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Everything posted by geoffbassist

  1. [quote name='Clarky' timestamp='1377118782' post='2183711'] Hey Geoff I just watched the walking bass Part 1 video - excellent. Would be great if I could download to a portable device (eg iPad) for journeys to/from work etc. Do you have any plans to make this an app or even put the series on instructional DVDs? [/quote] Hey Clarky, thanks for the feedback, they are both ideas I'm considering. It would be cool to be able to download the lessons to watch online and a DVD would be good too. Current ideas include detailed transcriptions of the music used in the lessons as well as backing tracks (upcoming lessons use them more), a method book, an online course with videos, backing tracks and sheet music....it really depends what people want so please chip in if you have any ideas. Im also writing some articles which I want to get published and have some other ideas I'm perusing. At the moment I'm really fine tuning the website and finding out whats working to decide what to do next. I have a lot more video lessons ready to go and will be releasing them regularly. I want to improve the content and work out what topics are popular. I will use the feedback to help choose other topics, or discuss the current ones in more detail if necessary. I also really fancy answering viewers questions in the videos, so if you have any lesson suggestions or specific questions, please drop me a PM here or an email at the bottom of this page: http://www.discoverdoublebass.com/about/ thanks for the support everyone :-) Geoff
  2. Thanks MandShef and Sarah, Its great to think that people are actually using them now after the long process of getting it all together. :-)
  3. [quote name='Rabbie' timestamp='1377092854' post='2183242'] I really enjoyed the lessons and the website too. Excellent resource for beginning double bass. You are a great educator: your style is easy-going and friendly, yet always knowledgeable, enthusiastic and never patronising. Online learning is here to stay and I think you have devised a wonderful site for those who want to learn the double bass but may not have the money or time for a tutor just yet. Really very well done Geoff. [/quote] Thats such great feedback Rabbie, I'm really thrilled you like it! Cheers Geoff
  4. Yep :-) I hope I win a prize for the longest answer to the shortest question! :-)
  5. [quote name='apa' timestamp='1377036555' post='2182654'] They are great. Your very amiable and easy to follow. No waffle and no ego. Vids are very well produced filmed. The standing technique made me extend my pin by about 1 1/2". Much better. Two questions. Ive got a Stagg EUB and its very difficult to rest it so it sits unaided with a bit of thumb support which doesnt help when trying to relax my arch. Perhaps a vid showing EUB technique? Also you emphasise the use of the ends of your fingers on the left hand. Im sure I read or saw some where that using the pad is another proper technique? (Which is what I use). Really enjoying them Jeff. Much appreciated. Cant believe your throwing these out for free!! A [/quote] Im really glad you enjoyed the lessons, thanks for the feedback. I already have loads more ready and plan on releasing one every week or two. Your suggestion of a lesson discussing eub's is a good one. I think the main issue to overcome with each EUB instrument is the problem of balance. Often there have to be compromises in technique to actually balance them, which as long as you are aware of doing them is ok. The main thing is not to develop the habit of holding the full weight of the bass with your left hand when you are playing. It's also really is dependant on body shape... your own and the EUB's. I think Mr Bassman, aka Keith Jevons could help with this subject as he really knows his EUB's and is a great player. The left hand finger tips is slightly different for different people, but the main thing is not to collapse at the knuckle. It is the tip, but is not the flesh immediately touching the nail, but round a bit, just before you reach the fleshy pad that you have your finger print on. As I'm typing this response I realised its the part of the finger that touches the computer keyboard keys and the arch of the finger is very similar. You dont touch type with the flats of the fingers, or the very extreme part directly under the nail. There is a gentle arch of the finger and the where it curves to become the tip is the part that touches the strings. I hope this helps, it probably would have been easier to post a photo :-) I just wanted to thank everyone for watching the lessons and If anyone else has any future subject suggestions, please send them my way. Cheers Geoff
  6. [attachment=141985:bassontree.jpg] Here's an old picture of me getting back to nature...
  7. Thanks for the positive feedback guys, its great that you are enjoying them! :-)
  8. Thanks guys. I really has been a huge amount of work! :-) There are 15 lessons online and I really hope they help and I would love to hear your comments once you have had a chance to try some. Cheers Geoff
  9. Hi Guys, I've been working flat out for a while now on my new online double bass lessons. Check them out here: [url="https://www.youtube.com/user/DiscoverDoubleBass"]https://www.youtube....coverDoubleBass[/url] I set up a play list so you get a better overview of what there is: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUXgtLdATSU6LQLd6Qlp0bQ/videos?feature=guide&view=1 I would love any feedback you have, good or bad. Hope you enjoy them, Geoff
  10. [quote name='fatgoogle' timestamp='1376517613' post='2175504'] Too much music over here too. Really enjoying the Hrabe and Bottesini exercises at the moment. And a dirty great pile of the real books which i now and again delve into. I've ot the Rufus Reid book as well. Didnt enjoy it too much but never finished so i should probably give it another go. [/quote] I also love the Hrabe studies and prefer them to Simandl. I think the Rufus book has some great stuff (like the Ray Brown book) but both have a lot of unnecessary exercises written out in all 12 keys..etc... The blues bass lines in Rays book are worth the price of admission and I remember a couple of the standard from Rufus's book were superb.
  11. Johns amazing! what i love about the book is that at first glance the sheer amount of text makes it look light on music, but the music that is there is so good! As its mixed with the text I still keep finding new bits! Its also really worth spending time to learn the exercises by memory as they are really cool. I cant think of another double bass book that is so consistent in the quality of its content. The Rufus Reed book or Ray Brown are great, but there are large sections I'm not into. That said it works for me, but wont be for everyone.
  12. Congratulations! Looks like an amazing deal. 5 strings are really cool. A low B is huge on upright!
  13. That's a great collection. It's crazy the way they stack up. I have loads I need work through. My favourite is John Goldsby's The Jazz Bass Book. That and Standing in the Shadows of Motown for bass guitar would be my 2 desert island bass books.
  14. I have a jazz background &I found learning to use the bow and studying a classical music post grad had a HUGE effect on my playing. It might not be for everyone, but if you put the time in with a good teacher it will really help your playing in loads of ways.
  15. I have one and keep it incase I'm using a borrowed amp. It's a great product and I love the simplicity of it. I just go straight into my AI Clarus though as its already got a great sound.
  16. Hope you hand improves and I will try and call in to see the new addition. It's great that its working out!
  17. Wow Keith, I can't belive you managed a gig on a half size. I have had several young students who had fractional size basses, but couldn't get a decent sound from them. The way you are sat looks really comfortable though. I bet your left hand would get used to it. Are you going to do more with it? I would be great at the Harrogate Brasserie!
  18. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1374866931' post='2154341'] One more (different line-up). Secret Love (tenor/guitar and rhythm). I cannot tell you how great it feels to have been part of these performances and to know that, on a good day, I can, at least, 'keep up'! [url="https://soundcloud.com/robert-palmer-1/secret-love"]https://soundcloud.c...r-1/secret-love[/url] [/quote] Wow, great job. What a band! Those 11 minute up tempo tunes really test your stamina, but the tempo stays right where it should be. I would have been praying for a ballad after that!
  19. Sounds like your rig is coming together mate. Let us know how it sounds with the db750. I expect it will be immense!
  20. I LOVE these strings and thats a great price. If mine needed changing I would have gone for them.Great for bow and pizz....
  21. [quote name='bassfunk' timestamp='1374063728' post='2144836'] Glad you found somebody. But if Huw isn't around and you fancy a lesson, I take Lessons from Stewart Wilson based here in Manchester. Only a quick jaunt up the M56, he doesn't have a website but you could give him a call on 07936767828. Great Jazz and classical player. He's an ex RNCM student so if he's too far he might be able to tell you of somebody closer to you? [/quote] +1 for Stewart. I was at the RNCM with him and he's a great guy and amazing musician. I would highly recommend him to anyone looking for a bass teacher in Manchester.
  22. Congratulations! Looks like a great instrument and its great you are getting a bow right from the start. Let us know how you get on.
  23. [quote name='ubassman' timestamp='1374008557' post='2144260'] If you invested in one you could plug it into a [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/TASCAM-MP-BT1-MPBT1-PORTABLE-MP3-BASS-TRAINER-/390627258328?pt=US_Other_Pro_Audio&hash=item5af332efd8"]tascam bass trainer[/url] and play silently through headphones at full volume ? [/quote] I have owned two EUBs and found the acoustic volume was fine. For me it's all about trying to not disturb others. I can't wait to finally live somewhere with a great practice room.
  24. I really like the sound of the BigE. That said Im still pretty happy with my full circle >AI Clarus> mline wizzy. Volume wise its enough for everything I need and I think the Full Circle does loud really well. Hope you get it sorted Laurence, let us know how it goes.
  25. I use a practice mute and it works to a point. I dont really like the way it makes the bass respond, but you get used to it. They dont really do enough to mute it and I dont really know what to advice to keep the volume down other than buying an EUB. It's been a big problem for me over the years, but you have to just get on with it otherwise you will never practice.
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