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Everything posted by buff

  1. Cheers Gareth, i cant fault the bass. But need to move on after the purchase of a ric
  2. i picked up a touring combo off here recently and split the head from the cab. Mainly because i needed a back up head, and the fact that i preferred my own 2x12 cab. But it means i can use the 1x15 for small gigs practices.
  3. amended price bump, would it still be here if it was from japan ?
  4. Bought this off Gareth last year, and have hardly used it since. Made in mexico in 2005 and is up there in quality term's of the fender japan 60's re issues (having owned two identical japanese basses to to this) and the american re issues. Spiral bridge and also has reverse tuners. Weight is 9.5 lbs in very good condition other than a paint chip on the rear on the edge of the cut away, but its been painted in and is hardly noticable. Comes with non fender hardcase.
  5. Stan stammers http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bt3vXTENINA
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  7. Lower than simonon higher than hook
  8. How about using a sansamp, i picked up a 550 combo last week that sounds great with one.
  9. ABM 2x10 compact, no rips etc. slight scuff on top that will cover up £130 posted
  10. Did a swap with Tony, his ashdown touring combo for my G&K mb500 head. Also separate deal far abm 2x10, Lot's of communication and a pleasant swift deal.
  11. You've hit the nail on the head really, most people in they're 20's can get away with not having a great voice. But add another 20 odd year's on and its a struggle, only exception to the rule strangely enough to my ear's is mr lydon. Who i think sound's better now than 20 year's ago, well on PIL stuff anyway.
  12. Thought it was the best near years eve show for a long time, but would have loved to have seen mr ant with some ants instead of a backing band. Hard to believe the Hives have never been on a new years eve show before now, thought in some way's they made the show. Roland Gift still has a great voice, unlike Kevin Roland.
  13. Suppose it all comes down to perspective of if your into w*** or keeping the bottom end going. i'd rather keep the bottom end going and through in the odd fill, as long as everything keep's pumping. Maybe it comes down to musical tastes and who also infuenced you.
  14. Christmas eve bump, cant believe no one wants a 4lb head thats hardly been used. Or swop for an ashdown
  15. shame you dont wont to go D class
  16. Loving this at the minute
  17. Re advertised due to deal falling through, MB500 gigged six times. Basically my back up amp little use just under a year old. Only issue has been the mute button not working, thats now been replaced under warranty. Trade wise im after either a spyder head or ABM 500 head or older GK head
  18. To add to the above. An old friend ended up going out with a girl, who's sister was guigsys partner. He said bonehead was the best of the bunch, never really said anything about Noel (which i think said a lot, although he ended up making Noel some blue meany sculptures for supernova height's) And that Liam was a great guy, who mainly acted up for the press. This was all around what's the story morning glory time, he spent a lot of time in london going out to the ivy with liam and patsy. And rarely had to pay for anything.
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