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Everything posted by NancyJohnson

  1. They will send you some if you need spares. Just contact them (I did). You can't buy anything off the shelf that seems to fit. P
  2. [quote name='NancyJohnson' timestamp='1471769818' post='3115630'] First bass...CBS/Arbiter SG shaped thing. Had flats on it. G-string broke and all I could afford on my paperboy wages was a cheapie roundwound. Couldn't believe how bright that string sounded, so I used that string almost exclusively. It was rounds from then on. [/quote] Twice now. 2nd time about a month ago. Dunlop Nickel 0.40. It was new too...hadn't been on the bass more than an hour; I was at a rehearsal and wasn't even playing at the time (the bass was propped up against my amp). The damn thing broke at the ball-end too. I was so pissed at the time that I took the photo below and emailed it to Dunlop. Guess what happened next? Yep, they sent me a new set of strings. Not really. Not even an acknowledgement. I don't hawk around trying to get free stuff, but this really annoyed me. Grrr. Bad Dunlop. Bad Dunlop.
  3. I do like the look of the switches, but I'm really not so much of a fan of active guitars. Clearly there's a degree of reinvention at work (with this bass), but ultimately it's just a P/J in different clothes; like most gear, don't you just find a bunch of settings you're happy with and stick with those? If I ever landed one of these (probably unlikely), I'd look at just installing a stacked knob plate.
  4. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1477852389' post='3164848'] Years and years of trying stuff and refining things. [/quote] This. You read, you listen, you try, you buy, you sell on. And repeat. I guess you really need to be happy with what you're plugging into it it first.
  5. [quote name='gs_triumph' timestamp='1477756886' post='3164330'] I did use search and in three pages of results there is nothing about new york mainly because the words 'new' and 'york' bring up a lot of results individually. I wasnt really looking for the normal things as they are covered in all the tourist guides. I was thinking about things off the beaten track that have been off interest to fellow musos. [/quote] Okaaaay. To search on a string, try using inverted commas ("New York") and limiting your search to the General Discussion and Off Topic forums. I found five or six threads in about ten seconds. Seriously, New York has honestly been done to death. There's a ton of strong information already. Trust me.
  6. [quote name='gs_triumph' timestamp='1477732817' post='3164072'] Hi guys, I'm heading to New York for a week next month and wondered if anyone knew of any music stores that were worth making an effort to get to? (or any other lesser known things that are worth finding) [/quote] Love the fact you're going for a visit, but the New York thing has been covered here a ton of times. Do yourself a favour and use the search facility, you will find all the answers you're looking for. Shops, eateries, itineraries, factory tours, things to go up and how to get around.
  7. If anyone wants to a/b the Matrix at my house, give me a shout. I'm near Reading.
  8. I honestly have no idea about damping or any of the acronyms at work here...life is too short! The Matrix is outstanding. It's a belter; plug in your pre-stage, plug in your bass, power up and booooom. That is all.
  9. Sorry about weighing in late here. My signal path is (in the main) a Sansamp RBI into a stereo 2U Matrix GT1000. I've been playing for years and years and bar none this is the best poweramp I've ever used. It's loud, transparent, lightweight and runs very cool with little or no fan noise. It comfortably fits into a shallow Gator rack. I spoke to the Matrix guys and they said the 1U version is a bit noisier, but performance is similar. Take a bit of advice from an old soldier; spend a little more and buy a 2U Matrix. It's a wonderful bit of kit.
  10. The Red Fighter is in my extension at the moment. Anyone local wanna test drive it? Come onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!
  11. I've uploaded it to BBC Introducing. Will be expecting a rejection any time now.
  12. Yeah, but a microsecond is all it takes to throw a song off course. On occasion, you'll not recover.
  13. OK...hopefully this will work. Have a listen. I know it's not going to be everyone's bag (and I appreciate that). I've always been happy with the overall arrangement, I know that parts of the vocal are a bit hokey, so just accept that as it is... [url="http://soundcloud.com/paulanthony-1/christmastime-has-come-to-town-original-guitars"]http://soundcloud.co...riginal-guitars[/url]
  14. Not certain whether this is a general discussion or an off topic. Anyhow, here goes. About three years back I wrote something seasonal that we could roll out at Christmas gigs. When someone asks whether I have any band recordings, my wife always says 'Play them the Christmas song,' so irrespective of the month, I tend to play people that song. I figure people get (to repeat an overused quote of mine) [i]warm and fuzzy[/i] about Christmas and you know, I've never had a detrimental remark about the tune. Most people will also follow it up with something akin to, 'If you can get <insert name here> to listen to it...' So I fired up the multitracks this morning (I haven't listened to it for about a year) and I'm suprised how good it sounds. I mean better than good to my ears. I don't know how to write a million seller any more than the next guy, but I would just like to see if anyone would critique it. Recently, we did some gigs for Musicians Against Homelessness/Crisis and I suppose if there was a way of generating monies for this, I'd like to do it. Anyone got any ideas?
  15. Listen to you guys. We fired our last drummer for a number of reasons, but insofar as following him? Get out of town. We asked him what he actually listened to when we were playing ("Just the drums, maybe the vocals"), which we followed up asking by whether he actually knew how the songs went after three or four years of playing them (cue embarrassing silence). There were many times where I just wanted to stop the song and start over. Dropped sticks, fills on bar three, hardware failure, timing etc. He's a lovely, lovely guy, but no way should he have been in the engine room. By the end we just expected things to go awry, so we just kept going in the hope he would realise where the song was and catch up. Our guitarist summed it all up quite succinctly by saying the difference between Blink182 and Busted is Travis Barker.
  16. [quote name='ezbass' timestamp='1477296085' post='3161094'] Plenty of guitars and some basses with lots of über expensive vintage gear (some questionable IMO, but too much of the same on different stalls for me, with barely any room for trying stuff out if you wanted to. The guy asking the exhibitors to turn it down over an under powered PA whilst the GB stand was giving it its usual whackety, thwackety was amusing, although I didn't find it that loud compared to some shows. I didn't go to any of the live performances as these were in a totally different building. All in all, it seemed a bit amateur and poorly organised compared to other shows I've been to over the years. [/quote] I was toying with going to it and suppose your post reinforces my reasons behind staying home with a chesty cough and watching Chelsea thump Manchester Utd. 4-0 instead.
  17. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1477302277' post='3161155'] If you can pay..the world is your lobster. [/quote] Pay? You mean there's money to be made from this gigging malarkey?
  18. Did anyone attend that guitar show at Kempton Park yesterday (23/10)? Any good or was it just a car boot bun fight?
  19. Blue I've known the guy for seven or eight years; we gigged several times with his old band, he depped with us a few years back, plays on another project I'm involved in and jumped at the opportunity to do this with me. We are friends, our wives likes each other etc. It's easy to say I can vouch for his character, but in this case there's just stuff going on outside of music.
  20. No one is allowed to use the word schadenfreude in any replies! [Edit) Oh and for the record, we rehearse in Hurst, near Twyford in Berkshire.
  21. So we gave our drummer the Spanish archer and now his replacement has bailed out due to stress and depression. We're in a bit of a mess...two gigs in November (Phoenix, High Wycombe and Fighting Cocks, Kingston); need a dep. Anyone care to loan us their drummer for a couple of weekends? Punky rocky. Easy material. 45 minute set.
  22. Anyone remember this? Poll tax riots. Footage of Macari's getting turned over from about 6'30". [media]http://youtu.be/5o98_hia8tA[/media]
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