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Al Krow

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Everything posted by Al Krow

  1. As in I've swapped him out for Flea, so hopefully Flea gets some votes...isn't he due one from you?
  2. I think knowing the final answer in advance is going to make it a bit less exciting, haha! It's a shame we can't include a wider selection but it's interesting which names regularly feature that are not on the list, so maybe next Xmas we can do a more refined list (or @Dad3353 will help me figure out how we can broaden the poll). What I do love about our poll, though, is that's there's perhaps no more thought-through a group of musicians to be asking this particular question to.
  3. I know, I know...but which of the greats would you cast aside to make room for Steve H? And how about posting a clip of his best bass line ever to make up for his absence on the poll (limited to 30)?
  4. Ok gents Mr Wooten has had a flea in his ear...
  5. Well if Victor Wooten doesn't get any votes soon...😅
  6. Ok I'm gonna fess up that I'm (pleasantly?) surprised at how popular Macca is as a bass player (he wasn't in my top 3). Tbf his post 1965 James Jamerson inspired playing is in a different league to some of his more plodding early Beatles stuff, but was he that good as a "standalone" bassist that he's currently coming in 2nd on our poll? I suppose the equivalent would be our lead vox saying he wasn't an amazing vocalist either - I mean he was no Aretha Franklin. But I guess it's the combination of singer-songwriter-bass player which puts him into the stratosphere, and a combination which very few others (Geddy Lee?) have managed to scale.
  7. Not at all, was just playing catch up in order of posts...and the available 30 slots now all unfortunately gone.
  8. Ah seems we are limited to a total poll list of 30...so despite my best intentions the list is now closed! Sorry to those of you who's favourites I've not managed to list.
  9. I definitely make that 4 from both of you...who would be your top 3 (including the ones already on the list)? 😅
  10. About to add this lot in so hopefully they will get your respective top 3 votes!
  11. Nah - keeping it fair we all get up to 3 votes. I know it's hard, but give it your best shot...
  12. Added 😊 Well let me know which day it is...
  13. For a little bit of Christmas fun, thought it would be interesting to do a poll of our all time favourite bass players. Probably impossible for many of us to name just one, so I'm going to suggest we each get to vote for up to three legends. I've got a list of 15 down to get things going, but if one of your top three is not on the list - no problems at all: just name them and I'll get them added on. UPDATE - apparently a max poll list of 30 is possible, so the list is now closed. Sorry for those of you who's favourite 3 bass players are not on the list, but hopefully at least one or two of them will be up there. If you fancy sharing what your favourite bass line is by any / or all of your three favourite bass players, even better!
  14. Thanks for that Woody. Coming back to @BigRedX's point, the sequencer on the SY 200 (and I'm assuming therefore on the SY 300 and 1000) is pretty good in terms of low latency for the reasons Woody has set out. Dunno if it would get 90% of the way there for what you're wanting BRX, though?
  15. Sounds like it could work decently on a Bass VI?
  16. Watching Nate is never going to be good for taming GAS.
  17. Aww mate...you've handled 369 pages on the Yamaha mega-thread, 89 pages should be a walk in the park for you? 😅 Here you go, some earlier chat around pages 56 and 57 of this thread on synth sounds: Consensus back then was that it wasn't Helix's (or indeed most multifx's) strong point. The exception on the multifx front being the cheap as chips Zoom B1-4 and its siblings and you'd be better off with a Future Impact or C4 for monophonic synth or Boss SY-200 (or the SY-1 if you don't want presets) for polyphonic.
  18. Jam Pedals | The Music Emporium - these guys. @MM Stingray 62 has one and is super happy with it. I'm thinking I might want something a bit more Rat based to cut through and really liked the look of @Sibob's Fuzzrocious Cat Tail on his board.
  19. Just been recommended to me and has a Black Friday discount... I do like the sound of this! (Although maybe not quite enough to replace my Pigtronix Octava)
  20. I'm still on that endless perfect dirt quest - the Fuzzrocious Cat Tail (with Clean Blend) has been on my radar for a little while. Any clips of what it sounds like in a band mix Si? Also where did you get that particular model from - the ones online don't seem to feature quite such compact housing?
  21. Boss SY 200 Arp setting & expression pedal A little clip to demonstrate it in action. (I definitely need to get more accustomed to using an expression pedal, haha! And in case it's bugging anyone, the key is the one our singer prefers)
  22. Haha - with you on the £500+ system - definitely been a discussion point on this thread! There's very decent 'mid range' stuff, but whether they are 100% as good? Well I'd love to put my (£140 new, I bought for less used) Nux 5.8Ghz up against the Shure GLD16+series and see if there's any difference, I've certainly not been disappointed with the Nux so far. I think the barrel jack point maybe quite relevant to what you're saying though: one of my older gigging basses (which also cost less than £500 second hand, as it happens!) wasn't holding a lead in that well let alone a wireless bug, so I've got a new barrel jack fitted to sort.
  23. Maybe something like a Levy's MM4? Not tried it myself but looks similar in concept the Smoothhound holder I used to use.
  24. Just attach the very light weight transmitter jack onto your strap and get a short lead to go into your bass barrel jack. Something those of us who used / still use Smoothhound wireless were very accustomed to doing 😊
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