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Everything posted by mikhay77

  1. Fook,does anybody want my bilodeau,jimmi jazz, sb700 and a cab or 2 then I will have it.Always wanted one of these.+1 for the debt thing.
  2. [quote name='PURPOLARIS' post='829250' date='May 6 2010, 06:36 AM']I've probably got enough basses for now, what have you got, you might be able to tempt me ?[/quote] Maybe this!But would mean some cash my way though.[attachment=49061:003.jpg]More pics n spec on gear porn
  3. [quote name='Jarno' post='829599' date='May 6 2010, 01:47 PM']Which Schallers are they? The 16mm of the Ferrules, is that the inside diameter? Do these fit the 11/16ths (17.5mm) holes in a standard Fenderish neck?[/quote] No they dont,think thats vintage size,these are 16mm external,14mm internal,cheers.
  4. [quote name='overwater#1' post='826818' date='May 3 2010, 08:36 PM']Hell.. another one!!! Loads of these for sale now!!![/quote] ?? Dont see another 1048h recently!Heres to a great cab,wish I had something to trade.I would have a matched pair for my ah500 12,not interested in a bass trade?
  5. I have used trace gear for years and unless I have missed something(its like and idiots guide for me) the red knob to the left is labeled input gain,I suppose its what I have been conditioned to look for.With a flashing light or a thumbs up to tell you when its about right,go above that and the output signal distorts no matter how low my volume control is or whatever speaker cab is connected so I would have thought it is gaining the input stage.Also playing through 4x10s they sound better when being pushed a bit,if really low volumes they are a little thinner,or is that just me? I do understand about sensitivity etc but played through some new neo cab and even though the output seemed higher at lower output settings they came to life more when pushed.Sort of fuller.Thats my ears telling me I know its not really science.
  6. Yeh I had a 5er last year,gained it in a px,well made skinny neck and not too bad on the ears,got £180 quid back on it,so should go for £150 maybe.
  7. Is the 1048 carpet or tolex,obviously it hasnt got the horn(tee hee) and are you meant to state prices?
  8. [quote name='Alien' post='825029' date='May 1 2010, 06:30 PM']Been around since the '80s. I recall a guy giving one a right slapping on Tomorrow's World. A[/quote] Holy crap I remember watchin that as a nipper b4 taking up bass and yeh he was givin it a good slappin,on the fretless setting I think! Wander if you could still find it somewhere?
  9. Ha ha.I had exactly the same combo,did the usual,tried to slim down,needles to say gone back to 4x10s.It sounded amazing in my front room but in rehearsal I struggled to hear it without it farting out and the first gig,I had to get the old faithfull 1048h and couple it with that(good thing about having a tranny van).It might be just me but the neo/digital is not for me,it just lacked something,but cant knock the weight thing though.Suppose I should of tried a MB extension cab!
  10. [quote name='Mog' post='823046' date='Apr 29 2010, 02:17 PM']I've never had a problem with Bugera. In the last 12 months I've seen a JCM 900, a Peavey 5150 and a Carvin Legacy go up in smoke. Those amps hadn't played half of the gigs or as long as the guitards Bugera when they went. Plus the Bugera sounded a hell of a lot better than most of the other amps it shared the stage with. IMO it shows how much the "ill-informed" are being ripped off by the more respected manufacturers.[/quote] +1 Heard the guitar bugera's and they sound great,seriously good value for the money,they have actually gone up in price since when they were first introduced.Thing is there are good and bad amps made by everyone(as in reliability) but saying that second hand is were to put your money.
  11. Got a ah500 12,tried a groove tubes and a early 60s mullard in it,like to say I could hear the difference but I would be lying.Our guitarists all use valve amps and one of the guys has boxes full of valves and have only heard a slight difference with those.Suppose if you could throw a switch to cut the different ones in and out there could be a noticeable difference.Frickin hope so,the mullard cost me £35 quid! lol.
  12. Dirty little girl with black pussy !!!!!!!!!![attachment=48693:003.jpg][attachment=48694:002.jpg]
  13. Well,thought its time to post some pics,the Neuser cloudburst which is now officially the best bass I have ever owned!(so far).Beautifully curved body to fit round your belly,bit like a warwick but not just top to bottom but front to back too,can,t really capture that in the pics.I also wanted a retro Jazz style bass(nearly completed) which can also deliver a old school or ultra modern sound and is designed to give a little nod and a wink to one of my heroes and the most influential guitarist of all time(in my opinion) I call it the Jimi Jazz hyper bass, lol.Color,lefty neck and strat jack,[attachment=48530:006.jpg]3d bridge,vintage emg's and 18v bartolini 3 band pre amp with switchable mid,as it happens,exactly the same circuit as the Neuser,but a different sounding beast due to the Neuser has Bart pup's.Any way,take a peak,let me know what you think,might even sell my Bilodeau! (see left)[attachment=48531:007.jpg][attachment=48532:008.jpg][attachment=48529:005.jpg][attachment=48528 :004.jpg][attachment=48533:009.jpg][attachment=48535:010.jpg][attachment=48536:011.jpg]
  14. Hi there,selling brand new a set of reversable schaller machine heads(never fitted),these are all completely reversable,set for left handed at the moment.Just undo the large phillips screw,pull off the gear and flip over the ear. 14mm shaft,16mm ferulles, £30 posted in original box,pm me,cheers,Mike.[attachment=48524:001.jpg][attachment=48525:001.jpg][attachment=48526:002.jpg][attach ment=48527:003.jpg]THESE ARE NOW SOLD TO THE BASS DOC<MANY THANKS
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  20. Saw and heard this bass yesterday,it is gorgeous and the sound! Amazing.(Too many strings for me) That was through my ex trace gear with eq set flat too,great harmonic range and a great guy too.Have a well deserved bump for a top bass.
  21. Had an sb1000 years ago on loan,excellent quality build,dead parallel neck.Bought an sb700 recently for peanuts and someone painted it blue(Urghhh),pick up not working,so put in an emg and (you will probably curse) and put another one in near the bridge and a decent active circuit what a bass.My number one throw around bass.So big up the sb1000 or its brothers. [attachment=46138:DSC_5019.jpg]
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