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Posts posted by ezbass

  1. [quote name='EssentialTension' post='897390' date='Jul 17 2010, 04:44 PM']I'm sure it's a nice bass but that does sound pricey.[/quote]

    That was my thinking, but everything is negotiable, especially these days. When they haven't moved it in a few weeks might be the time to strike. They also have been known to Ebay certain 2nd hand items, so worth keeping an eye out for.

  2. [quote name='PURPOLARIS' post='897265' date='Jul 17 2010, 01:31 PM']My Ibanez AGB 200 is great guitar for the price I think. I managed to get mine for £150. I'm currently thinking of getting another short scale bass possibly a Mustang.[/quote]

    Friend of mine picked one of these up cheap too. Last time I visited him I had a go (well you've got to) and I must say I was very impressed and I loved the scale and overall size. A very nice bass indeed and I would imagine a good chassis for upgrades.

  3. First up I have no connection with the shop or with the bass in question.

    Right here we go, I went into Martin Phelps in Croydon earlier today to buy a capo for my acoustic guitar (damn singers who sing ib Bb :) ). Hanging up was a '74 Precision, ash body, maple board. It would've been rude not to try it, so I did. Well it played and sounded like a dream and it wasn't heavy in the slightest. The nut width was narrower than my '63, but wider than a J bass, really comfortable. They want £2.4k, but I'm sure that's negotiable. If anyone is after a nice, all original (so it seems) '70s P bass, this one's a beaut! Wish I had the money and room for another P.

  4. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='896682' date='Jul 16 2010, 04:25 PM']The Porcaros haven't had much luck.[/quote]

    Ain't that the truth.

    I read on Talkbass that Mike has ALS [url="http://www.talkbass.com/forum/showthread.php?t=633206"]http://www.talkbass.com/forum/showthread.php?t=633206[/url]

  5. [quote name='Linus27' post='893525' date='Jul 13 2010, 10:53 AM']I so wish this was fretless. I would probably bite your hand off for it. I wonder how much it would cost to be converted and if its a good idea.[/quote]

    I had my SUB defretted by The Gallery 2 or 3 years back, it cost me £110 inc LaBellas if I remember correctly. This included removing the frets and replacing them with maple lines. I also got them to remove the dots and replace them with rosewood dots for a cleaner look. MM fretless basses are my favourite by far.

  6. [quote name='Duarte' post='892176' date='Jul 11 2010, 07:11 PM']Aren't they just the same but with some patches of wear caused by a belt sander...?[/quote]

    Up to a point. That point being that they're finished in thin nitro cellulose (a lot of which is then sanded away) rather than being constricted by thick polyester. It definitely seems to make a difference, at least to my ears and touch.

    [quote name='Duarte' post='892176' date='Jul 11 2010, 07:11 PM']Fenders = sweet.[/quote]

    Oh yes :)

  7. [quote name='dood' post='890516' date='Jul 9 2010, 03:35 PM']There's always lots of threads about Bass Guitar Magazine, but I wondered how many others indulge their geeky side with Bass Gear Magazine?[/quote]

    Yep I do. I've been a little disappointed in the sporadic timing of the issues, but the content is pukka.

  8. You could do a lot worse than to get a Lakland Glaub. I realise that they're rosewood 'boards but they're really good and we have one for sale here on BC [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=93886&hl="]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=93886&hl=[/url] If I wasn't already Peed up (?) I would be looking at this.

  9. I had a sticking problem with my SUB where the satin finish became a little glossy and started to drag. Initially I wire wooled it to satinise it again, but the shine/sticky problem returned pretty soon. So I stripped the paint off, did a danish oil treatment to prevent moisture damage, wire wooled that back and now it's a smooth as smooth thing wearing shades and smoking a Gaulois.

  10. [quote name='Larmer' post='880001' date='Jun 28 2010, 04:04 PM']Of course! Unfortunately their prices are out of my range at the moment.
    I'm looking for a simple Jazz, in the veins of the Dingwall Super J, but for a budget of 1000-1500 pounds.[/quote]

    Drop Martin an email and explain your budget constraint, maybe he could do you a deal, after all in the current economic climate I doubt he has orders coming out of his ears. Worth a go, he can only say no and he might say yes :)

  11. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='878650' date='Jun 27 2010, 09:39 AM']I'd swap from the fretted P to the fretless, and it sounded pretty much the same...![/quote]

    I used to have that problem with my old Ashdown rig as the 2x10 cabs were voiced with a mid scoop, I get a much better fretless sound with my Schroeder 1212.

  12. These Sterling by MM are really good, the only fault I can really find with my Ray34 is that some of the fret ends are sharper than I'd like up at the dusty end, but that's really nit picking. For the cash they're awesome all round IMO.

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