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Status Updates posted by SpondonBassed

  1. When the Moon hits your eye...


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Taylor Bitch-blues

      Taylor Bitch-blues

      My dad's too, he ran a four piece dance band, barn dances they called the events,  the only one I ever played with him was Autumn Leaves,  oldies but goodies.

    3. SpondonBassed


      Mine too.

      It was rare for him to sing along to much of anything but he did like that one.

    4. TheGreek


      Love Deano!!!

  2. What's on my mind?

    I'm thinking that the Status Update function has never been the same since the site migrated to the new format.  Some members (knowingly or unknowingly) see it as a private messaging service.

    My burning question is:

    Now that we no longer get @Les's Post Gig Gastro Guide* - the PG3, if you will, do we actually need the shoutbox at all?

    We have public Topics and Private Messaging for that stuff after all.

    Just an opinion.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SpondonBassed


      Ah but you are overlooking the vital public service that he was delivering to readers who might be gigging in the same circles.  In fact, I thought it should be extended to serve the whole nation*, as did some other members, but when we had a go at collecting reports on a day to day business, the idea kinda fell over.  The interest was not as strong as it needed to be to become a feature of the site.

      It was a shame because I firmly believe that: The band that eats together stays together.

      *Not just Wigan, "the centre of the known universe" as Les quaintly put it.

    3. Les


      I fully intend to reinstate the Kebab or death guide if anyone ever sees fit to pay me to play again.

    4. SpondonBassed



      Now there's something to make it worth taking the vaccine for.

      Heeheehee, regards



    "2019 New + Factory + Custom 17 Strings Electric Bass Guitar Rosewood Fingerboard no Fret Inlay bass free shipping 17 string bass"

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Teebs


      It looks like a flat - pack dining chair! :D

    3. bartelby


      I reckon they'd sell more marketing it as a zither...

    4. SpondonBassed


      How would you tune it?  Each semi-tone gets a string for an octave and a quarter?  Do you play it as a lap instrument?  Has Davie504 played one yet?

  4. Struggling to keep an interest in becoming band worthy again.

    So many people insist that I use social media that it has finally put me off asking, even on Basschat or JMB.

    If I ever get offered bassist again it will be down to luck and word of mouth.  I see 'net dependence more and more in people around me.  Sure, there's lots of talk about regulation for people who have to use it for work but I never see progress in dealing with commercial push.  It depresses me.

    Time for breakfast and a rethink about where best to spend my time.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. SpondonBassed


      "Party Line"

      Hahahaha!  I know what you mean and it isn't one of the party chat lines that used 0898 prefixes in the late eighties/nineties.  Re: the telephone in general, you'd think that it would work better with mobile 'phones.  The pager was a good idea but now that the pager is defunct you have to get into that great and poorly filtered jacuzzi of data called the Internet just to stay in touch.

      Like you say, there is no alternative now which is exactly why I'm losing the will to carry on with bass practice.  See how I feel about it come Springtime but right now, I am anything but optimistic.

      The late Mr Hoskins used to say "It's gud to tawk".  Current news reports say that fewer and fewer people will actually talk on their smartypants 'phones because they can txt innit.  Barmy.

      Telepresence is the hot thing right now.  One day, YT jockies will be performing from their bedrooms to audiences in large venues via iPads sat on top of Segways.  Seeing as I don't drive now, maybe I should go into deep freeze and have someone thaw me out when I can take advantage of that whole Sci-Fi nightmare dream.

      Each year, the Logan's Run model for a youthful society is made to look more and more attractive.

    3. LukeFRC


      you realise Basschat is on the internet? 

      I'm guessing that if I were local and knew someone needing a bass player I could PM you and you would reply? 

      How do you differentiate between broadcasting your thoughts on  basschat and using a website to access services from DWP/HMRC or whoever might pay you benefits? 


    4. SpondonBassed


      Of course I do Luke.  What do you take me for?

      It is very easy to differentiate:

      Basschat is currently the only place you can message me via the Internet.  I have a JMB account but I haven't used it for a couple of years.  I use email only when I have to.

      I draw the line at allowing my bank details to go on the 'net following a deeply worrying incident that the Halifax completely failed to address a few years ago.

      I withdrew from Internet banking and now, I only use the Internet for information, never commerce.  I changed banks too.  My current bank has put a note on my account to prevent anyone setting up Internet banking on my account, even if they think that they are acting legitimately on my behalf.

      I still file my tax returns on paper and I have had two meetings with HMRC over issues with their online system during the aftermath of my mum's death because their online system was and still is pants.  HMRC recognise this and have said that I never have to use the system again.

      I never stream.  I download for free and listen/watch at my leisure if there is something I want from Internet media.  I only watch broadcast TV and I believe that "smart" TVs are the work of the devil.  Interactivity is not required when I want to just sit and be entertained.

      In short; there is no part of my life that is dependent on the Internet.  I have a connection that is closed when I am not in attendance.  There is nothing I need above that, let alone want.  If there is a power cut or the Internet gets shut down during a national crisis, I am safe.

      I hope this reassures you.  Any more questions?

      PS; My wittering on about stuff on Basschat is not actually broadcasting.  I think you are confusing it with twitfacebookappenger or something.


  5. @Les

    Hoping you are well.  Missing the Kebablog.

    I'm making do but it's not nearly as satisfying reading about quinoa flatbread butties served with avocado fries as it is hearing of the apres gig foodie scene in the North Midlands.

    Please come back?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. lowregisterhead


      +1 from me. Hope it's just been a slow start to the year, Les - looking forward to hearing more haute cuisine hilarity!

    3. Les


      All's well lads. Just had 4 weeks off playing as we usually do this time of year.

      It starts again this weekend and as it stands there are so far 47 kebab reviews 

      in the offing and more to come. Quite a few new ones where we boldly go where no

      band has gone before too. :D

    4. SpondonBassed



      47 bookings eh?  Cool.

  6. Let's see if this note survives the move...

    Good luck and see all of yer on t'other side

    1. Happy Jack

      Happy Jack

      Welcome to BrassChat, the home of all things related to brass ware ...

    2. SpondonBassed


      Well... we were told the new site would have all the mod-cons.  After this move we should have brass knobs on too.

    3. Les


      Maybe my kebab guide will come back ? xD

  7. My status?  I haven't really got one.  I live in a sort of limbo between semi-retirement and can't-be-ar5edness.  I need a swift kick up the Khyber Pass.

    1. discreet


      Semi-retirement and can't-be-arsedness? You must be a cabinet minister. Or possibly asleep in the House of Lords.

    2. SpondonBassed


      Now that I think, yes.  That must be it.  Where's my expense claim form?  Quickly now, I have an important report to sit on.

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