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Everything posted by ern500evo

  1. I’m completely in two minds about it tbh. I think I know deep down that if I bought a clone, I’d always be wondering how the real thing would sound. On the other hand, for the £200 I’ve been offered the Ultra for, I could buy a clone, and the Darkglass Tone capsule I’ve had my eye on for my Warwick bass
  2. Would be interesting to hear them side by side
  3. Someone posted a pic of one on the Darkglass users fb page, that went down well 😂
  4. I’ve been offered a B7k ultra for £200, now I’m wondering if I should just grab one of these!
  5. Oh bugger! I’m glad you told me though, I haven’t received any email to let me know!
  6. Saw Black Stone Cherry in Bristol a couple of weeks ago. Seeing Fun Loving Criminals at the same venue next Thursday, then Skindred the following night, also at the same venue.
  7. It was purely by chance, but my Warwick is also blue so win win! 😂
  8. Thanks! The EBS was the missing piece of the jigsaw I think. Making the decision to go back to a heavyweight amp has made me very happy. I know we’ve probably all said this at some point, but I can see me keeping this one for a very long time
  9. I’m away until Tuesday now. I am tempted so I’ll have a think over the weekend and get back to you when I’m back. Someone will probably buy it over the weekend now 😀
  10. It’s a Streamer Stage 1. I’ve watched a YouTube video of the preamp and he’s using a Warwick in some of the clips and it does sound pretty good
  11. I’ve been tempted to fit one of these in my Warwick. I’ve got one in my Dingwall and it is a great little preamp
  12. I’ve posted it before, but now it’s getting some gigs under its belt, I thought it deserved another pic 😊
  13. Jesus H f***ing christ, you must own a forklift to move that thing around!!
  14. I used to use matching heads and cabs, I’ve had Trace, Ashdown, Warwick, Peavey. Then I bought a Barefaced Big Twin 2 and went down the Class D route. Since owning the BT2, I’ve used GK MB Fusion, Aguilar TH500, TC RH450 & 750, GB Shuttle 9.2 and a Darkglass M900 through it. I’ve now gone ago to heavyweight head and am using a EBS TD650.
  15. That worked out well for me then! 😊
  16. We’ll just a quick update. I did go ahead and order a couple of sets directly from Payson in the US. Ordered on July 30th, and they arrived today, with no extra costs or charges incurred. Pretty happy with that!
  17. One of the best class d heads I’ve owned, and I’ve owned quite a few, is the GK MB Fusion 500. Fantastic little amps and can be found for good prices on the used market
  18. Hi guys, have any of you ordered strings directly from Payson? I know Mark at Bass Direct sells them, but he doesn’t appear to have any 4 string stainless sets in at the moment. Quick look on their website and it appears they do ship to the UK, cost is about $20. Just wondered if anyone here has bought direct?
  19. This is worth a watch for those that haven’t seen it
  20. I had a Darkglass M900 amp for a while, and preferred the b3k setting. It took a bit more work to get it to sit right in the live band mix, but I preferred it as a tone. Been mulling it over and wondering if maybe the b7k ultra is a bit overkill for me. I use a EBS TD650 as a live amp, so if I’m thinking of using a b7k as more of a always on, low gain bit of grit, I might be better off just picking up a used b3k. I was attracted to the Ultra because of the ability to switch the drive in and out without bypassing the pedal completely. Most of my gigs for the rest of this year are really just pub and club gigs, so I wouldn’t really be using it as a DI, although a DI pedal is always handy to have on hand in case of amp failure. I do have a EBS Billy Sheehan drive pedal, so I could realistically pair that with a b3k and have one set low gain, always on, and one set full banzai to kick in when needed, which admittedly wouldn’t be too often. Decisions decisions!
  21. Anyone using one of these in a more low gain setting. Was looking at fitting tone capsule in my Warwick Streamer, but am now wondering if I’d be better off buying one of these as a pre amp for all my basses, and also have the drive circuit available. I don’t really use balls out distortion, but I’ve heard a clip of one on a more low gain setting and it sounded great. Just curious if any of you guys have real world experience with these pedals. At close to £400, I’d like to get some real opinions before pulling the trigger if poss.
  22. If you’re open to the idea of seperate head and cab, I would recommend looking for a used GK MB Fusion. Valve preamp, and the 2 switchable channels mean you go from crisp and clean, to warm and driven with one click of a footswitch. I’ve owned class D heads by TC, Genz, Aguilar, Darkglass, but i kept the GK far longer than any of the others
  23. Interesting to hear some people say about the bass centre frequency of the OBP-3, saying that it’s only really useful to cut rather than boost. I’ve just had a a guy on a Warwick FB group say the exact same thing. I’m also now intrigued by how a Darkglass Tone Capsule would sound in there. I’ve got one in my Dingwall NG2 and It is pretty versatile
  24. Thanks man, very much appreciated!
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