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Everything posted by basswesty

  1. Has anyone found anything else out about these like are there speakon or jack speaker outs on the back. I can't find a thing...
  2. Fancy a Lakland DJ4 in lake placid blue. I love it but I have been bitten by the 5 string bug recently and would love a MM.
  3. Its great but very L42. Fantastic drummer and loving the tiny keyboard player. They could have given him a box to stand on. Check out Wojtek doing a Police revamp!
  4. I used to be in a Level 42 tribute... I got it all out of my system. So much so I now play in a Police tribute. With my original band all the old tracks that were slapped to death are now finger played, with the odd pop here and there. My tastes in basses and backline are all changing too in the quest for warmth and beautiful tone, my amp now sits with the graphic EQ flat instead of smiling at me from the back of the stage. I think its called growing up although I still indulge in a bit of Mr Pink in the house...
  5. [url="http://www.guitardaterproject.org/fender.aspx"]http://www.guitardaterproject.org/fender.aspx[/url] This is quite a good site for Fender serial numbers, Here's what it said about this one... Guitar Info Your guitar was made at the Fuji-gen Plant (for Fender Japan), Japan in the Year(s): 1984 - 1987
  6. On Ebay [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&item=230322530757"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=230322530757[/url] Thanks
  7. I've just ordered one of these, [url="http://barefacedbass.com/index.html"]http://barefacedbass.com/index.html[/url] I have read many good things about them, might suit you too. Craig
  8. They are very well made. He's been at it for a long time. In fact he's sort of retired now. I do really like em they're just a bit heavy and I want to buy a smaller car too so I want to downsize.
  9. And don't ignore BC's own secret weapon, Barefacedbass. [/quote] Interesting thanks. Does anyone on here own a Barefaced? I would be interested to hear their comments.
  10. I have a good contact at Headstock Distribution (Laney/Ibanez/Tama etc) they are in West Mids. He has also stated that they haven't been hit too much in the current climate so maybe the trade won't be too bad if you're careful. Incidentally, I would travel from Stourbridge if the prices were right.
  11. [quote name='Mr.T' post='391447' date='Jan 26 2009, 09:28 AM']Still a child! [/quote] Noted, but getting weaker and more idle.
  12. As it appears I am not going to sell my Ashdown MK500 I might just keep it a while longer, especially as it sounds rather lush with my new addition of a Lakland DJ4. Can anyone recommend some nice cabs to go with it, some light cabs. I do like 12" speakers... Thanks Craig [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=39338"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=39338[/url] (These are my current ones that are for sale)
  13. NOW ON EBAY [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&item=230322530757"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=230322530757[/url] Got to pay for my Barefaced in a month Here are two very nice warm sounding cabs that I had built for me in late 2007 4X10 with hfh 800w & 1X15 with hfh 600w They are 8ohm and both use Eminence Beta Speakers. They are 24" H & W and 16" D The 15" is about 28kg the 4x10 is slightly heavier about 32kg but these were only weighed on my bathroom scales so not sure how accurate that is. I just want something lighter and smaller as I near the 40 mark and my back aches more and more... Picture of one of them is attached, they are identical. There are a couple of battle scars but nothing major. Too small to photograph. [b]I will take £300 for both.[/b]
  14. As it appears this isn't going to sell I might just keep it a while longer, especially as it sounds rather lush with my new addition of a Lakland DJ4. Can anyone recommend some nice cabs to go with it, some light cabs. Cheers
  15. [quote name='basswesty' post='389813' date='Jan 23 2009, 05:17 PM']I'll sort some cab pics on here asap. They aren't light but they are lighter than some, they are a one man carry job, that's one at a time. I will try and weigh them too. Incidentally, the head rack unit matches the cabs. Thanks [/quote] Here is one of the cabs. (The other is identical) They are 24" H & W and 16" D The 15" is about 28kg the 4x10 is slightly heavier about 32kg but these were only weighed on my bathroom scales so not sure how accurate that is. There are a couple of battle scars but nothing major. Too small to photograph. I will take £300 for both, without the head of course.
  16. [quote name='ped' post='389700' date='Jan 23 2009, 03:48 PM']Looks very smart, got any pics of the cabs, plus weight etc? pedro[/quote] I'll sort some cab pics on here asap. They aren't light but they are lighter than some, they are a one man carry job, that's one at a time. I will try and weigh them too. Incidentally, the head rack unit matches the cabs. Thanks
  17. [quote name='rhino' post='389667' date='Jan 23 2009, 03:26 PM']I have used a 2 x 10" combo with a Traveller 1 x 15" cabinet and found them warm, loud and light. A friend was so impressed that he bought a 2 x 10" combo and added an EV 1 x 15" cab to run his Wal 5 through rather than his ampeg pre-amp and Chevin power amps. I have just bought a 1 x 12" combo, it is superb and with a Bag End 1 x 15" cab plugged in and the amp cranked up, you may well think Armageddon is upon us! Rhino.[/quote] I had considered the 12" I do like 12's Thanks Craig
  18. Looks like eBay then. Any offers????? I'll reduce the price if you don't want the rack...
  19. [quote name='sifi2112' post='387859' date='Jan 21 2009, 06:52 PM']To all you 'experts' ha .. kidding, but a bit of advice is more than welcome ..! Having gone against previous advice about mixing different speakers in a cab I built myself a 4x10 (shelved cab in half but still all wired series/parallel so basically still 4x10) .. had the speakers so thought what the f... never done it before but am more than pleased except for the weight .. so thought I might have another go but do a 2x12 (1 on top of other) again a 'sealed' cab .. what speakers to use ? .. been looking at celestions bn300x or something but guess there are a few option ? will be using valve head (when I get it) thanks in advance guys .. Simon ps. got loads of stuff to sell[/quote] I had a 112 built for me to use at rehearsals only instead of carting the full rig (4x10 & 1x15) and I loved it, even used it at a number of smaller gigs. Best of both worlds for me. I now want to sell the rig to downsize to a couple of good quality 112's or even 212's possibly Aguilar. My old 112 had an Eminence beta speaker in it, very warm and very punchy. Don't know too much about the Celestions I'm afraid. Good luck
  20. I would like to sell this. Its about three years old and I paid £999 for it. Its been gigged but never abused. Never had it passed half way. Its in excellent condition and the flightcase is included, which has clip on covers front and back, this is only three months old so its mint. This is a very clinical amp and suits Status basses very well, slap tones are well catered for obviously but fingerstyle too sounds great. My Status Kingbass is soon going so I would like to change my rig for somthing different and smaller. £450 Any takers? Thanks for looking.
  21. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='385855' date='Jan 20 2009, 11:43 AM']Thats interesting - how did you find the Level 42 singing compared to the Police stuff. In my head I am thinking it's two complete different styles. I would have Level 42 down as a more percussive feel which drives throughout the whole song whereas the Police stuff is melody driving? Did you find one easier to do than the other?[/quote] Good question. Obviously playing Mark Kings basslines is slightly more difficult to play than 'some' of Stings but strangly I found it quite easy to sing and play the Level 42 stuff. I had played that stuff since I was 15 though so I did know it quite well. I have to say that I have learnt a lot more from learning a two hour Police set though like it sound good to leave a space instead of piling 16ths into it. Like I said Driven to Tears is a good example, I thought that was going to beat me. To Be With You Again is the only L42 track I had trouble with. My only problem was learning to hit Stings notes without shouting and without singing like a small child hence I usually can't talk the next day!!! Overall, I think the Police set was a little harder to master but thats just me.
  22. [quote name='Balcro' post='385939' date='Jan 20 2009, 12:36 PM']You presume correctly. Sorry. Balcro.[/quote] No worries thanks. Always used HFH's in cabs. Forgot what they sound like without them. I'll have to get a volume or on/off switch attached. Luckily the builder is a friend so it shouldn't be a problem.
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