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Everything posted by NikNik

  1. Owned three: an XL2A, two L2s, and an L2LF transitional. One of the L2s had a slight up-bow but nothing to write home about.
  2. "Lemmy Kilmeister.....from Iron Maiden...."
  3. I have done that, both ways, many times.
  4. Didn't know that about Steinies but a mate had an L2 that had and up-bow around frets 4-6 that involved the bass getting extensive fret levelling.
  5. It's only pointless to those who have not been subject to his sniping attacks and accusations. As for being retired, I know Ben succeeded him but there's no way he'd ever relinquish full control of RIC. And, yes, the article is several years old, but it gave me great joy to see him getting it again.
  6. Old content? You'd have been bored with it if it had been posted yesterday. It interested you enough to comment....
  7. Yeh, inasmuch as Mark worked some magic on the OP's bass and sorted the neck issue out by filling the oversized RIC front pup rout with resin. As RIC learning a lesson from that thread? History has shown time and time again that they haven't. Unless someone cares to inform me they've finally sorted that front rout issue. # I had a 4003s/8 back around 2007 that suffered the same issue. Jimmy Moon in Glasgow worked some magic on it and also put in his own rods.
  8. And deservedly so! I gave up on RRF back around 2010 so missed this. Link is to page 10 of a thread on 4001C64 conversion to a Macca 4001, and the issues surround the C64. Page 10 is an ideal starting point for the attack by Mark Walker. An early Christmas present to myself!
  9. Seconded. Unfair, also, to compare seller to PCsGC
  10. That Ibby upper horn looks like the Steinberger boomerang.
  11. I want that!! Actually, on second viewing, no. Looks like kit's got an action the height of the Forth Road Bridge. And there's some interesting string spacing going on. Notice, also, how the shop is careful not to show a close-up of the nut. $500 so far.
  12. Right, Dad. Right onto the ignore list with you.😒
  13. Nice. But, wonder who the '..long established and highly respected Musical Instrument Company, established in 1988,..' is? RoXonics
  14. I heard Level 42 in that, esp. the voicing,
  15. Not sure about the horns and that pointy bit but the bridge/saddles are interesting. Bass
  16. Probably a 'get 'em hooked' listing to wait for the real pix.
  17. Is this the purported Steve Severin one? Wal Custom.
  18. Does he? And 'enamel braille spots'?? I see he twice reminded us of his magnum opus, ' A night out in Langney'.
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