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Posts posted by ezbass

  1. [quote name='Musicman20' post='872476' date='Jun 20 2010, 11:07 AM']What I don't understand us the crazy second hand market on Rays. Fair enough, most of them are just normal late 90s/early 00s, and don't have the new nut or pickup options, but £600-700 for a mint condition Ray is just madness. I think there has been in a lull in popularity but they are slowly coming back.[/quote]

    QED [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=90789"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=90789[/url] Not quite as low as £600, but still great VFM.

    EDIT Not mine and not anyone I know, I just saw these this morning.

  2. [quote name='munkonthehill' post='870722' date='Jun 18 2010, 12:54 PM']whats the difference in the stingrays, sterlings, subs and ray34's?????????????/[/quote]

    In a very small nutshell

    Stingray = P width neck, 2 or 3 band eq, alnico p/up, US build
    Sterling = J width neck, 3 band eq with series/parallel/single coil switch, ceramic p/up, smaller body, US build
    Ray34 = Offshore Stingray
    SB14 = Offshore Sterling
    SUB = discontinued slab bodied, textured finish 2 band Stingrays or 3 band Sterlings without coil tap, US build

    And then there's the Bongo.....................

    Check out the [url="http://www.music-man.com/"]Ernie Ball MusicMan[/url] and [url="http://www.sterlingbymusicman.com/"]Sterling[/url] (the confusingly named offshore brand) websites

  3. If you like the Stingray sound and like a P type width neck, they are pretty unbeatable. I think they really comes into their own in band situation, especially those with big line ups. If you're really keen on 'Rays try out the Sterling by Musicman Ray34, they're really amazing for the dosh and I prefer mine to my old US 'Ray. However, pretty good 2nd hand deals can be had on Stingrays too for not too much more cash thatn a new Ray34.

  4. [quote name='Old Horse Murphy' post='865083' date='Jun 12 2010, 12:09 PM']Bought one the other day, fitted it today and it sounds amazing. The only problem is it doesn't fit properly due to the battery compartment I have fitted for the LEDS in my P Bass neck

    I'm not going to chop the bass up any more than it is so will sell the P Retro on and am seriosuly peed off.

    Gutted :)[/quote]

    I don't think you'll have to wait around for a buyer!

    I'm hoping to add one to my double P, but finances are a bit tight at the moment.

  5. [url="http://www.averagewhiteband.com/_musos/_pieces/pieces_bass.pdf"]Here's a link[/url] to a notated (and tabbed, which you can ignore) Pick Up The Pieces if the AWB is your bag in a printable pdf.

  6. [quote name='Johnston' post='853308' date='Jun 1 2010, 09:30 AM']I was playing a roadworn sunburst P yesterday, was most impressed although 1 thing that worried me and put me off was there was a bit of a gouge/dent in the back of the neck.

    Nothing major you could only feel it if you had your thumb almost over the top around seventh fret like it had been set hard against something and slide a bit.. But it was kinda off putting, although everything else made me near change my plans and save up a bit more money.

    Now I didn't say anything to the shop guy because I could just here the it's road worn thats meant to be there.

    But surely a fake relic should look worn but the neck shouldn't have any real damage like dents and gouges or is this the way the road worns come??[/quote]

    No gouges on my P RW neck, just ground in dirt under the nitro, sounds like an in shop ding.

  7. Those Slider straps look really good and not as clumsy looking as the Dare straps. This has got me thinking a trip to the loft is in order to find the double shoulder strap on my old golf bag, maybe with a little customisation.................

  8. Mmmm :wub: Watched the TOTP2 Duran prog the other night (woeful miming, incorrect facts and nasty spiteful narration by Mark Radcliffe [what a dick he is]) and was treated to much SB visual loveliness.

  9. The hardest part might be finding a neck! A quick trawl through the usual suspects (Allparts, Warmoth) did not reveal any short scale replacement necks, so I guess I'd have to buy a whole short scale Fender bass. If I'm doing that I might as well get one and upgrade the components on that. The best laid plans, etc. Oh well GAS is GAS and it's all good :)

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