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Everything posted by SteveXFR

  1. Maybe he will stop all the bloody jazz noodling and will never again mention holding down his low end. All jazz and blues based lessons will be replaced with grime and viking metal. Scott will be raising his glove game with a pair of welders gauntlets. All instructors will be playing BC Rich Warlocks through a Boss Metal Zone
  2. Root note plodding is rarely a thing in good metal. It's all about the riffs.
  3. Those seem to be more popular in stoner and doom metal. They work really nicely with a really nasty fuzz
  4. With a face like mine, looks are not something I take in to consideration.
  5. Mario does one of these solo composition videos each year as a way to push his creativity and playing and then uses bits of it for the bands new material. I think he's up there with Mike Portnoy, Neil Peart and Danny Carey for technique and skill. I'll check out Bill Brufford
  6. I forgot about Brainiac. Everything a gentleman of culture needs in a TV show. Science, explosions, destruction and nice ladies
  7. I'm not sure this is quite the same question. You can play metal on anything. I use a P bass for metal at the moment and that's the most generic, non specific, do anything bass ever made. My question was do basses marketed as metal specific offer anything extra for the discerning metal head?
  8. Moist - Janet Jackson I nearly went for the similarly titled Nirvana song but decided its too crude
  9. Several of the top metal drummers have trained in jazz. They've realised that the technical skills from jazz help them create really interesting heavy drum parts such as what this genius does.
  10. Super long straps are more of a punk thing (yes I know, Church of Misery). I did wonder whether they were just an aesthetic thing. An Ibanez SR 5 string would probably do the job quite nicely. A set of super bright strings and a bit of overdrive should get me to a disgraceful metal tone
  11. Having never actually played a metal specific bass I'm curious about whether they're actually anything more than just a bit metal looking. Do they actually fo a better job of producing a good and clanky tone? I ask because I'm a bit curious about the Ibanez Iron label basses as a replacement for my P bass
  12. It's more like the USSR than modern Russia. It has that distinctive bleak, austere landscape of 1970s communism. The sort of depression that leads to the creation of Black Sabbath
  13. I went to Birmingham once. It was an aggregate processing and recycling expo. It wasn't great.
  14. Space Race - Skulls Awake Another one from my band 😉
  15. Bite the hand that feeds - Nine Inch Nails
  16. Too Fast- Skulls Awake I'm not afraid to horn in one of my own tunes
  17. Whether they're using just the mic or the DI or both, it's still the amp that is shaping the sound. I don't see what's wrong with only having the mic on one driver, I've never seen more than two on a cab. The DI probably has a cab sim applied and probably the most common cab sim uses an Ampeg 8x10 IR.
  18. That really does look just like it. I'm fairly sure anything can sound good through an Ampeg SVT Classic
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