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Doctor J

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Everything posted by Doctor J

  1. Looks great, thanks guys!
  2. For every ad you see, substitute "old" in for "vintage" and "wear" for "mojo" if it's there. Suddenly the ads don't seem so alluring, though possibly more grounded in the real world.
  3. Invocation & Ritual Dance Of The Young Pumpkin by the Mothers Of Invention
  4. I've never been too hot on neck through either, but in the case of the SS1 I'm finding myself really not having a problem with it in the slightest
  5. For the price Warwicks are going for second hand I'd say look for a SS1, there is just something very special about them even compared to the LX, and the price really is right at the moment. But I'd say live with the Jazzman for a while. There must've been something there to make you get the J, let the glow fade a little with the Streamer and make sure it's a long term thing you've got going on
  6. I'd say you need to hear some Q-Tuners if you're after clarity, they're the spankiest pickups I've ever played.
  7. Apologies, read it incorrectly I think the general gist is that you can run a much weaker pickup and then use an internal pre to boost the signal, meaning less noise, flatter response and greater clarity, less magnetic pull too. The output of the LX is greater but I'm sure there's a trim pot on the pre on both which can control the overall output.
  8. There's a third cable running to each pickup coming from the battery, both the pickup and the preamp need to be powered, like an EMG really - I think they had just moved to MEC from EMG as standard shortly before it was built. On the LX, just the preamp requires power.
  9. [quote name='Hutton' post='1375277' date='Sep 16 2011, 10:54 AM']I have a 1984 Precision which is an excellent bass. If I was to sell it then I can expect to pocket about £400 - £500 less than a late 70s Precision. Why?[/quote] You just need to wait three years until it becomes a good bass
  10. On my SS1 the pickups are active, on my LX they're passive, though the SS1 is a fair bit older than the LX. They don't sound too dissimilar, however.
  11. Vintage is a term used to try to squeeze more money out of a prospective buyer on the basis of age and exclusivity magically making something seem better than it actually is In practical terms, I think there's a 30 year timeline where the price and desriability of instruments suddenly increases, certainly it looks like early 80's Fenders have come in from the cold, even late 70's and early 80's Japanese stuff are appreciating rapidly too. Personally, I think there might be a link to the age of the buyer, where having disposable income and a large dose of nostalgia makes owning an instrument older than you are a cool thing.
  12. That is stunning. I much prefer the look of a lighter facing on Wals
  13. I got a trio of fake 57s a few years back. It was easy to tell they were fake because they fell apart when I unscrewed the caps, literally came to pieces in my hand.
  14. Rob's been in the band almost 10 years but he's still 4th behind McGovney in terms of importance.
  15. First, see if there are four wires coming out of your pickup or two.
  16. I, too, like bass guitar and music... just not at the same time.
  17. Thanks Regarding the clothes, all I need is a sock
  18. Time to have a good look inside...
  19. Very nice. Tasteful but still extravagant. I like it
  20. I took some new pics of the Bacchus P
  21. Hardware or software? If software is an option, BFD Eco is going for $30 at the moment [url="http://www.fxpansion.com/index.php?page=103"]http://www.fxpansion.com/index.php?page=103[/url]
  22. Looks great, well done. What is the string spacing?
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