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Everything posted by NancyJohnson

  1. I had read somewhere that as soon as Fender purchased Kubicki, they couldn't get the electrics of the Ex-Factor into a production Jazz bass model. I see he's mentioned this in his advert. I hadn't been able to firm this up, so it's interesting seeing it again. As for that bass? The finish is pretty horrific. Doesn't do anything for me and I like jazzes. P
  2. Never used Fast Fret - used Finger Ease for a while. Don't know whether they still even make it! P
  3. Now then. It's my birthday beginning of next month and I'm lining up a birthday/pre-Christmas purchase of a Fender Jazz - I'm going against my heart and buying new, but I seriously need honest good cop/bad cop reviews on four models and preferably your choice from: 1) the new MIM 70s reissue (advertised @ £450 and mentioned elsewhere in this forum); 2) a Geddy Lee signature model (you all know this one), or, 3) a Japanese JB75/US (£700 shipped) like this: [url="http://imageevent.com/nu2uguitars/fenderjapanjb75usfcblack"]LINK[/url] 4) a Highway One upgrade model (this is my outside choice) Erring on the side of caution, I would say my first choice is #3 above - it looks the nuts to be honest. I played both the Geddy and the JB75 in the US recently and while the Geddy had a neck to die for, the JB75 had a beautiful phat tone. I would hasten to add that if I went with the JB75 I'd probably put a BadAss II on it. I haven't touched one of the new MIM 70s reissues. Alternatively, should I just continue to hold on for a Lakland DJ5 (also in black)? Cheers (and confused) P
  4. I've got a SD Quarter Pounder on mine. It's OK, but the E string is very whumpy for about the first three/four frets. I don't know why, so I just live with it. There just seems to be a lot of bass and additional output from those notes. I've swapped over the pickups and it's just the same. Might try something else at some stage. P
  5. Even though I really want a black one, I'm strangely drawn to this: [url="http://cgi.ebay.com/MINT-MINT-LAKLAND-DARRYL-JONES-5-WITH-AUDERE-JZ3_W0QQitemZ120327044558QQcmdZViewItem?hash=item120327044558&_trkparms=72%3A570|39%3A1|66%3A2|65%3A12|240%3A1318&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14"]DJ5[/url] Currently £680, no bids. P
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  7. I'm now looking for a band (and will be fit to play once my nail heals up...give it a week). Early 40s, looking for good rocking band - 3 Colours Red, Wildhearts, a bit of Soul Asylum, dash of The Clash. You know what I mean... Original material only please. Rehearse once a week, gig a couple of times a month, record as and when necessary. Good gear (which it seems is getting better every month), transport, committed to the right project. PM me if interested. P
  8. [quote name='Linus27' post='315753' date='Oct 27 2008, 01:05 PM']Do you have the dates of the Q magazines? I am looking for one from 2000.[/quote] Only one? Come on, take all of them! I have them going from #10 (or thereabouts) up to #249...that's from June 1964 to April 2007 (not really, it just seems that many). P
  9. I've been thinking for some time about buying an Epiphone SG (the six-string, not the EB bass variants) and converting it to a basitar a la Chris Ballew of PUSA. P
  10. Few other bits for sale: 1x Griffin Roadtrip. This unit allows iPOD use in the car) - used a handful of times - new car essentially made it redundant. Excellent condition. Box has a little tear on it. £20.00+PP DVDs 24 series 1 (R1) Pirates of the Caribbean - The Curse Of The Black Pearl (R2) The Osbournes Season 1 (R1) Cheap Trick - Live in Australia (R0) The Fifth Element (R2) Little Britain Series 1 2DVD (R2) Stereophonics - The Performance & Cocktails video collection (R2) Stereophonics - Live At Morfa Stadium (R2) Stereophonics - Live At Cardiff Castle (R2) I'l do 24 for £7.50 incl. postage (it is a bit bigger than the others) and all the rest for £5.00 each including postage. I've also got about 250 Q magazines and supplements boxed and in my garage as well. Will someone PLEASE come and take them away (I just can't bear the thought of putting them in for recycling). Reply if you're interested! Cheers P
  11. They've got to be series one - I've got a pair of series two as well and the serial number plate shows S2. To be honest both sets are capable enough and I can't really tell the difference soundwise. That said, these are [s]now provisionally[/s] sold. Thanks P
  12. [quote name='stu_g' post='314774' date='Oct 25 2008, 10:25 PM']any pics im only in basingstoke and im a big fan of b&w speakers cheers stuart[/quote] I'll do pics in the morning. They're 601s by the way, not 501s. My mistake, sorry. Someone has asked me why I'm selling. It just seems that I listen to more music off an iPod set on shuffle than CDs - we're having a new TV delivered this week - the old 32"CRT is now in the extension (and taking up a huge amount of space) and together with my gear, a couple of sofas, table etc. we simply haven't got the square footage for everything (including the speakers/stands), so I'm going to get a Klipsch or Logitech dock for the iPod in the extension, which will suffice for now. Just to add a further sweetener, I think I have a few more metres of QED micro in my man-drawer in the garage. P
  13. I'm having a rethink about hi-fi in my extension, so I need to move a few things on. I've got a pair of black B&W series one 501 speakers, a pair of sand filled Atacama SE24 speaker stands (plus spikes), an Arcam Alpha 7 amp, quite a few metres of QED Microwire (black), and some banana plugs all for sale. One of the speakers has a small chip on one corner (out of sight) and while it looks fine, the frame of one of the cover grills could use glueing (these both happened in transit here four years ago). Essentially, just add a CD player or an iPod and you're sorted. I'm in Crowthorne, on the Bracknell side of Reading. If anyone is interested PM me. £125 for the lot? No offers please. Cheers P
  14. Don't get your panties in a twist, but I really couldn't care any less about Jaco/Stanley/Marcus etc. Here's mine: Geddy Lee (my inspiration when I started) Mick Karn (kind of that 'WTF - and how - is he playing?' moment) John Myung (kind of 'jeepers, when there's someone as good as this what's the point?' moment) P
  15. I go a little giddy where white TBs are concerned. P
  16. Well nearly two months after my original order, I have my 4x10 from Thomann. Amazingly it's still in one piece after apparently spending three weeks on a tour of Europe. I'll probably buying locally in future. P
  17. I can't believe there's only one nod to Mick Karn on here. His starts to Adolescent Sex, Obscure Alternatives, ALien, In Vogue, Swing, My New Career, The Art Of Parties (12" version), Still Life In Mobile Homes, Sons Of Pioneers, Visions Of China are f2cking legendary. Wise up you slackers! P
  18. I've passed over the EBO details to my mate. Thanks everyone! Cheers P
  19. My mates daughter wants to take up the bass - at least I've had some influence on her - she's thirteen. I've had a look on eBay - there's a sweet short-scale Epiphone EBO on there - I reckon this would do her...any other names/models worth looking for? Gotta be cheapish - £125 tops maybe. Thanks P
  20. [quote name='MacDaddy' post='304130' date='Oct 10 2008, 07:12 PM']yep another +1 here. My build is unlike anything Jon has ever built before, so again is a bit unique. What he has is the ability and the talent to turn what I want, in to reality.[/quote] ...but do you not get my point? You said as much in your post (and I quote): [i]My build is unlike anything Jon has ever built before[/i]. Jon is building your bass, not [i]you[/i]. I understand the talent these luthiers have, I really do, but my point here is what quantifies a build diary - it's Jon building your bass, so shouldn't he be blowing his own trumpet maybe? I don't know. At the end of the day, you're paying the guy for his talent and ability to provide you with your dream bass; credit to you for putting your trust and money into someone you believe in, I salute you, but, irrespective of your dreams or desires it's really not so different than placing an order with the Warwick or Fender custom shops (albeit you're dealing on a more personal basis), or getting someone to build you a car part or a computer and taking the credit for it as [i]your [/i]build.. I'm not trying to piss anyone off here, but there are a lot of projects creeping into this part of the forum that in my opinion should be elsewhere. P
  21. [quote name='yorks5stringer' post='304061' date='Oct 10 2008, 05:23 PM']P.S. Do you smoke in your car? [/quote] I don't smoke anywhere (never even tried). Yuck! I do however smoke when I'm playing. P
  22. Can I ask this simple question? While I'm sure the Sei/Shuker/ACG builds are certainly worth a look, shouldn't build diaries just embrace the spirit of players who are building their own guitars in their garages with their own sourced parts, their own labour and not for financial gain? I don't know much about the aforementioned luthiers, but if I wanted to throw some money at one of them, I wouldn't consider it as my build (or anything that warranted a big [i]huzzah look at my build[/i] type post), more that I have a guy building something for me...someone who has the knowledge and access to proper tools and choice of woods. It's just a product of someone else's doing. Personally I'd much rather see someone getting a decent, playable end result from bits of junk and planks of wood sourced on eBay. I'm not up for a fight here. It's just a question. P
  23. My memory is pretty atrocious...I've been in gigs and I simply can't remember where the song goes. I've had backing vocals taped up on a sheet of A4 to help as well. I tend to find that if I play something wrong, I'll play the wrong part again later in the song so it doesn't seem overtly obvious I've cocked up. One thing as well is I'd suggest you record stuff regularly, even if it's a microphone up in the middle of a rehearsal; it doesn't matter how crappy the recording is, hearing it in isolation away from the rehearsal helps tons. P
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  25. I used to have a five-string Streamer and it was just beautiful, but as [i]clauster[/i] posted, tastes change (pointy-headed Jacksons anyone?). I have to say though, you don't see that many bands using them now. Like most of us on this group, I look and see what gear bassists are using when you see bands (live or on TV) and Fender seem to be top of the pile again. <edit> One or two observations - Spector have upped their game and right now (and if I had the choice) I'd sooner play a Spector NS than a Warwick Streamer. Also, while the Thumb and Streamer are great designs, IMO the newer stuff is pretty pug-ugly. P
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