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Everything posted by ezbass

  1. I heard about this; why, for pity’s sake? What next, 8 track tape cartridges?
  2. Bloody ridiculous! What an utter, utter balls up!
  3. Brilliant, a true Basschatter! 😆 It has been mentioned previously, but if you find a fiver isn’t for you, go with the drop D tuner, I’ve used them for years and have them fitted to the majority of my 4 stringers. You get used to compensating for the lower tuning really quickly. The only drawback is when you forget to reset it and launch into a tune only to find you’re a tone flat (tell folk it’s a jazz harmony 😉😆). An octave pedal probably won’t really do what you want, I’ll use it in that scenario for maybe a note or two at the end of a song, or a particular section, but not for the whole thing (unless I’m channeling Tony Levin, Pino or Guy Pratt of course).
  4. Beat on the Brat - The Ramones. (Neatly sidesteps Boney M trap).
  5. Let Your Love Flow - Bellamy Brothers (eeew!)
  6. Attack Of The Fifty Foot Woman - The Tubes
  7. I see Fender are celebrating 75 years by reissuing all the usual suspects, again.


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ezbass


      Yep: Rock/Fender/ Hard Place. It’s difficult for them, but they need to stick with a new design, it’ll be slow to begin with, but they’ll get there. I wonder what we’d be playing now if Leo & Co hadn’t ground it out in the early days (it couldn’t have been easy)? They should’ve tried harder with the Dimension bass, with some high profile  ‘name player’ endorsements. I can only think of Yolanda Charles playing one.

    3. geoham


      Indeed. Leo's impact to musical instrument design has always fascinated me - he wasn't a player himself, yet I don't think any other individual has contributed so much. Both with things he designed directly, and the influence on others' designs.

      The situation today kind of reminds of of the Ford statement "If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.”

      We need a modern day Leo!

    4. Drax


      I think it's more like Burger King's CEO on their failed attempt to sell salads 'We asked our customers what they wanted - turns out they lied' . 

  8. I really like this thread for the way it has highlighted the ‘different strokes for different folks’ adage and why there are so many different types of basses out there. The last 5 posts alone are cases in point.
  9. Had them on my Ibanez GWB35 and they are standard on some makes.
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