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Everything posted by dclaassen

  1. American here, reside in the U.K… just got back from a fortnight in the US…OP is pretty accurate…definitely not offended…:)
  2. I am currently at minus-one after selling my L 2000. I’m going to try to maintain. Do gig bags count?
  3. As an old guy, I have played through a lot of rigs with a lot of nice basses. At this point, the tone has to be what is suited for the music you are playing. When doing Americana/country my P bass straight in to the amp with Brite Flats works. Same for rock. For Jazz, the rounds and active bass come out, unless I need an upright bass sound, then it's back to the P Bass. However, I just don't care for the sound of most active basses any more. I cannot even put my finger on why, except to say that they just sound artificial to me. Whatever works, though...
  4. Picking nits… “compositional” (having to do with composing) and “playing” are really not terms to be used together, unless you are talking about improv, even then it’s a stretch. Not a really useful term to me….
  5. You have a point there, Ricky. My tipping point regarding moving back to a 4 was when I started playing more, my right hand was not feeling good at all. Plus, I got along just fine for over 45 years with a 4. My decision rests on how much to do to the MPV. In my opinion, it’s giggable as is, and worth the price of a pretty nice USA Jazz Bass. We will see, though.
  6. Normally, I would agree with this, but Pedulla basses came with proprietary Bartolini pickups and preamps. There is a decision as to whether to replace any preamp system with the original or, as has been suggested to me by Bartolini, use a newer version of the onboard preamp. If an owner wants it "as original", then that would be a deal-breaker. BTW, it sounds really good as is...just does not have good response from the bridge pickup (it's a PJ setup).
  7. Okay, I have tried becoming a 5-string player, but, despite the advantages in some music, I do so much better with 4, especially jamming and gigging...it just feels better, and my hand tends to just move to where it needs to be. This does not happen with the 5. Here's the thing...I have my MPV-5 (blurry photo on my profile) that, despite being pretty beat up, is an outstanding instrument. I will eventually offer it up in trade for the right USA Jazz bass. I used to play a 63 jazz, and loved everything about that instrument. Okay-my question is, should I do the needed repairs and cosmetics to the bass now, and get more money, or let the next owner fix it up as they want it? It plays great as it is, but has dings on the neck, and needs some rewiring to be fully functional. I personally don't care about any of the dents, scratches, and neck dings. I look forward to hearing opinions...
  8. How about a Pedulla MPV-5? I have decided that 5 string is not for me, and I want this bass to be played by someone. It has issues as it has been used roughly by a previous owner. I can do it up and get lots more money, or let the new owner do it and have what they want. Interested?
  9. Used to be very common to see a bass player fit a Jazz neck on a P. Been thinking of doing it myself.
  10. Having once owned a 63 Jazz and a 68 P (don’t ever sell your stuff…), I would have to play different ones until one just works for you. The nice thing about Fender is that everyone plays them, so if you find one you really like, then do some research regarding strings, bridges, etc. I have a 2011 Mexican P bass. I hated it with the rounds it had on it. Switched to a string I know I liked and things got better med brite flats).
  11. Pedulla MPV-5's have 19mm spacing option....
  12. Interested, but need someone to buy my G&L Tribby first.....
  13. I would post, and will try to get you pics in the next couple of days.
  14. I find on passive basses (P or J), I run wide open. On any active bass I have owned, about halfway is a good place to start...the MPV sounds really happy at this setting, and not so much wide open.
  15. If you wanted to go old-school..how about an acoustic rig with that 4x15 cab...or 2?
  16. I use Elixer nanoweb Nickles 45-105, with a 125 B....
  17. Totally depends on style and personal preference. I'm not a tapper or a slapper, so have sometimes opted for foam under the strings at the bridge to emulate an upright sound... I seem to remember that the old Electra Outlaw bass I owned (wish I still had it) that, along with plug-in sound modules, had adjustable mutes on the bridge.
  18. Depends on the gig...for jazz I'd go with my Hartke 12" kickback, DI'd , otherwise, an old Fender Bassman mic'ed...don't tell me modelling works..I know what they sound like. Also, real monitor..not in-ear...grumpy old man yelling at cloud
  19. I have no issue with the quality or sound, and I’ve been playing for almost 50 years. I just can’t get used to the neck shape, plus, I know it will not get the use the Pedulla will.
  20. One website says 8lbs 14 oz... feels to me about like a good P bass
  21. Would also consider a swap for the right fretless... It's a nice bass....really!
  22. Bought this and like the sound, just can’t do the chunky neck.
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