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Everything posted by SteveXFR

  1. Ive been looking local and there's a few Vintage V4's selling for peanuts. Even adding in a tonerider pickup it's still dirt cheap. Squier P basses seem to be similar price as well, generally well under £200
  2. I'm wanting a P bass for a new project. I'll be tuning it down to A, not sure how it'll go so I don't want to spend too much and I'll be buying used. What would be a good used, budget P bass? Would it be a Squier or a really scruffy mex Fender or something like a Yamaha or even a Peavey?
  3. Sick sick sick - Queens Of The Stone Age
  4. I've just realised I have nothing lined up. No tickets booked. This is an unacceptable situation.
  5. Viva Las Vegas - Dead Kennedys (Elvis blows)
  6. Behind the wall of sleep - Black Sabbath
  7. I was a teenage hand model - Queens Of The Stone Age
  8. I go along to a local jam session and it's always good fun. The session I go to, if there's going to be any covers then they're announced in the facebook group so those who don't know it can prepare. I always just learn the chord progression and go with the flow on the night, no one wants or expects a note for note cover. Because I'm a bit crap, I tend to end up playing when the really good guitarists play, there's so much going on that they appreciate simple bass. I always find everyone friendly and forgiving of my incompetence and encouraging. It's definitely improved my playing.
  9. Classic cars I understand, there will never be a new car even remotely similar to an E Type or a Lancia Fulvia or even a mk1 Escort but you can still buy a P bass or J bass or Thunderbird which looks and sounds pretty similar to an original. Add it in to a band and no one could hear the difference between a 60's instrument and the modern equivalent.
  10. Best buy a Peavey T40 just incase though. That should withstand a direct hit from a nuke.
  11. The world is going to end soon anyway due to either global warming, nuclear war or covid 20 which I think may reduce the value of all guitars.
  12. I was at a festival yesterday and decided that's what I want. Genre specific music festivals where crowds are much, much bigger than normal shows and you're earning new fans as well. As a bonus you get to watch the othe bands. Every band I saw seemed blown away by the size and response of their audience and quite obviously had a great time playing.
  13. I'm off to ArcTangent festival tomorrow, just for the day with my oldest daughter. We're planning to see Dvne, Alcest and Cult Of Luna. We saw Dvne a few weeks ago supporting High On Fire and they were absolutely brilliant. Really looking forward to seeing Cult Of Luna headlining.
  14. We were suggesting names in our WhatsApp group for weeks and getting nowhere then at a rehearsal I insisted we decided on a name and all agreed on Demolition Theory. My favourite that we rejected was Six Foot Shovel. Feel free to take it.
  15. It would depend on their reaction. If they sit an listen and give a polite clap at the end of each song then that wouldn't be in the spirit of our music. If they'll get up and have a mosh then maybe we could all have a good time.
  16. My Orange OBC410 cabinet. It weighs an absolute ton and is a pain in the back end to get in and out of the car. I don't really need a cab that big but it seems to be worth less than a 2x10 so I'll just live with it.
  17. For many years I didn't like Arcade Fire. Always thought they were pop folk toss. I was given one of their songs (Good God Damn) to learn by my bass teacher and loved it, really enjoyed playing it so I checked out their other music and quite like them now.
  18. Heaviest matter in the universe - Gojira
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