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Doctor J

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Everything posted by Doctor J

  1. [quote name='JTUK' post='1293232' date='Jul 5 2011, 11:55 AM']Rather defeats the object IMO..you have the B st so the D is covered..no need to bother messing around with anything else for an audition.[/quote] Many Metal riffs written in dropped D tuning are pretty unplayable if you try to fret the D on the B string. Even then, if you can find a way to play them, they'll sound awful if you can't work off the open string in the same way as the guitar.
  2. Maybe a set of Elixirs to cut down on friction from the string too.
  3. [quote name='El Bajo' post='1293177' date='Jul 5 2011, 11:03 AM']Tried playing some songs last night with a dropped E string and its easier but if I want to move away and play something more adventurous I've no idea where I am anymore[/quote] Maybe, since it's an audition, they just want you to stick to the facts and leave the adventurous stuff for if/when you've bedded in. Most Metal bands are based around largely shadowing what the guitar is doing (not saying that's right or wrong, just saying), re-enforcing the rhythmic power of the riffs. There is scope to branch out and be adventurous but if you're not holding it down first then it will be noticed. Concentrate on being tight with the drums and playing powerfully first and flamboyant second. You shouldn't be purely just mimicking the rhythm guitar but, for an audition, that's where my starting point would be. Let them know you can nail it tight first, then show them how expressive you can be second. I could be miles off the mark but that's generally the gist of any metal situation I've been in.
  4. Lakland 55-01 [url="http://www.lakland.com/55-01.htm"]http://www.lakland.com/55-01.htm[/url]
  5. [quote name='megallica' post='1291948' date='Jul 4 2011, 11:19 AM']Ok thanks, assuming the control cavity was big enough, would I need a new control knob?[/quote] Again, it depends what you're putting in. If your bass has vol tone and three way switch you'd probably look at putting in a stacked pot for treble and bass cut and boost. What is in the bass currently and what do you have in mind?
  6. No doubt they'll have a few riffs based around other open strings too, really the easiest thing here is to copy their tuning. Been down this road before, trust me, it's less grief in the long run to go with the flow here.
  7. Tune your B to A and your E to D. Copy their drop tuning, it's the simplest solution and you'll pick it up easily enough, much more so than if you have DEADGC.
  8. It really depends on the preamp you choose and whether the control cavity is big enough to house a 9v battery. If not, there are always external preamps you can use, such as the Sadwosky.
  9. From 1994 here's some Old Scratch, basically we improvised pretty much everything except the song titles, which got progressively more awkward to make things hard for our vocalist reading set-lists at gigs. With that in mind, I present [url="http://oldscratch.justinmaloney.com/sounds/940321_2.mp3"]Mystical Wizard Of The Unknown Information Transformation Formation Proves His Point Yet Again[/url] We honestly thought we were visionaries at the time and even got that played on national radio a few times From more recent times, a music forum over here was having a theme-based song thang, the theme being Superheroes, so I recorded all of this in my sitting room, even the drums [url="http://www.justinmaloney.com/awwjo/clot1hawk.mp3"]The Hawk[/url]
  10. Yup, managed to get my old DATs transferred a few years back, heard that many of them weren't lasting too long.
  11. This, I like. Very tasteful.
  12. Very nice. I see a gap though, you've three bursts, no solid colours. I'm afraid you're going to have to buy another bass to rectify that.
  13. [quote name='Jean-Luc Pickguard' post='1290957' date='Jul 3 2011, 01:07 PM']It sounds like test card music[/quote] This is the music ITV used to play back in the 90's during the night when they ran out of adverts
  14. [quote name='chris_b' post='1290920' date='Jul 3 2011, 12:24 PM']About trouble shooting: Has anyone had the, "My computer's not working" complaint? Then there's a big silence when you ask, "Is it plugged in?"[/quote] I have asked that question more than once and with good cause
  15. Ah yes, I thought they looked like Iommi's alright, very cool.
  16. Does it happen on both pickups or just one?
  17. That's fantastic, Andy, thanks for posting.
  18. P90s and Teles really work together, nice colour too. Next up from me, Tokai ES130
  19. What are the humbuckers in the Tele and SG?
  20. Nice. I dig these basses a lot.
  21. Nice. You've just re-awakened my L2000 GAS. I hope you're proud of yourself.
  22. I used to have a 55-02 which tore through batteries, it was only as I sold it that I realised it was wired incorrectly - that the battery was to soldered to the circuit instead of the jack, so it was always on, even when not plugged in.
  23. That blue one means business alright, very nice.
  24. Thank you both kindly, it's got the nicest neck of any guitar I've ever played. Of course, I now have to ask, what's number one?
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