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Everything posted by odub

  1. Hmm, It stops the amp being a thing borrowed from a friend helping them out, and turns it into hire equipment. I know I drive differently in a hire car than to a borrowed car. Extreme example I know, but if they're paying, it becomes a little bit theirs. It absolves them if something does go wrong from feeling guilty - because they paid up already right?
  2. Ha will do, but doubt it will happen, having now played it my comments are: True bypass, blue LED so strong it almost blinded me, absolute silent knob turning, no crack hiss or hum even at top volume, jack plugs are very firm and solid, very transparent, distorts at full compression in a nice way. Very plug and play, which is what I like. I think Silent Fry has another pcb board up for sale and a booster pedal, judging this one it's definitely top notch. Sorry about getting in before you - you've got to be quick in this game :-)
  3. And recieved! I have so say I'm bloody impressed by the quality. If I'd have bought this from a shop I wouldn't have know it wasn't pro. Very solid and well put together. Havn't had a chance to test it out yet, will do as soon as I get home tonight.
  4. I like very much, though the singer could have made an effort and put a shirt on.
  5. It is seriously nice, 2 months till bonus time (if I have a job)
  6. [quote name='basse' post='295897' date='Sep 30 2008, 09:26 PM']It's REALLY nice. I'm surprised with the range of tones that I can get from its 2 jazz pickups. I usually don't like that combination because I like to be able to dial in a lot of crunch from time to time and this is able to do that. In fact, I've sold almost all of my 2J basses because I couldn't get that. But the Trussart will deliver it. <snip> If anyone wants additional photos of anything there, let me know and I'll post them.[/quote] Thanks for the info, Very interesting, great looking unique bass there.
  7. I've got one, but i dont know what quarter sawn maple looks like, The neck is yellowish and woody
  8. [quote name='Shockwave' post='301386' date='Oct 7 2008, 02:39 PM']I find it gives a much growlier tone, I can get over the fretboard far faster. Its easier on the fingers, and slap seems far far easier. I find it useful for more technical styles, and for someone who does not downtune. As a term of reference, Geddy Lee Uses Roto's 30-90 on his Jazz, And he can really pull those strings! They are pretty terrible for dub though![/quote] Ha alright thanks for the insight
  9. Just out of interest, why light guages? I've only used medium snd heavy (yep, in my entire bass playing career, two sets of strings). What does it give you? I'd have thought it'd be easier to bend the strings by accident.
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  11. [quote name='basse' post='295408' date='Sep 30 2008, 02:05 PM']Mine's an ACG Recurve! Here's the current stable: Pays to be over 40 with a wife that doesn't mind adding one to the collection every couple of years! Here's what's in the photo: Top from left: 1999 Washburn AB-2 1978 Wal ProIIe 1998 Sadowsky PJ 1999/2000 (?) James Trussart Steelcaster 2000 Warmoth Franken-Jazz Bottom from left: 2005 Marchlewski custom design 1978 Rickenbacker 4002 2006 AC Guitars Recurve 1985 Wal MK1 2005 Reverend Rumblefish 5'er[/quote] oooh, now that is a stable and a half, hey whats the Trussart like?
  12. [quote name='clauster' post='295027' date='Sep 30 2008, 12:35 AM']Not sure, but I think its made by Chris Eccleshall - he's got three I think. Pickups have been chopped about on the main one over the years. The electronics are the same as used in the old Yamaha BB1200. Effects wise he's a big fan of the EHX Clone Theory.[/quote] iirc the electronics used to be out of the Yamaha, but a student tried to copy the design, got it slightly wrong and Hooky prefered the sound of those. Or something like that. I once had the pleasure of spending a sunny afternoon at the crowbar in manchester drinking with Hooky and the rest of Monaco. Only went over to ask him to sign a blue monday 12" I'd just bought (We were in Manchester to see the band), ended up staying all afternoon, he got us guestlist, we met his kids, the last song of the gig the keyboard and drummer player some dance song and hooky came down and stood with us watching them play! On the way out I saw Mark E. Smith and he told me to F off. Anyway, great guy, really funny, lots of stories about nicking generators off other bands (buzzcocks) and sneaking people in through bathroom windows in clubs to Joy Division gigs.
  13. [quote name='ahpook' post='290981' date='Sep 24 2008, 04:22 PM']i wouldn't.[/quote] Ha, at least you're honest.
  14. Me too, Things are getting tempting, not that I'd want to profit off anyone else’s hardship. I wouldn't feel right taking something cheap because someone needed the money and so had to sell a much loved bass. But as far as general market prices I'm more than happy to get 50% off for second hand. Especially buying off people on here who probably look after their basses better than I would. I agree with Clarky as well, It's going to be a bear market for a year minimum imo
  15. So the prices of basses seem to be falling quite a bit recently, because of these "economic times". Since we’re approaching Christmas I was wondering if there was an opinion on how it’ll affect prices. Some people get a bit more cash; some people have to spend their disposable on other people, bonuses, New Year gas etc. For buying and/or selling, better to wait until Christmas or not, do we see prices going down further?
  16. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='289855' date='Sep 23 2008, 12:17 PM']There are... but I don't think shapes have developed much from what came from the 60s... apart from completely radical ones and the single cuts. Basically, everything is derived from strat shapes, tele shapes, les paul (single cut and double cut), flying v ,sg and the ric. Maybe Warwick-esque designs can be defined as original... but then, even Warwick nicked their shape from Spector... it would seem to me that coming up with original shapes is quite difficult.. and I think that there is something in our minds which expects shapes to conform to those original deisngs.[/quote] Yeah I agree, Deep inside when poeple think of bass they're likley to think of one of the "big" shapes. Still though, I hanker for either the original or something different but just as good.
  17. [quote name='Waldo' post='289824' date='Sep 23 2008, 12:01 PM']Thankyou, they'd better not mess the film up like they did with V For Vendetta [/quote] Well the trailer looks bloody good, Pumpkins backing track and all that. Zack Snyder made a good job of 300 in my opinion, but it’s going to be very hard to do a decent job of watchman. They’ll be riots of socially awkward young men if they ruin it.
  18. I've been thinking about this a lot as of late. I like the fender shapes, I believe the clone bodies can offer better quality, better value for money etc, but there’s always this thing in the back of my mind that it’s still a copy (even if it’s a better version). For me, what I’d really like to see is someone coming up with a really decent bass, but with individual looks and sounds but still works. Warwicks, Rickenbackers, Thunderbirds (though the same thing applies for borrowed guitar shapes – ignore my ASATs tele shape), singlecuts, the lakland basic shape, a lot of the hollowbodies, MMs There must be tonnes more shapes around than Jazz/Precision
  19. Slightly off topic but props to you Avatar Waldo. PRS guitars, basses: They sure do look pretty.
  20. but If I buy this really expensive bit of kit I'll be better at playing bass!
  21. I have to say I've got a hankering for one of these after playing one in the gallery (same colour as well, though the 5 string version). The gallery had it at 950 second hand so at the moment it looks to be a right old bargin, I imagine the bidding will shoot up at the end.
  22. This is well under budget and I've only heard good things: [url="http://www.chamberlainmusic.com/ProductDetail.asp?ProductID=GWB35"]http://www.chamberlainmusic.com/ProductDet...ProductID=GWB35[/url] There's a more expensive version too
  23. [quote name='Protium' post='280613' date='Sep 9 2008, 07:13 PM']You're right, all shops should ban browsing FOREVER lmao. Maybe they should rename it "The Buy Something Or Get Out Cellar" [/quote] Now come on, thats not what I said is it, I just expressed empathy for their situation.
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