour rehasal my left forearm cramped up, I got pains in my left had and it too cramped up. I last had this when I first started playing with another band about ten years ago and was very nervous and tense. This time I had problems sleeping that night due to the throbbing and tingling pain in the ends of my first and second fingers on my left hand (fretting hand). I thought it would happily go away but a couple of days later the numbness was still there. My wife cheerfully said it sounded like what a colleague of her suffers from Carpel Tunnel Syndrome. Next day I was round at the doctors having all sorts of pins dragged across my fingers and palm of both hands. The doc said it was not the dreaded CTS but I had damaged the nerves in the ends of my fingers and would have to stop playing and allow them to fully recover. So no band now for four weeks, fingers getting better and I can play a few tunes without problem. Tried my acoustic guitar today for a change and ouch! End of finger problems back. Has anyone had similar problems with nerves in the fretting hand fingers? I'm getting bored not playing but I don't want to cause permanent damage. Any thoughts or advice gratefully received. Geejay[/quote] There was an article about "Aches and Pains" in July/Aug Bass guitar Magazine. Have scanned the part on CTS which gives some good advice. [attachment=3355:CTS.jpg] Cheers, Stuart
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  21. Have agonised over selling this for a while. When I bought my LMK2, this was to be my back-up but I already have a suitable reserve so here we go. British built, (one of the last before the production of Carlsbro gear went to China), and built like the preverbial. Fabulous sound. Have attached the user manual, so all the detail is there, but briefly: 400w into 4 Ohms 7 Band Graphic, Effects Loop, Speaker Mute, (for tuning). etc, etc. Still have the tags which say it has a 2 year waranty and is currently just over 1 year old. Hasn't been used for the last 6 months. In pretty much immaculate condition. This was a £500 amp that IMHO rates alongside Trace, Ashdown, Marshall etc. Looking for £165. PM, if you need any more info. [attachment=3250:Bass_Reactor1.JPG] [attachment=3251:Bass_Reactor3.JPG] [attachment=3252:Bass_Reactor.pdf]
  22. [quote name='andy67' post='83075' date='Nov 3 2007, 10:15 AM']Has there been any explanation from ZPQ re this? I am sh*t at geography and please correct me if I'm way off the plot here...but zpqproductions appears to be in hull and the original seller says its was in preston lancashire thus, by my dodgy geographical search (multimap) would make these places neighbours?[/quote] Time to put this one to bed I think. I have heard from John, (ZPQ), so here is the explanation..... Firstly it IS the same bass and here is what happened. Are you sitting comfortably??? When ZPQ spotted the Bass on t'Bay there had been some bids on it. He contacted the seller and asked if there had been a BIN. (sometimes BINS disappear when there is a bid). Seller says NO, ZPQ offers £400. Seller doesn't reply and the auction finishes on £262.89, my winning bid. Seller then contacts ZPQ and offers to sell at the £400 he originally offered and assumed that I had backed out of the deal. ZPQ said he was held up in a meeting, so did not see the auction finish and does the deal. At that time he had no idea it was someone from here and paid for it and received it before discovering that. As no one had lost any money he just put it down to one of those eBay experiences and is his words; [i]"However as my reputation is now questionable the only honorable thing to do is withdraw from BC and apologize for the incident. Hope that helps clear things up, doesn't make it right but I can't do much more."[/i] I suggested that John may want to put his side of the story on this thread and he has obviously decided not too. There is still something that I am still puzzled about. As the winning bid was £262.89, why pay nearly £150 over that to secure the Bass? I would assume the seller would have been happy with anything over the auction price as he had listed without reserve and the plan fell flat. The Bass was then subsequently advertised on BC for £450 within 5 Days of the auction end. Probably only just enough time to receive it, let alone decide you didn't like it. I am being toooooo cynical? The crazy thing is that I only took a punt on it as it was a really good price and I wanted to see if it would suit me. The chances are it may not, so no damage done. On the other hand, I don't now know. Anyway thanks again all for all the support and suggestions.
  23. [quote name='Hamster' post='82259' date='Nov 1 2007, 01:55 PM']IIRC the Oxford Road station is the closest Hamster[/quote] It is indeed. The Loughborough train [u]may[/u] terminate at Manchester Piccadilly, but there are plenty of connections from Platform 14 to Oxford Rd.
  24. I must admit I didn't expect this topic to still be running. Just to add a couple of points. I have long since got over the e-Bay situation and it was only when a "similar " Sub appeared on BC some 4 days after the auction I got a bit curious. 2 Teal Blue Sub5's for sale in a 4 day period does seem strange. I sent John, (ZPQ), a PM to that effect and jokingly asked if it was the one off e-Bay. I did not receive a reply. That in itself is not unusual as the BassChat PM system can be notorious. I sent a further PM today pointing this thread out and mentioned to John that he [u]may[/u] wish to add his side of the story. There is further scenario that could account for the situation over this particular Bass but I will wait for John's response before spilling the beans. Ultimately we all want the same thing. A forum with members who are honest and courteous to each other and wouldn't do what [u]MIGHT[/u] have happened here.
  25. [quote name='paul, the' post='81052' date='Oct 29 2007, 10:49 PM']The email addresses aren't the same are they? I guess that would be [b]too[/b] easy. --- Sorry for all the posts[/quote] Paul, I haven't been in touch with ZPQ. What I meant was that when I communicated with the original seller, I had a feeling they were aware of this thread, and that leads to a number of conclusions. I am pretty certain that the Bass was sold after the auction for a higher price or someone else is fronting a sale for him. As indicated in the e-mail below. [i]Hi, i am sorry for the delay in reply but i am away Birmingham for the week. My friend has taken the bass of my hands to repair and will be selling on ebay for me when he is done, so i would keep a eye on eBay. Thanks anyway, bit annoyed as i have had to pay eBay fees for the sale but oh well it happens. Sam[/i] No need to apologise for the posts. After the anger of being "shafted" with the sale passed, I have enjoyed all the comments and suggestions put forward. I guess what does now stick in the throat is that I [u]could[/u] have been "shafted" by a felow BC member.
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