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Everything posted by philw

  1. As a closet BEX 4 fan I can't help but provide a bump. P
  2. My new demo Veillette Flyer fretless 5. [attachment=128460:Flyer Bass 1.JPG]
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  4. Would you by any chance be interested in a trade with this: http://basschat.co.uk/topic/165919-veillette-paris-fretless-4-price-reduced-again-l1200/page__st__20 Would you? Phil
  5. Just a bump, mainly on the basis that I still have the "blue bass", it could still be yours for a decidedly crazy price, and on the basis that it suddenly occurred to me that a trade for a nice double bass would be interesting. P
  6. [quote name='Mudpup' timestamp='1359713711' post='1959078'] Your budget is under 100 sniffs and you want style???????? Its a black box for that kind of wonga. It sounds great though - nothing much better for the cash [/quote] Yeah I know what you mean. I'm being very picky wanting something I like the look of at £100 (although having said that, I can't actually abide the faux high-tech, testosterone fuelled in-yer-face glare of most bass amps and combos at any price), but there's a part of me naively hanging on for something that I don't feel I'd have to keep my eyes shut in order to use. Ironically, a plain black box (solid ebony of course, ok, painted MDF) with an input socket and a volume control would do the trick for me. Is it just me that feels they're on the wrong planet? Phil
  7. [quote name='Mudpup' timestamp='1359580213' post='1957086'] I have this for sale [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/195643-roland-bass-cube-20xl-combo-immaculate-price-dropped/page__fromsearch__1"]http://basschat.co.u...__fromsearch__1[/url] Any good for you? I frequently work near Hastings and Croydon so could sort of deliver/meet somewhere if its any use. [/quote] Yeah I'd noticed that and it looks ideal. Trouble is, I just can't get on with the look of it. I'll have a think. P
  8. Thanks for the suggestions. My budget is actually as small as possible. Under £100 would be good. Phil PS. Yes, the blue bass is still blue.
  9. An unlined XL 2 eh? Envy doesn't even begin to describe what I'm feeling. P
  10. All, Any recommendations for very small, cheap 'n cheerful bass combos for home practice? Something along these lines: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/261159765356?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2648 Thanks Phil
  11. [quote name='The Dark Lord' timestamp='1358894360' post='1946893'] I have one of these - about to buy my second. I think, nothing comes close. Look at the user comments on here. [url="http://www.dv247.com/guitars/aer-amp-one-bass-guitar-amp-combo--54921"]http://www.dv247.com...mp-combo--54921[/url] [/quote] Somebody beat me to it. AER Amp One is the canine's plums. P
  12. Side dots between the lines on a fretless is often the norm but that doesn't mean it makes sense. It usually happens on mass produced instruments when fretless necks are made on the same production line as fretted necks. The side dots end up between the frets on the fretless necks because that's where they are on the fretted necks. It terms of playing the thing however it makes no sense at all - why would you want your eye drawn to the exact position where you don't want your fingers to fall? Phil
  13. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1357858502' post='1929794'] NOW THATS A GOOD UN! But you could probably just get a Squier CV and be done? [/quote] You'd also save yourself just under $5000. List price on the 1951 Relic Precision is an eye-watering $5400. Errrrm. P
  14. Think about where you want the position markers on the side (and if you decide you want them between the "frets", think again and change your mind). Phil
  15. Hmmm, the bass in question is the blue Veillette Paris I have for sale [b][url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/165919-veillette-paris-fretless-4/"]http://basschat.co.u...ris-fretless-4/[/url][/b] The blue Paris is one of my demo basses (for those who don't know I'm Joe Veillette's UK rep) and it's becoming increasingly apparent that the rush of (blue) blood I suffered when I specified it is now a handicap as far as selling it is concerned (although I still love the colour). The timber underneath the blue is poplar and I can check with Joe if it's likely to look any good stripped (although I'm sure he'll have a private chuckle when I do), although my suspicion is that it'll be fine. Decisions, decisions... Phil
  16. Thanks for the thoughts guys. Don't think it's something I want to attempt on my own, although seeing what xgsjx managed on his Ibanez makes the idea very tempting. Phil
  17. All, Does anybody have any thoughts on the likely cost of stripping and re-finishing (probably with either an oil or gloss lacquer) a bass body? Recommendations on somebody to do the job would be welcome too. Phil
  18. [quote name='saxobass' timestamp='1357240952' post='1919749'] If you are interested I have a Ned Steinberg NXT 4 string EUB in as new condition, a few gigs but unharmed and beautiful with a big woody sound. In my view the best of the its type. I need the shorter scale length because of Rheumatoid Arthritis, and I like Veillettes! Happy to talk if you think a deal's worth pursuing. [/quote] What a shame I already have an NS CR4. Phil
  19. [quote name='EMG456' timestamp='1356947049' post='1915349'] Sub zero in my book but then again my first L2 has now been with me for almost 30 years and I have three other L series 'Bergers as well so that pretty well nails my colours to the mast! Seriously, Steinbergers have now gone through the full cycle of coolness from ultra hyped ultimate cool in the early '80s through to seriously uncool in the '90s. Ned Steinberger's design set a trend which went "viral" in the days before the internet but got so big so fast that it got lumped together with shoulder pads, crazy hair and all the other "fashion" trends of the '80s. Back to basics, the design of the L2 had absolutely nothing to do with fashion and style and everything to do with functionality and fitness for purpose. In that respect, I believed in 1984 that it was the most completely realised, intelligent and ground breaking bass design ever and nothing has come along since to make me change my mind. Over the years I've had all the jokes and the comments but what shuts them all up is the sound. So, if you can dare to be different and can handle the pressure that will inevitably come your way, buy and use your XL2. Others can debate the look and the pros/ cons (and believe me, they will) and you can meantime quietly enjoy all the hidden benefits of using one of the absolute classic basses. Cheers Ed [/quote] All that and more. P
  20. A really lovely Wal at a sensible price. It's actually very similar to mine and wenge facings on fretless is very rare - mainly I think 'cause Pete S preferred the warmer tone of walnut facings on a fretless. I'd bet there's fewer than ten in the World like that. P
  21. Wal Custom fretless. Also not for sale I'm afraid. An old Ibanez from that period would be cool, similarly one of the Aria SB series. Oh and a Steinberger L2. Hen's teeth these days though and not cheap. P
  22. Lots of Wal info and trivia here: http://www.trevorandthea.eclipse.co.uk/wal_history.htm P
  23. Cone on people. Birte's band is a brilliant opportunity for any Brighton bass player. You know you want to....
  24. Jaco, Percy Jones, John Giblin, Eberhard Weber.
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