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Everything posted by bobmartin

  1. I've played 2 jazz gigs on it now, with people that I played with when I was a D/B player, and they accepted the new sound positively. Thanks for the kind (ebony) offer, I'll give it a little time to see how the strings settle in, they are Chromes 40-100 by the way.
  2. I used to play the D/Bass and the difference between the an open note and a f/b note was less. it's nothing to do with vibrato or string effects, it's the brilliance of the open string that stands out. The string is going to go duller in time I guess..
  3. I've recently bought a Ibanez SRH 500F which looks like it has a graphite nut. There's a tone difference between the open string sound and the same notes played on the fingerboard, which I'd like to reduce a little. The f/b is made from Panga Panga, would a nut made from a similar hardwood do the trick?
  4. Thanks, I'm thinking about the LaBellas or the D'Addarios, but have read some reviews that they (D'Addarios) are on the bright side..
  5. Which gauge did you get, the.105" or the .115" E string set? Am looking for a non "clangy" set for a new Ibanez SRH500F. The default open string Chromes are too bright against the nice woody tones off the fingerboard at the moment.
  6. I've found that using 2x12's vertically, the sound spreads better horizontally, and because one speaker is higher that it's easier to hear yourself, the bottom one still gets the bass lift from the floor, also other band members hear the detail better as well. Horizontal speaker stacking is common now for large PA's and even some small ones like Bose and their "knockoffs".
  7. I don't want to have 2 set-ups doing essentially the same job though, and the reason for the change is for physical convenience, and not particularly about the sound quality at the volumes that I work at. Sounds like I should put up and shut up..
  8. I was thinking of putting the money from selling the GK into a good small amp like the Mark Bass or even the Quilter BB800, and using my GK extension cab in the short term until I've got some more cash to put into a better speaker. I don't do loud gigs anymore..
  9. Closer to £800 at the moment. https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&rls=en&q=gallien+krueger+mb150s-112+iii+shop&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8
  10. I've been using them since the mid 80's, but they've started to become relatively heavy for the output. I play hotel gigs with particularly tricky get-ins, and add bit of age in with that.. A small Mark Bass amp and a light 1x12" cab like the Eden might be a go'er, but I don't fancy taking a bit hit on the Gallien though.
  11. I'm a bit puzzled by the very low used prices being paid for these combo's. The new price is around £777, but it seems that they're only worth about £300 used. Any ideas as to why? It hardly makes any sense to sell them with this disparity.
  12. Thanks for the feedback, I've got one to check one out locally, those examples look very tidy though..
  13. I may go for this, https://www.thomann.de/gb/thomann_111e_vn_3_4_double_bass.htm as it has the highest rating at a modest price. I've had a shed load of gear from Thomann over the years, and so feel quite confident about getting a good outcome. Shame about losing the Ebony board though.. I mentioned my plan to a colleague and pulled in a few nice gigs over the summer. Oh Joy!
  14. I'm thinking about getting back into the D/B, and have noticed that Thomann.de don't stock Gedo's anymore. Is there any opinion on this, and are there any other places to look for a reliable lower priced instrument suitable for commercial amped gigs?
  15. I do know of bass players that could be heard playing acoustically through a band, one in particular who played a 3 string bass with Trad jazz band, and never owned an amp. These players where specialised and never had good intonation, and when amps came on the scene many gave up when they where actually heard for the first time. Also, the big-bands of yesteryear had a very different sound from the bands of today. The sax sections where softer, the brass players used smaller bore instruments, which produced a quieter but brighter, punchier sound. Also "NO MONITORS". But the biggest difference was that the music was arranged around the rhythm section. The other musicians had to consider them, and play by consent, rather than over them. So in practice than meant that a soloist would play slightly louder but the supporting instruments would come down to create a good overall balance.
  16. I know someone who could get a D/B, a Sousaphone and amp in his Smart Car. https://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/8d/Yamaha_Sousaphone_YSH-411.jpg&imgrefurl=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sousaphone&h=1196&w=604&tbnid=FNVGKR_6eRY1EM:&tbnh=186&tbnw=93&usg=__uWfUYxychDbe8LwVRVKGaZ6V3YU=&vet=10ahUKEwjMspvZ7OjUAhXHYlAKHZTiAC8Q_B0IgAEwCg..i&docid=LUWYpuVf_82ucM&itg=1&client=safari&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjMspvZ7OjUAhXHYlAKHZTiAC8Q_B0IgAEwCg&ei=JPxXWcyQKsfFwQKUxYP4Ag
  17. +1 on the Allen and Heath mixer. I've got a Z 10, it's useful for all sorts of musical jobs and great sounding Pre-amps too.
  18. I'm selling a Stagg EUB with an upgraded nut in VGC.
  19. [font=Helvetica][size=3]Stagg EUB Standard Model in full working order, one owner and used by me professionally mainly in a hotel environment. [/size][/font] [font=Helvetica][size=3]With Ebony nut fitted by Mansons Guitars.[/size][/font] [font=Helvetica][size=3]In VGC part from 1 small knock and a scratch on the body, see photo’s. [/size][/font] [font=Helvetica][size=3]The case is in good condition apart from a small hole where the spike has worn through the fabric.[/size][/font] [font=Helvetica][size=3]I’ve inserted a paperclip to stop the “Stagg Spike Rattle”. This can easily be removed..[/size][/font] [font=Helvetica][size=3]The lack of use and space forces sale.[/size][/font] [font=Helvetica][size=3]Collection only, or courier arranged by the buyer. South Devon.[/size][/font] [font=Helvetica][size=3][attachment=240551:Stagg Body .JPG][/size][/font] [url="https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ykyt6m4ga0nii3q/AAC0EwYBREhtb3gT7ov00x8Pa?dl=0"]https://www.dropbox....T7ov00x8Pa?dl=0[/url]
  20. I'd go for a KK bass, and put a Piezo pick-up on it. I may be selling buy Stagg by the way..
  21. [quote name='dazza14' timestamp='1479722037' post='3178639'] I tried the Stagg I found it had a tendency to spin and I'm hoping the added 'wing' on the HB will prevent this). [/quote] there's 2 wings on the stagg, i couldn't play mine without them. no caps, sleeping dog on lap...
  22. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1478639717' post='3170594'] I've gone the other way and carried the hand shape using three fingers (with the 3rd behind the pinkie to help) onto electric bass [/quote] Me too, I find that it's more elegant when playing 4 in a bar.
  23. You can use a bigger speaker with the D/B as long as you have some kind of slope filter like on the Fishman Platinum. I may have mine up for sale..
  24. When you say "well paid", in my experience that means before all of commissions and charges etc are taken out. You might be well rid of this gig..
  25. [quote name='ivansc' timestamp='1468512007' post='3091484'] I do have endpin rattle and I also cannot gt the action as low as I would like without the growl being overbearing, plus of course I have the thumping banging ang clanking complained about by everyone else. [/quote] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I've found an elegant way to fix the "STAGG RATTLE"..[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Take 6" or so* of gardeners tying wire, fold it in half, push the spike all the way in and then insert the wires down inside the receiver leaving an inch or so spare. Gaffa tape the spare bit to the screening, works like a charm.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]BobM.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]* Your 6" may vary..[/font][/color] And try turning the bass down on the Stagg and up on the amp to get rid up the thump.
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