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Everything posted by Beedster

  1. [quote name='EssentialTension' post='1259986' date='Jun 7 2011, 05:47 PM']You're right, I just googled it too and my kitchen floor is second pic - spooky. Here's my cooker: Actually, I've been giving serious thought to selling my Decade - might you be interested?[/quote] Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Wish I could mate (and you're not the first person to ask since I posted this thread either), but see response to Clarky above Nice cooker, have you got one of your '62 RI with the washing machine? C
  2. This guy is having a [attachment=81999:12187847...a.svg.hi.png] but you get the point [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Badass-Bass-II-BRIDGE-Fender-J-Jazz-P-Precision-/260796576756?pt=Guitar_Accessories&hash=item3cb8aff3f4#ht_720wt_983"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Badass-Bass-II-BRIDG...f4#ht_720wt_983[/url]
  3. Bump for the apparently super-rare Badass II(2) as opposed to the less rare Badass II(1). Apparently
  4. [quote name='EssentialTension' post='1259950' date='Jun 7 2011, 05:18 PM']Hey, Chris, that's my Decade on my kitchen floor!![/quote] You must do some magic with Google mate, that was the first pic that cam up when I searched 'Lakland Decade' Nice floor as well What with talk of kitchens and kettles, this thread is becoming a little domesticated
  5. [quote name='Clarky' post='1259930' date='Jun 7 2011, 05:08 PM']Beedster, what are you like? A few months ago and you were going DB only, now its 4 basses and counting Yeah, I know - pot, kettle, black. Guilty [/quote] LOL, don't worry, this is just a low-cost bitsa project mate (despite Jase's best efforts). Re my increasing fretted bass collection, indeed, a fair point well made. One of the Jags had to go; buying two was a genuine if not rather daft logistical error involving a very late night, beer and eBay, and a bid that was forgotten until the invoice came through a few hours after I'd ordered a new one! Likewise one of the fretlesses will have to go, although that's proving to be something of a problem at present as they are both bloody tasty. The red bass thing is the result of myself and a few mates trying to put together a Southern Boogie thing down here to play pubs, nothing too serious (or too good), and it got me thinking that I'd like a fretted bass that's a bit more Rock 'n' Roll than anything I've got at present. Which one of us is the pot and which one the kettle, and does the kettle need a lead? C
  6. [quote name='Beedster' post='1259858' date='Jun 7 2011, 04:09 PM'].... to appease the Gods of GAS... C[/quote] [quote name='Legion' post='1259899' date='Jun 7 2011, 04:45 PM']PM'd - no, really [/quote] The Gods and Devil of bass GAS in the same thread
  7. [quote name='spinynorman' post='1149653' date='Mar 4 2011, 05:49 PM']Muzz bought some parts from me. Thoroughly nice bloke.[/quote] +1 to that. A highly recommended chaps C
  8. So, these three basses are really getting under my skin at the moment. There's a common theme I think....... The Billy Bo [attachment=81990:Gretsch_6199B.jpg] Lakland Decade [attachment=81991:Decade12.jpg] ......and the Ric Cheyenne [attachment=81992:4004cii_tr.jpg] So, as each is bloody expensive, to appease the Gods of GAS, I'm embarking on a bitsa build based on the above instruments. I'll keep y'all posted C
  9. [quote name='griffonite' post='1258683' date='Jun 6 2011, 05:53 PM'].....the electric bass wasn't designed to play long notes.[/quote] I love made-up-on-the-spot BS from shop assistants. "You're not supposed to use flatwound strings on stingrays" was one that still makes me chuckle
  10. [quote name='Monckyman' post='1258680' date='Jun 6 2011, 05:51 PM']IE maybe worth taking the MAG to FOH anyway so it can be delivered to the drummer etc, or (shock horror) blend it in out front also.[/quote] +1, if you trust him/her, give the sound guy as many options as you can. In our set, the mag PUP sounds great on some track whilst the piezo sounds way better on others. Given that we don't have the luxury of a soundguy most of the time, I used to spend a lot of time dicking about with this. I then starting using 2-channel Baggs preamp to blend the two, but have given up and am using the mag PUP most of the time now and altering my playing style accordingly. C
  11. That 2x10 has been calling my name for weeks
  12. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  13. [quote name='Beedster' post='1255880' date='Jun 3 2011, 07:58 PM']I think I love my Ric more than any bass I've owned. I'm not really sure why though [/quote] [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='1257629' date='Jun 5 2011, 07:17 PM']That mapleglo fretless with front dot markers that has been for sale here a couple of times is one of the best looking basses I've ever seen.[/quote] Yep
  14. [quote name='neverdil' post='1258159' date='Jun 6 2011, 10:43 AM']Hi all, I have a possibility of buying a Fender Jazz neck. Here are some photos: What do you think about it? Is it a fake? And would it be usable?[/quote] If the seller is trying to pass it off as genuine Fender, please name and shame
  15. [quote name='Heartbreaker' post='1258060' date='Jun 6 2011, 08:36 AM']I delicatly contacted the seller & apparently he was told by the private seller 2 years ago when he bought it that 4001's, just like Strat's both had through neck & bolt on veriants but now realises the bullshit. Poor lad. At least he knows where the previous seller is ! I can only wish him the very best of luck in sorting the matter out.[/quote] It's nice when someone takes it well. Re his approach to the seller, did you point him in the direction of BC for advice (hoping the original seller isn't a BC member)?
  16. [quote name='deepbass5' post='1253898' date='Jun 2 2011, 01:11 PM']Slightly uncomfortable with the suggestion, as it will end up a witch hunt, a lot of BC'ers can be a little OTT on this sort of subject. If the Moderators wish to set up a sort of Trip Adviser style star rating that may be more useful. Some luthiers are better in certain areas than others. Neck, Body, Electrics, or just basic professional finishing. Or the guy who constructs their necks or wires the control cavity leaves to join someone else or sets up on his own we maybe should know about it. We have a lot of power here to influence others so criticism should be done responsibly, direct to those concerned. They should have a means of redress. I am thinking more of the British Bass Luthier, not the local music shop who knows this guy who tinkers with guitars. [/quote] +1 Knowing a couple of guys in the trade, there are potentially as many issues with customers not fully articulating what it is they want as luthiers not being able to do it (one man's perfect action is another's unplayable action etc). If you are unhappy with work done, talk to the person who did it well before you start bad-mouthing them and their livelihood here. If their response is unprofessional and you can back it up, then it is reasonable to leave feedback in the feedback section. I think however that out of courtesy, the mods should let anyone discussed on this forum know that this is the case and offer them the right to respond; it's all very well suggesting that feedback is left, but the forum in question is for members, and not all people concerned will be.
  17. I think I love my Ric more than any bass I've owned. I'm not really sure why though
  18. [quote name='mcnach' post='1255807' date='Jun 3 2011, 07:02 PM']however some pictures would really help [/quote] Yep
  19. [quote name='aj5string' post='1255464' date='Jun 3 2011, 02:08 PM']I'm pretty sure its not required for a trade only deal... Thanks for the bump tho!!! [/quote] Mmm, I think you'll need to let potential traders know what ballpark price you value your bass at though. It's an odd combination; defret, OLP body, etc. Perhaps at least say what type of basses you're looking for? C
  20. Paul Herman nr Cobham made a great job of levelling one of mine. Also Martin Simms nr Ashford might be the man depending on what needs doing, the maple fretless Precision neck he refinished for me is stunning
  21. [quote name='chris_b' post='1255769' date='Jun 3 2011, 06:24 PM']Because they work. It depends who is building the instrument, but the Lakland J/MM is a very good combination and the 2 PJ's that I've owned sounded great. Guys like Alembic, Wal and Rob Allen have taken pickups and basses into areas Leo Fender would never comprehend.[/quote] Fair point, and yes, build is important. Lakland's excepted, you're talking pretty specialist/expensive basses there though, and having owned a couple, I wouldn't necessarily agree that they took PUPs to places Leo couldn't comprehend, more to place perhaps he chose not to go, as was the case with me and Wal [quote name='oldslapper' post='1255770' date='Jun 3 2011, 06:24 PM']Hadn't thought about P/P, seen that on Gareths P bass and it looks nice, not sure what that would sound like. Chris, you're right, Leo knew what he was doing, and I do wonder sometimes why I don't just get another Jazz bass! When it comes to tone, it does get subjective and I never "chased" a tone before joining BC, ignorance really is bliss and cheaper! I really need a 5'er so it could be I get a 5 string P bass body with Jazz neck and 2 J pups? .......or take up the triangle?[/quote] Sounds like you want more versatility than either a Jazz or a Precision offer John. I think once you start adding PUPs to perfectly good basses, that way madness lies. Perhaps play a few (perhaps the Lakkie Chris recommended above, and even an early 80's Precision with two P-PUPs). Add a P-PUP at the bridge to a decent MIJ Precision and spend £100-150 doing it (depending on PUP), and you'll probably eventually sell the bass for £100 less than before the mod C
  22. I've owned many P/J basses, Fender Hot Rod, Sadowsky, Status, and have a lovely one now, a pimped VM Jag. I've also owned P/J sets by Wizard, Lollar, SD, and many more. Much as I've always wanted basses and PUPs to work, in the main they haven't delivered, and I always go back to the P-PUP for most of my playing. OK, I would possibly add the J-PUP into the mix to get a little more bite or top, but usually found that in the live or recording situation, it made little real difference to tone, certainly nothing like as much as a P-Retro or similar will make. I can't help thinking that, once again, Leo got it right; 1 x P-PUP, yes, 2 x J-PUP, yes, I x MM PUP, yes. Anything else. Mmmm, why? C
  23. [quote name='Rich' post='1255006' date='Jun 3 2011, 07:54 AM']Godammit, will people please stop selling things I want when I've got no money? [/quote] Another great line
  24. [quote name='Delberthot' post='1247846' date='May 28 2011, 02:04 AM']I haven't a clue what I'd be looking for in a trade so try me and you might have what I didn't know I wanted [/quote] Great line
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