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Everything posted by Monz

  1. Welcome to the brotherhood I played a Hiwatt 400 and thought it was lovely... very smooth valve sound with LOADS of headroom I then played a GT200 and was blown away by it's ability to do the velvety smooth valve tone and also by rotating the DRIVE dial 3 notches you get an amazing overdriven gritty valve tone with stacks of character and headroom.... needless to say I plumbed for the Matamp You will love it
  2. My band are playing tonight and tomorrow night in Sheffield... If you are at a loose end and your lass fancies a dance round the handbags get yourself down and be sure to come and say hello [i][b]Friday 18th[/b][/i] [b]New Barrack Tavern, Penistone Road, Sheffield[/b] Sound check 8pm On stage 9pm ish 3 sets late finish (after midnight) -- Kev's (The landlord) Birthday Bash... Will be a good night [url="http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=new+barrack+Tavern,+sheffield&sll=53.786987,-1.063313&sspn=0.012981,0.038495&ie=UTF8&ll=53.409225,-1.491051&spn=0.052391,0.15398&z=13&iwloc=A"]Google Map for "New Barrack Tavern"[/url] [i][b]Saturday 19th[/b][/i] [b]The Harlequin, Nursery St, Sheffield[/b] Sound check 8pm On stage 9.15pm ish 2 sets finish around 11.30 -- Always a good crowd in here [url="http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=the+harlequin,+sheffield&sll=53.409225,-1.491051&sspn=0.052391,0.15398&ie=UTF8&ll=53.389446,-1.455002&spn=0.013104,0.038495&z=15&iwloc=A"]Google map for "The Harlequin"[/url]
  3. [quote name='Toasted' post='595570' date='Sep 11 2009, 12:16 PM']+1 ![/quote] We will have to time it so we are both together at Steve's place so you can have a play... I know it's not as loud as the mesa rig but you will still be able to hear afterwards lol
  4. OK last bump before it loses its frets Price can't go any lower so now is the time if you are thinking about it... Would make a great starter bass or back up 5er at this money
  5. Ok here is my summarised musical history by Monz (aged 43 1/2) Started playing in brass bands when I was 9yrs old on the cornet... getting older and a rather nasty accident involving my mouth and a kerb edge saw me move down the registers through euphonium to tuba (Bb Bass) until about 3 years ago when I decided I had had enough of marching and contests and decided to pick up the electric bass. I really wish I had done it 20 years ago. 2007: Bought a warwick corvette 5, Line 6 lowdown bass combo and guitar pro software and started learning songs from the dots (sheet music). Six months later and practicing around 2 to 3 hours a night saw me on stage at a jam night with my knees clacking togeher playing "brown eyed girl" and "black magic woman" 2008: Ditched the Line 6 bought Markbass rig went for an audition with a Sheffield based covers band and got the gig learned 49 songs in 30 days (that was really hard) Did my first proper paying gig June 28th 2009: Ditched the warwick and the markbass got Musicman Stingray 5 and Matamp valve amps/cabs, still playing for the "The Call" and loving it. I don't get scared going on stage anymore, it's just really good fun, almost like going to paid rehearsals with the lads. Just joined a rock band that will be ready to gig in about 2 months (hopefully). Just in the process of forming a ska/reggae band but I reckon that will be 12 months before it's ready to do anything serious 2010: Bring it on... Hope the timeline helps
  6. [quote name='Finbar' post='598794' date='Sep 14 2009, 10:38 PM']I don't really know what's going on with Sean to be honest. Is it worth me getting in touch with the person after Sean on the list instead, Alex? Just to keep the ball rolling...[/quote] PM'd
  7. Wayne... Checkout Matamp if you are looking for serious all valve tone, they really are the mutts nuts and custom made for £1299 200W into 4 or 8 ohm.
  8. Thanks for the info guys I'm going to drop this to £140 + P&P for a week... If it doesn't sell I'm going to have Prosebass make it into a lined fretless for me to noodle on If you want a bargain 5 string now is the time to shout
  9. I am waiting for the satin black metal grilles to arrive before I put the piccies up... still look good with the cloth grilles on but will look awesome with the metal ones on
  10. Ok back up for sale is the lovely Jackson 5 string I bought off 2x18 a few weeks ago to use as a backup for gigging but I'm struggling to get to grip with the difference between this and the SR5 I have as my main bass. The upshot is I've bought a MM SUB 5 and the Jackson is going to have to go. Plays a dream (flat fingerboard) 18mm string spacing at bridge Active circuit 2EQ + PUP Pan and Vol Very good condition with hardcase (used but ok) The bass cost me £140.00 As I was going to use it as backup bass I have fitted a new set of TI Flats (£48.00) Ill even chuck in a new set of Rotosound roundwounds in case you are not a fan of flats Price £140.00 plus shipping (no offers) [attachment=32501:DSCF1128.JPG] [attachment=32502:DSCF1129.JPG] [attachment=32503:DSCF1133.JPG] [attachment=32504:DSCF1134.JPG] [attachment=32505:DSCF1135.JPG] ([i]Photos were taken by 2x18 but I'm sure he won't mind and the only difference is it's now got sooper dooper strings on it)[/i]
  11. 8x10 you know it makes sense Well actually 2 x 4 x 10
  12. Well I am only using 200W ish and the two gigs I have done with it (one of them was quite a loud one) only had me turning the volume to halfway without the gain turned up at all so I'm guessing 100 to 150W if that. That was using a single 4x10 without porting Did make me smile a lot though
  13. [quote name='EssentialTension' post='586138' date='Aug 31 2009, 10:40 PM']I'd rather not. What price did you pay? And I don't mean for the rig.[/quote] Here is a bit of financial advice for you... Buy shares in Thorntons and Intaflora as they are just about to see a dramatic upturn in profits
  14. [quote name='EssentialTension' post='586119' date='Aug 31 2009, 10:07 PM']I know, but only because you beat me to it, it could so easily have been the other way around. At least I haven't had to explain it's sudden appearance in the house.[/quote] You think that would be difficult eh? I've just had to move the furniture round in the front room so I can get my new rig in and out of the house LOL You can just imagine the conversations can't you
  15. Mark my words... you will need either an affinity for wasps or a lot of fly spray, they love colours with high infra-red signatures We once painted my little brothers race bike in the same colour and he always ended up sitting on his own (apart from the swarm of wasps) in the paddock waiting to go down to the start line
  16. [quote name='tayste_2000' post='583458' date='Aug 28 2009, 12:36 PM']You told me you helped on that 2x12, you did bugger all. Can you post as an individual picture the last one with the head sat on it, [/quote] Sure thing here is one of the head on it's own [attachment=31840:25082009310.jpg] And here is one sat on the 2x12 [attachment=31841:25082009313.jpg]
  17. [quote name='jmesa' post='583484' date='Aug 28 2009, 12:52 PM']That amp is lush!!!!111!1!1!!!!! How much are they?[/quote] I think the list is £1299 but you can talk to this guy and he lives in the real world PS just noticed you are using a 400+ ( the matamp runs clean to 200W+ and well into the mid 300s with the dials on 11)
  18. To save uploading shed loads of pics I cobbled together a little screenshow of the 2x12 being made. I made it as small as I could and hopefully you can still see what is happening [attachment=31765:Matamp.wmv]
  19. [quote name='beerdragon' post='581971' date='Aug 26 2009, 10:35 PM']I have one at gigs. it's called a drummer.[/quote] So let me get this right.... You let your Drummer go near your bass amp and twiddle with knobs Have you any idea how dangerous that is?
  20. I played this when I went round to get a Roland bass cube from "the man who leaves no feedback" Even though I'm not a 4 strig fan I found the neck a dream to play... if only it had 1 more string
  21. A little update... I have given in to common sense and now I'm having 2 off 4x10 sealed cabs instead of 1 8x10 sealed cab. This was decided purely on a logistical point i.e. It would be very difficult for me to manage the 8x10 on my own when loading into the house . I tried to ignore this and press on but Geoff made me see sense haha
  22. [quote name='Toasted' post='580436' date='Aug 25 2009, 05:05 PM']Monz, are you at matamp every day?[/quote] It will have cost me more in days off work than the price of the gear lol
  23. Here we go with live updates from MATAMP Central Here are some pics of the amp complete, but still to be fitted in the sleve... Firstly the business end [attachment=31531:25082009190.jpg] [attachment=31533:25082009191.jpg] And now the pretty side [attachment=31529:25082009183.jpg] [attachment=31530:25082009188.jpg] Just having a breather from making and covering the cabs, pics of that to follow
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