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Everything posted by Balcro

  1. 1. All the Way from Memphis. 2. Sweet Home Alabama. Could be manageable with a 4 piece. Balcro.
  2. Try this link to a video and see what you think. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PE5R3rUoU58&feature=related"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PE5R3rUoU58...feature=related[/url] The pressurewounds are the first stop off from standard roundwounds. Balcro.
  3. It's got to be a MusicMan. Why design a stringed instrument and put the pickup in the wrong place? One pickup placed close to a string anchorage point where the vibration is minimal! Huh.... and as for that tear-drop pick guard. Looks like product differentiation for the sake of it. Rickenbackers just look old for the sake of it. The curly knob-end to the top horn is at least good for keeping a grip on it, - stops your hand slipping off - but otherwise. Balcro.
  4. [quote name='Linus27' post='944071' date='Sep 2 2010, 11:25 PM']You must check out this thread sir for all the answers you need. Pull up a glass of wine, sit back and enjoy :) [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=100953&hl="]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=100953&hl=[/url][/quote] Oh, I tried, But after 3 pages the thread deteriorated into "mine is bigger than yours". Never mind. Self-realisation means you have succeeded, not failed. Balcro.
  5. [quote name='Linus27' post='942057' date='Sep 1 2010, 01:49 PM']For years I was happy but I have just recently been told that what ever I do or have done, it just won't sound as good as if I had an Ampeg SVT head. I now feel a failure, not only to myself but to all my fans who I have subjected them to the non Ampeg SVT tone. How they will ever forgive me. For years they surely were just listening to the bass as all music lovers do and I have clearly led them up the garden path with an inadequate non Ampeg SVT tone. I think its time now to bow out, ashamed and as a failure as a non Ampeg SVT playing bass player. [/quote] So just who is this all seeing, all knowing audio sage that has led you out into the wilderness and told you that you were a failure? Balcro.
  6. [quote name='Linus27' post='942057' date='Sep 1 2010, 01:49 PM']For years I was happy but I have just recently been told that what ever I do or have done, it just won't sound as good as if I had an Ampeg SVT head. I now feel a failure, not only to myself but to all my fans who I have subjected them to the non Ampeg SVT tone. How they will ever forgive me. For years they surely were just listening to the bass as all music lovers do and I have clearly led them up the garden path with an inadequate non Ampeg SVT tone. I think its time now to bow out, ashamed and as a failure as a non Ampeg SVT playing bass player. :lol: :lol: :lol:[/quote] So just who is this all seeing, all knowing audio sage that has led you out into the wilderness and told you that you were a :( failure? Balcro.
  7. I'm indifferent to lots of stuff, especially the standards and the derivatives. Love it? Very few. It's got to be a Thunderbird. The finish and colour, especially the dark red one (see OTPJ review) says "Yea, pick me up & play me" Give it some welly! Let's Rock. But the balance and the ergonomics are awful. Shame. Balcro.
  8. Without even checking the spec, I'd guess your RW has an ash body. Beautifully resonant, but outweighed by most necks. Mine only suffers slightly in comparison to your dilemma. +1 to what Bassassin said about the strap. The other thing that I do is to flip the tail end of the strap over to the front side of the body. Not only does this pull the angle of the neck up several degrees but it tilts the face of the strings toward you. I know it's only a temporary expedient, but it might be better than disfiguring a bass by drilling holes in it. Balcro.
  9. The bass came factory equipped with d'Addario XL165's. Nice enough and no complaints, but I'm going to swap them for GHS "Brite Flats" (grondwound) medium - 52, 65,84,103. Expecting a touch more depth. Balcro.
  10. You might be able to get some idea from this forum - [url="http://unofficialacousticcontrolcorpmessageboard.yuku.com/directory"]http://unofficialacousticcontrolcorpmessag...u.com/directory[/url] It will also depend on which country you're selling it. See also "craigslist" and ebay. Balcro.
  11. Balcro


    Terrible news. You could tell from his posts that he was an absolute pillar of the this Basschat community. He will be sadly missed. Balcro.
  12. Here you are. Bass Player face on - [url="http://www.wikizic.org/Cort-GB74/videos-1.htm"]http://www.wikizic.org/Cort-GB74/videos-1.htm[/url] Balcro.
  13. This should do ya! [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=96511"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=96511[/url] Music Man configuration (+) and an Ibanez type neck. Balcro.
  14. [quote name='scottaylor' post='914443' date='Aug 3 2010, 11:31 PM']i have a 4 stirng vintage dose any 1 now the www, for it as im trying to finde out what my nobs on bass do as ive read about them ment to do things to the pick ups, have 3 of them thank you[/quote] Try this- [url="http://www.jhs.co.uk/intro.htm"]http://www.jhs.co.uk/intro.htm[/url] Balcro. PS. Which town in Wales?
  15. Great Looks and lovely sounds. Have a bump on me. Balcro.
  16. To go back to your original question. Should you be worried: probably not. Should you accept the various mistakes and mis-alignments on a £1000 American Standard bass; definitely not. I have pick-guard and pick-up issues on my bass, ( I can see it but no one else has noticed) but I don't think it makes any difference to the produced sound. I haven't detected any unevenness across the strings, but then my bass only cost £330. Good Luck, Balcro
  17. [quote name='scottaylor' post='912909' date='Aug 2 2010, 03:47 PM']its normal a grate jam with people helping u out[/quote] Where? The Location. Town etc,. Balcro.
  18. [quote name='SteveK' post='910185' date='Jul 30 2010, 12:40 PM']Surely, the word musician is a general term to describe someone who creates or performs music - regardless of instrument. Bass player, guitarist, pianist etc is a more specific term to describe a particular type of musician. So, I am both: A musician who plays bass guitar.[/quote] I have to agree with that. Where you see yourself fitting into these labels will vary from person to person. [u]I play a bass guitar[/u] (not very well) for enjoyment. I can read music and can play piano [i](certificates up to Grade 7, 1 short of the diiploma)[/i], although I haven't done so for years. To me the word musician implies a certain high level of current ability on at least one instrument, so to me OTPJ (see earlier posts) is a musician. Currently [i](optimistic)[/i] I'm not. I've always hated the word bassist. It sound like the creation of a mouthy TV presenter or or a muso hack - there; take that, biff! Balcro.
  19. [quote name='dougie' post='909050' date='Jul 29 2010, 11:38 AM']Memorys gone m8 but yes got a 2.9ghz processor-FINALLY GOT JIFFY BAGS SO THE 3 OF U THAT PM`D POSTING IN THE MORNING GUYS,SORRY ABOUT THE DELAY...PUT IT DOWN TO AN ARSEHOLE BOSS THAT THINKS ITS OK TO SENT A GUY WITH A YOUNG FAMILY AWAY FOR A WEEK AT A TIME WHILE OTHERS WITH NO KIDS GET TO SIT ON THEIR ARSE..... :angry: .RANT OVER :)[/quote] Noted, Ta. Please include home address for reimbursement of P & P. Balcro.
  20. Thanks for the links. Food for thought there. How to play bass with your brain, never mind the hands and fingers. Balcro.
  21. [quote name='Sarah5string' post='904961' date='Jul 25 2010, 05:36 PM']All I want to achieve is To be able to play well enough that I'm happy with my standard To be able to write creatively (edit- pass) To be able to use a variety of techniques and be decent at them To continually learn To continually LOVE playing To write music that others will enjoy and to be able to play live, even if I don't make money from it. I'm not into bass for fame and fortune. I play bass because I LOVE (edit - the sound of bass).[/quote] Thank you for that; saved me the trouble of typing- knackering day. Couldn't agree more. Balcro.
  22. Dougie, did you get my PM? Balcro.
  23. That is nice. The sounds are rich, crisp and growly all at the same time. Thanks. Enjoy. Balcro.
  24. Hi there Bottle, I don't have any knowledge to advise on low tunings on 4-strings, but I've got two ideas for doner basses. If 4/s 34" will do, try the following:- Have a look at the Cort GB34a at euroguitar.com - available new, in red metallic for a silly price of €199! Lots of routing & pre-drilling done already. Unfortunately you can't change the fretboard colour. The curve in the scratchplate looks suitably accommodating for a jazz style control plate. Second-hand? Ebay? As an alternative there's the Squier VMJ in natural. The neck's the right colour but you'll need more woodwork and body refinishing. Alan.
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