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Everything posted by Muzz

  1. With apologies to Crocodile Dundee, [i]that's[/i] not a lightweight 2x15...[i]the Schroeder 1515L[/i] is a lightweight 2x15... I like mine very much, and at about 40lbs, it does stairs, too... although if you're after the look of a trouser-enhancing 6ft bass stack behind you onstage, it might not be what you're after.
  2. [quote name='spike' post='966632' date='Sep 24 2010, 01:08 PM']I never raise my speaker cab and wouldn't spend any money on anything designed to do so.[/quote] What he said...
  3. Think it all looks petulant and pointless, to be honest. But then I always did.
  4. I've gigged my mint 78 Jazz. But only at gigs where there was a reasonable change of being able to sit down...
  5. [quote name='toneknob' post='948221' date='Sep 7 2010, 01:00 PM']Simple Minds, Waterfront [/quote] +1000000, fantastic sound, great bassline. Also +1000000 with the Cliff Williams stuff. Remember kids, just because you can, doesn't mean you should...
  6. [quote name='dave74200' post='941550' date='Aug 31 2010, 11:18 PM']Do you playa lot of dire straits numbers?[/quote] Nope, I don't play in any tribute bands. How about you?
  7. Not boasting, just stating. Although you're clearly the final word on 'tone and power', so I guess we'll go on kidding ourselves. Tee hee.
  8. Well, as an ex-Ampeg owner, my Markbass and Sansamp do the job. All the tone, a fraction of the weight. I'd say IMHO, but that doesn't seem to be where this thread's at...so that's a definite. Anyone who disagrees is clearly kidding themselves...
  9. The fact that old Fenders are worth multiples times their original value seemingly regardless of quality or useability means that it's Fender all the way. The market dictates these things, and the market for Fenders is very much bigger than the market for any boutique brand. Fender is an iconic brand, and it's a sad fact that a significant proportion of the people who spend a lot of money on iconic instruments have their actual playability and quality fairly low on their priority list.
  10. The fact that old Fenders are worth multiples times their original value seemingly regardless of quality or useability means that it's Fender all the way. The market dictates these things, and the market for Fenders is very much bigger than the market for any boutique brand. Fender is an iconic brand, and it's a sad fact that a significant proportion of the people who spend a lot of money on iconic instruments have their actual playability and quality fairly low on their priority list.
  11. Yep, I have an acoustic foam pad I use all the time with my 1515L, and this kills the boom and tightens up the bottom end a treat. Oooer missus. It cost relatively beggar all, and makes a massive amount of difference. I used it with my MB 410 too, and it was great with that.
  12. Sounds Great down Heald Green way are well worth checking out, too - Mark Bass. TC stuff in stock, etc.
  13. Naah, tho I have been in on the odd occasion. There aren't many music shops left in Manchester these days, so you might've seen me in one of them.
  14. Hi Mate, If by your local shop you mean PMT, bear in mind they've got a 4003 in there for an eye-watering £1999, so they're not exactly cheap. It does look very nice, though, and, like folk round here who know more than me, I've never heard of or seen a Tribute 1500. It's certainly worth a look, anyway. Muzz
  15. [quote name='GremlinAndy' post='920713' date='Aug 10 2010, 03:07 PM']The other day I used my 2 1515L's stacked on their side, to create as close to a vertical stack as Schro's allow do, with their 2nd angled speaker, and they were truly astounding for the rock music I was playing (Thumb bass through a Sans Amp for the grind.) The sound was awesome and I had more room for volume than you can even imagine. For dirty rock they were better than my 2x 21012L's which have more clear top end (The 1515L's have no tweeter in them but for the rock stuff, they sounded great) I personally reccommend Schroeder (I also own an Epi 310, and 212, which are FANTASTIC cabs, but for volume, size and weight, the Schro's win easily (It's hard to imagine they contain *2* 15's because they aren't any bigger than most 1x15's and are smaller than some compact 15's)) But you should try them out before you buy. As has been stated on here often, your preferred tone is very personal thing.[/quote] Oh my Lord - [i]2[/i] x 1515Ls? I thought I had enough headroom to kill small animals with one...are they 8 ohm or 4? What are you driving them with? +about a zillion on their rock credentials, size, and weight - I even had the guitarist offering to carry mine from the van at the last gig...
  16. OK, so I've got my sound the way I like it, in the smallest possible rig I could get - a one-trip combination of Schroeder 1515L, LMIII and Sansamp BDDI. However, the Sansamp is on all the time, and I've jokingly said it may as well be nailed onto the amp, it's such an integral part of the sound I like. I'm all for simplicity these days, though, which has led me to consider if the LMIII/Sansamp could be replaced with a single unit, thus reducing cables/boxes/setup and general faffage. I'm thinking LMTube or Rocker, but I have no experience of either of these amps. Other manufacturers' offerings could be considered, tho I tried a RH450 and didn't really get on with it - the drive just didn't sound warm or 'organic' enough. Could have been the TC 210 cab, tho. I don't use a ton of drive, just enough to give some tubey warmth and a little breakup. Anyone got any experience of the above?
  17. Oooh, can I play? Had the ZZB-Custom (rinky-dink half-black, half-white one, same as the one used by Rick Mayall in Bad News*) AND a B20-8 string. I was such a metalhead... Anyhoo, 'nother bump for a genuinely unusual bass - I would have said unique, but BC, as we've seen above, is a place where anything's possible... * I was completely unaware of the irony at the time...
  18. Muzz


    Very sad news indeed. My condolences to all who knew him.
  19. Went for £637 - I'd say the resale prices were pretty healthy...
  20. A [i]fretless[/i] ZZB? Wow, never, ever seen one of those. Presumably defretted by Delberthot? Difficult to see the target audience for a pointy fretless, tho in EBay-speak this makes it ULTRA RARE!!!!! I had a ZZB Custom (the half-black half-white one) back in the day, and it was a lark, but a fretless one? Hmmmmm. Any pics?
  21. I've mentioned this before, but my go-to bass these days (in my avatar pic) is a modded Chinese SX with a MM neck and Schaller bridge. Fantastic bass, stands me at about £200. My other kit (inc my MM Ray) stay on their stands. If I hadn't tried it, I would have laughed you out of the room for suggesting this situation a while ago. It's done wonders for my GAS.
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