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Posts posted by ezbass

  1. [quote name='luckman67' post='837565' date='May 14 2010, 07:54 PM']I would buy another SUB,have any of you who has one resprayed it or had the body contours put in.[/quote]

    I stripped the neck on mine, but to be fair I don't find the slab body uncomfortable, in fact quite the contrary. The finish was starting to bother me a bit, especially as my other 2 basses are a very distressed 63 P and a Road Worn, and I was needing some shiny bassness in my life, but I got a Ray34 to sate this need so I now have a shiny fretted and a not so shiny fretless (the SUB) 'Ray. FWIW I love my SUB and actually preffered it over my old 3 band US 'Ray which I sold, if I could have sourced another one when I was looking at the Ray34 I would have got that (maybe some refinishing have had to be had if that had happened), great basses IMO.

  2. [quote name='dudewheresmybass' post='830523' date='May 7 2010, 11:53 AM']guitar - jazz 3 max grip
    bass - tortex ish 1.19 custom printed in none more black![/quote]

    I use the Jazz III for guitar and bass too, great tone and nice and grippy to boot. I have also been known to use Dunlop 500 1.5 and 2.0mm for bass, I prefer the 2.0mm for tone out of those 2, both can be a bit slippery.

  3. [quote name='spacecowboy' post='831274' date='May 8 2010, 10:30 AM']oh and it sounds great through that Markbass head :lol:[/quote]

    Great, just pile on the GAS why don't you :)

    [quote name='EdwardHimself' post='831291' date='May 8 2010, 11:03 AM']Can we see it without the pickguard please? :rolleyes:[/quote]


  4. Fabulous work there, at first I thought it was a Sandberg. I've tried this p/up combo (on a Sandberg) and it really works well.

    Perhaps it should be The Pinjray.

  5. [quote name='cameltoe' post='827959' date='May 4 2010, 10:11 PM']Thanks for writing in. That pickup is the same thing as an American Standard pickup. We use it in our 50’s Precision Bass out of Mexico as well. I hope this will help you out.[/quote]

    Having played a Classic 50s and a RW back to back it's amazing how different they sound with the RW really sounding old school and the Classic sounding like a modern P. Must be down to the choice of body timber and the finish.

  6. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='824406' date='Apr 30 2010, 09:33 PM']Just spotted this on TB this evening...[/quote]

    The entire thread has been removed from TB, something to do with using the press release or something, how crap was that? I hope we're safe from that sort of thing BC.

  7. If Dan does move on we could have another quality player in the bass marketplace. Remember when Leo left Fender, we got MusicMan and the Stingray, and when he left MM we got G&L and the L1000 and its siblings. This could be a good thing no? One bad thing about the takeover is the "renaming" of the signature models, how bland are a bunch of numbers?

  8. These bad boys are super wide and very stable [url="http://www.slapring.com/en/shop/productinfo/slapstrap.php"]http://www.slapring.com/en/shop/productinfo/slapstrap.php[/url] I've got a Mono which I prefer over the Comfort Strap I used to own (too much like wearing a bungee, although this does disipate with use it seems) but still prefer the Slap Strap for the width when using my 'Rays. I do have a Slap spare and may also be looking to offload the Mono as it's not quite what I was hoping for (dark smoke suede).

  9. I took some lessons with Gareth Morgan (he of Guitar & Bass Magazine fame) when I first returned to playing bass and it was totally worthwhile. For those who have a pretty good grasp of the instrument, it's the tiny things that creep into your performance which are actually a hinderance to your playing that these guys can highlight so quickly and help you eradicate. Definitely worth going back occasionally as a kind of MOT or to work on something specific that you'd like to improve.

  10. I don't play bass this way myself, but I do play a fair bit of fingerstyle guitar. That pain doesn't sound particularly normal and could be a small strain. Rest it for a while (a week say) playing in a more conventional bass style, then go back and see if it is still sore. If it is, I'd seek some professional medical advice.

  11. [quote name='MoonBassAlpha' post='821515' date='Apr 28 2010, 09:00 AM']I'd give it a go.
    I did a maple neck Vox standard and it came out fine, and rounds DIDNT chew it up in a hurry either. [b]I just used Plastic Wood for the fret slots - worked fine.
    With rosewood- you WILL get some splinters as the frets come out - superglue them back down straight away as the fret comes out so you don't lose them. This will save time and extra filling later.[/b]
    Good luck, it's not that hard, just takes a bit of time, and DEFFO worth practicing on a cheap bass first.[/quote]

    I did this many years ago to a Westone Thunder III and it came out great, I even got a good price from a shop when I off loaded it.

  12. [quote name='Delberthot' post='819115' date='Apr 26 2010, 11:41 AM'][url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=85837"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=85837[/url]

    My name is Derek and I'm a bassaholic[/quote]

    Entire membership of BC "Hello Derek" :)

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