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Everything posted by SteveXFR

  1. I guarantee I've played with worse and his English was worse.
  2. My band has been offered a really good gig in London but with ULEZ charge and parking for two vehicles (or hiring one) it's just too expensive. Still tempting though, I think it'll be a fun gig
  3. What about the flags? No one can possibly see the stage past the flags. Oh and the liberal political indoctrination, don't forget that.
  4. I was disappointed when Joey Costillo left QOTSA but I think Jon Theodore is their best drummer so far
  5. Bloody foreigner, lefty, liberal, woke, communist, union supporting, extinction rebeliing, environmentalist, lefty, oil stopping, marxist, liberal, socialist elite. Who the hell does he think he is? At least that'll be the GB News/Daily Mail take on it.
  6. They're too rich and important to arrive with the common people I guess.
  7. How many of the hundreds of food vans are running on diesel generators though? The Arcadia spider can't be particularly environmentally friendly with those massive flame throwers
  8. I'm watching Editors now. I definitely recommend checking out their set on iplayer. Excellent performance
  9. There's been helicopters going back and forth all day today taking rich punters back to London. Not very environmentally friendly having all those helicopters taking people in and out of the festival. I always thought it was just for the headline artists but anyone with enough cash can arrive by chopper. They like to claim its all very green but there's tens of thousands of cars, probably hundreds of generators and a mountain of rubbish.
  10. Pyramid headliners: Bruce Springsteen Alice In Chains Flaming Lips Other Stage Headliners Idles Rancid Future Islands Park Stage Headliners Tad Savages (ill persuade them to reform) Garbage
  11. I saw Blur headline Glastonbury several years ago. Couldn't even hear any bass due to the terrible sound
  12. Just looked on the social media this morning. Daily Mail and GB News (I follow neither) both have less than positive articles about Elton and then I made the mistake of looking at the comments which nearly all related to his sexuality and political views rather than music. I haven't watched any of his set yet, I watched QOTSA live last night, they were extremely good. I'll watch Elton later
  13. Apparatus Elton said to Josh Homme "have fun playing to four people" The man has a sense of humour. QOTSA are absolutely brilliant so far and there's at least twelve people. Maybe more
  14. Slowdive are really very good. Very spaced out shoegaze rock. Excellent set.
  15. It's getting really tight that is screwing with me. I don't ever play anything else where you play several bars in a row of just one note at solid quater notes and somehow I now find that difficult to play tight. The bridge with the octave jumps is just hard at the speed we play it, 180bpm. I've trued it with a pick and fingers but it's just hard to play eighth notes alternating between the A and G strings. I'm tempted to cheat and just play power chords!
  16. He's a bit of an old punk. Having the fanciest, most expensive instrument wouldn't suit him. I'm not convinced you'd even hear the difference between a Mexican P bass and the top level US P bass in a heavy rock mix anyway. No one other than a bassist would ever notice the difference anyway
  17. I'm about 15 miles from the Pilton Pop Festival site. I just went out in the garden and I can hear bass guitar and drums pretty clear tonight.
  18. Duff sings better than Axl. He's doing a great job and without Axl the band seem to have come alive. The TV Eye cover is great
  19. Axl keeps missing the first half of each line (lyrics, not the others). Just like the old days.
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