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Everything posted by Bunion

  1. If your using a power amp then the SVP II, SVP Pro or the SVP CL. I love the SVP II but the SVP Pro has a darker side to it to it for sure.
  2. I had an FU 4 with an original lane poor in it it was a lively beast didn’t sound like my stingray at all. punchy as hell with 18V obp1
  3. Bunion


    I’ve had it a good few months now and I’m still loving it. Passive like my 63 P or cutlass I use the bass to around 11 o’clock and treble around 9 0’clock I keep the low cut switch off volume I keep to around 12 For active I use the cut switch and dime the bass, treble to suit it makes everything sound rich and creamy. It has enough output to drive my power amp from the 1/4” out but if I’m feeling a little cheeky I run it into the fx return of my Handbox wb100 and it’s just perfect.
  4. I knew a guy years ago who was frighteningly good on the bass, when asked how long he’d been playing he said “oh about 6 months” Turns out he’d been having lessons for years since childhood but had only been playing In a band for 6 months 😂🤣
  5. It was designed for Sterling ball to tame some of the zing from the prototype stingrays he was testing, these are a reproduction of that bass
  6. That playing flats on a bass isn’t like playing with the devils winky. Give them a try they may surprise you
  7. Possibly you need a good set up and your pickups adjusted. you can do this quite easily yourself with information from you tube without doing damage, just be careful if you get into the truss rod adjustments don’t force it.
  8. If you’ve developed that soft ‘mwah’ fretless touch, you may need to fret a little harder, I love that growly buzz with flats but find it’s from fretting lighter than usual It could of course need a good fret dress 😄
  9. Finally had a chance to explore a bit, I haven’t got it at the start of the chain so I switched it from reactive to buffered as advised with the internal switch. I set the red channel to a slight hint of overdrive for a slightly thicker sound, cream crossroads style and the brown to a good dose of gnarley breakup for that Muse hysteria taste. I haven’t had a chance to play with the caps but I’ve some on order and I’m looking forward to experimenting there. Alas no rehearsal this week as a member has been in contact with a covid case at work so is isolating. can’t wait to crank up the volume though.
  10. My 63 P in lake placid blue, should have got one years ago.. no seriously they were much cheaper 😂🤣
  11. Put a wanted ad for a pedal and Nick @Booga13 had one he wasn’t using that was a bit tired. He kindly sent it to me for appraisal before I paid a penny! Another good guy on the market place. cheers 🍻
  12. Sold Andy a pedal and payment got to me before the pedal was boxed to post. cheers dude 🍻
  13. As far as I know they were used on telecaster and jazz basses from late 65-1970 not inclusive
  14. I know a guy that ships boats from china in shipping containers. They just cut the containers apart to get the boats out so it must be a done thing.
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