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Rob Bisby

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Everything posted by Rob Bisby

  1. Only really use two guitar cables for it, and a 9v adapter. Would that be enough?
  2. I'm thinking of doing this, was there much room for cables, straps and that with the pedal board in? Cheers
  3. For me the darkglass b7k ultra sounded great for all genres
  4. I've gotten back into nickel plated steel strings, recently did a gig with daddario xl's and it sounded great. Hadn't used those in a long time
  5. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/283899702596?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=PgnSu1ZeR92&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=45s48k5zSNC&var=585343377827&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  6. In my opinion, korg pitchblack
  7. I'm liking 4m leads lately, always handy if you need to grab something when your plugged into effects, and handy for bigger stages when you have a pedalboard and don't wan to tug it too much
  8. Collection or delivery for abit more
  9. Lazy bear passive blender, no power required at all! Collection or delivery for abit more
  10. Tone City Mickey £20 Based on the classic rat distortion, in good working order Collection or delivery for abit more
  11. Got more flat cables and added DI box in for distorted channel 👍 much neater
  12. New setup, the chain is.. Pitchblack > sonicake boom ave > lazy bear passive blender Send FX loop > tone city Mickey > murder one kill switch > blender I'm in a three piece band where I have to fill in for guitar aswell when guitarist is soloing
  13. Picked up a sonicake boomave, it sounds great put radial DI on the board incase sound guys ever want clean bass
  14. My band from Barnsley playing at the Courthouse pub for Barnsley Live 2022. Original song by us
  15. Bloody Gooduns - Eggshells
  16. Alus a minimalist, powered by gigrig distributor and a 9 volt PSU 👍
  17. Two letters.. D & I 😉 if you're having trouble deciding the sound engineer will more than likely run it through PA anyway
  18. You can probably get away with not using a compressor if your main style is with fingers
  19. That's not really useful, I work for really useful boxes so I'd know 🤣
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