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Posts posted by ezbass

  1. Check out Ed Fiedland's Bass Whisperer videos on [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=67Fo7AKwfA0&feature=PlayList&p=5D76D8F722CEC556&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=9"]You Tube[/url] where he demos the new Sterling by Musicman basses to see how versatile MMs can be.

  2. [quote name='phatbass787' post='739081' date='Feb 8 2010, 04:31 PM']There were 2 x Ashdown 810's and there was definitely a head on the left one it looked like an Ashdown but not sure. Maybe he's made the switch from Ampeg?[/quote]

    Ah ha, didn't see the other one (should've gone to Specsavers :)) maybe he's gone back to them now. I'd still like to know the real inside skinny on that P.

  3. Did anyone see the half time show of the Superbowl? I knew The Who were playing and as I'd seen the payoffs in Canada (hard to avoid) I thought I'd see it through to the final, especially with the added incentive of the midway show. So what was that that Pino was playing? Definitely a Fender P, but what was going on with the pickups? Any ideas anyone? Also, the Ashdown cab, Pino may have used their heads in the past, but always with Epifani cabs, and recently has only been seen with an SVT rig. Stage dressing? Product placement? I certainly couldn't see any head on display and suspect he went DI for just a half dozen songs or so. Over to you guys.

  4. I've got a couple of Fender P basses that are really light, however, due to this the headstocks feel heavy on the strap and make my shoulder ache a bit, whereas my super heavy Stingrays are far more well balanced and so feel more comfortable on the strap due to the more centred distribution of weight. I think it's more about balance than total weight and a good wide, padded strap (Comfortstrapp, Mono straps, Slapstrap [super wide]).

  5. I'm a Ray man myself, but if I was into slimmer necks I'd have your arm off at that price. She's a beaut' you won't have to wait long for a customer I reckon. Have a bump.

    EDIT If anyone is worried by that small chip (hey that's road wear mojo!), a few coats of black nail poilsh and bit of elbow grease with some fine wet & dry and T Cut should fix that up nicely. I've done similar repairs in the past and you really can't tell it was ever damaged.

  6. [quote name='Al.B' post='732809' date='Feb 2 2010, 12:27 PM']Finally at last someone who dares speak the truth about that bloody awful solo at the end of Layla.[/quote]

    I'm so with you there, it's an absolute bloody travesty and it doesn't even go with the song, and I hate that while radio stations will arbitarily edit other great solos, they continue to let this one wail on and on. Absolute tripe, and I'm a Derek & the Dominoes fan!

    For a complete timing wobble, AWB always come in early from the long turnaround note on Pick Up The Pieces. According to their own notated music avaiable from their website it's a 6 count, but they seem to manage 5 1/2 and then 5 3/4. Still a great song though.

  7. [quote name='HarryPotter' post='733035' date='Feb 2 2010, 03:11 PM']I'll test it to see if they're right, but does anybody know where I can get 2 10" bombproof speakers?

    Bombproof meaning that they can stand up to very mild use.[/quote]

    If it is the speakers, although output section seems more likey, Ashdown will probably sell you some new drivers (go for the neos and save a ton of weight BTW) which will preserve the sound you're used to and they'll be right for that cab. However, you may not be feeling too Ashdown friendly at the moment.

  8. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='716010' date='Jan 17 2010, 09:09 PM']I have a black/grey pearloid MM guard which may be of use to you. This one...[/quote]

    Just back from hols so I've only just seen this, I know it'll need a little adjustment to allow for the differnt shaped p/up, but what do you want for it?

  9. [quote name='BottomEndian' post='713506' date='Jan 15 2010, 10:56 AM']None more black. :rolleyes: The matching headstock's a really nice touch IMO. I'd love to try one of these out next time I'm in Newcastle. Hope it doesn't turn into an expensive trip...[/quote]

    There might have to be a pick guard swap to break up the sea of unrelenting black, maybe black/grey pearloid, or as it is more affectionately known, Mother Of Toilet Seat :) Although any replacement would have to modded for the slightly different shaped pickup. These off shore models do play and sound amazing, I'd go as far as to say that this is better than my old 3 band US Ray, the neck certainly is.

  10. After hankering after one of these for quite a while and having sold my Victor Bailey Acoustic and PRS SE Singlecut to fellow BCers (thanks noirbass and gilesmdavis) I have just received my new "Sterling" by Ernie Ball Ray34 :) :rolleyes: :lol: I was originally going to get a honeyburst one, but the black one is sooo much cheaper and I got to prefer its more classy and sober looks to the bling of the honeyburst. It just needed a 1/4 turn on the truss rod to let some more relief into the neck and it plays marvellously, just have to get the rig out now and annoy the neighbours! I got it from Sounds Live who are far and away the cheapest that I could find out there, and a big up to Martin in the sales dept who helped get this beauty here before I disappear on holiday.

    Anyway without further delay and with apologies for the poor picture (I'll do better later)

  11. Chris just bought my Victor Bailey Acoustic. Top bloke, good communication beforehand, a no hassle sale and a good bass player's chin wag into the bargain. Cheers Chris, thanks for making the journey over here, enjoy the bass.

  12. [quote name='Uncle Balsamic' post='707736' date='Jan 10 2010, 03:00 PM']The LMII is supposed to be warmer and more "old school" in comparison.[/quote]

    This is definitely what I found when I demoed them side by side.

  13. I joined a classic rock covers band when I first got out playing live and at the time I had a J bass. I bought a SUB as this seemed far more appropriate, although this was probably just an excuse to exercise some GAS.

    I have definitely changed guitars dependant on what genre of band I was in. Getting a Gretsch when I was in a rockabilly band was one of the best purchases I ever made. Unfortunately I had to sell this to finance the SUB.

  14. [quote name='stingraybassman' post='706477' date='Jan 9 2010, 12:36 PM']the 21015 only comes in the light version if i'm not mistaken,

    had a look on TB and i think im going for it,

    Thanks for all the help and I will let you all know how she is![/quote]

    Don't be put off if you don't particularly like the tone at home, wait until you get out live as this is where Jorg's cabs excel. Of course with the 15" it may sound just fine at home.

  15. Would Mark Bass be as popular if they weren't lightweight? Probably not, I'm sure they would have made some in roads into the market, but not nearly as much as they currently enjoy. I got my LMII mainly for its size and weight (and recommendations from a couple of friends) in place of my Ashdown ABM 320 which was low on clear headroom anywhere beyond 2 o'clock on the master. The LMII is 500watts and is clear even when wide open which was a huge plus even though it doean't get used beyond 11 o'clock. I also prefer the simplified eq, which to be fair stays mainly flat. Would I have bought the LMII because of the headroom and eq if it was heavy? Probably not, I would have probably stuck with Ashdown and got a more powerful head.

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