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Stub Mandrel

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Everything posted by Stub Mandrel

  1. Always take a baseball bat to gigs. Use this to apply corrections to your drummer's timing instead of whipping them with your lead, and they will last much longer*. *the leads that is, not the drummer.
  2. Some my next gig is now... Me! Me and my brother and his partner going unplugged & folky to support our other brother's band who are very definitely going to be plugged in! Then PC&TBS. Then Hawkwind 🙂
  3. It's the creepiness of lurking around 15 yos waiting for their b'days...
  4. I presume these figures are weights in grams? so the 5005 is 11lbs, the 1605 is 3 1/2lbs and the 2605 is 6lbs...
  5. It was going to be Saxon, Black Star Riders and Girlschool at Saxon's 'biggest ever Scottish gig'. But poor Biff has to have a heart operation, so wishing him luck and a speedy recovery. Should be a song in it, at least...
  6. I can see lots of uses beyond music too!
  7. Large format boxes ideal for diy pedals being sold off half price (£3.32+vat) at Radiospares: https://uk.rs-online.com/web/p/general-purpose-enclosures/1465372/ Nice black finish. You will have to file the ears off, I've bought three. 27 in stock
  8. There's some serious competition out there, mostly from 6-strings... Well some women think leopard print is sexy...
  9. He's not on commission from Boss, honest 🙂
  10. I say "A drummer has to keep in time, a guitarist has to stay in key. A bass player has to do both." 🙂
  11. So a bit of both! Back in the 80s I made a maplin module (with pre and post compression as recommended) that did pitch shifting simply by sampling the waveform and spewing it out at a different speed. They sold it making it very clear it was a 'toy' effect - the chopping could be very obvious and it sounded clanky. But i was more into f***d up noises than musical fidelity back then. I still have it somewhere it would be fun to get it going again.
  12. I read that they were fed up of not being able to hear themselves over the screaming audiences!
  13. Get an SY-1 and dump the keys instead 🙂
  14. Bottoms being something of a hazard in Jethro Toe. Ian Anderson described his predecessor John Glascock as "a kinky bastard who likes to be thrashed severely across the bum" 🙂
  15. I'll be brutally honest. My first band was bass, drums, keys and the singer played rhythm guitar. Listening back we were surprisingly tight but I don't think anything held us back more than the lack of another guitarist to do some lead and add some texture. I think it would also have helped us move on from covers back at a time when being an originals band wasn't a stupid idea. The band that's coming together now is lead, bass and drums, and we are looking at adding rhythm guitar. I guess you can 'thicken' your sound with pedals but the job of bass and guitar is different and to be really effective they need to paly different things. Let's face it Royal Blood's sound gets pretty boring quite quickly. Ditto White Stripes. On teh plus side, with a guitarist you might see teh cut of teh fees drop a bit, but you will probably get more and better gigs in the long run.
  16. Yes, but the Beatles stopped gigging in 1966 and didn't stop making albums until 1970. I'd consider them the original 'band that stopped gigging but still had success'
  17. Hi Joe, I struggle to play slap and have it sound half-decent. I can alternate octave slap/pops all day but struggle to be fluent playing more complex patterns with any force. It's not really a speed issue, more one of getting a pleasant sound! I've tried playing lines I know well by slapping rather than fingerstyle but they just come out as terribly stilted. Have you got a favourite exercise for developing a more fluent slap technique taht isn't playing 'Higher Ground' endlessly? Thanks!
  18. My brother is proud of the fact that he still gigs an (expensive) cable I bought him in the 80s; I have one as well although it had about 23 years off...
  19. Happened here too. I use another forum which has the safe 'engine' and this usually means the webserver is re indexing, which takes an hour or three.
  20. It starts heavy, and gets heavier. Probably the heaviest bassline ever, made even more so by the use of light and shade. Such a shame that stoner rock bands can't learn something about subtlety as well as sheer force from Sabbath.
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