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Everything posted by Bunion

  1. They add floor (horizontal) bracing in triangles in buildings usually on each floor of a building to help transfer the forces from wind that can hit the side of the building to the vertical bracing. This is a much simplified explanation and other floor structures can be used to do this job without the horizontal bracing
  2. Sale or not I’m intrigued as to what it might be. Put us out of our misery 😂🤣
  3. You could put the Alembic up for trade on some of the Alembic club pages there maybe someone who prefers/wants a fretless and it willing to swap a fretted?
  4. Maybe they have used the business funds paying rent, rates and utility bills the last two years to try and keep from total closure. I work in live events and know a few companies that have had to do this. Maybe there have been personal issues that have stopped production, but costs on above have still needed to be paid. It’s really quite simple, purchase or don’t. Also it’s probably not one pedal. When companies like this open orders they usually get swamped so extra help is hired in or lead times get pushed even further away.
  5. There are different levels of voltage used in the chain. Mic level (the lowest) instrument level (guitars, basses pedals etc,) line level (keyboards, mixing desks and other rack equipment) and speaker level. A lot of pedals are designed (not all) to take instrument level. Pre amps (not the one in your bass) are required to boost the instrument level to line level voltage and as most FX loops are post preamp they push out line level voltage. If the pedal isn’t designed to take this voltage it can overdrive and distort.
  6. I haven’t had that option no
  7. Covid has changed things and supply/price of components, so ready cash has been whittled down to a minimum probably.
  8. I have an original Lane Poor pickup and it has something magical about it it really is a beast
  9. I’m not a 5 string player either, but I must say when I saw this a little bit of wee nearly came out…
  10. It possibly could be, I did notice that Notch funny how the Brain works
  11. So, I’ve run the 12at7 in the V1 position and It’s great. Gain is definitely lower, I noticed the drop in volume as soon as I plugged in but a couple of notches on the volume or depressing the drive button picked it back up. What it has allowed me to do is get a much higher gain and volume setting without the tube break up, just clean rich tone. It’s fruity, it’s juicy, but creamy too, it’s got a growl if I dig in. The notes sound punchy and really tight The string noise is a little more defined but in that raspy way that sounds great with a bass, if you like that (I love it.) The highs seem a little cleaner and chords are just singing. Of course this is what I want to hear so I’m plugging the 12ax7 back in for the afternoon. I need to get it to a practice with the band to test it properly but so far it’s a positive.
  12. Never liked single cuts but that has something special about it
  13. Probably more of a case of cash flow but I agree there’s little risk to the buyer with PayPal 3leaf have never had a problem selling stock
  14. You do have the option of PM on this site without incurring charges for a sale
  15. Bunion

    Cab Riser

    You can buy the foam and make your own, cut it a little taller and the head will sit on top of the cab what you have works a treat and is an instant fix though, I am quite lazy 😂🤣
  16. Probably removed as it didn’t make much, it will be back round again sooner or later
  17. Love those little Ampeg’s they kick out some sound. welcome back
  18. A few months ago these lasted 5 minutes on the market, how can this still be here?
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