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  1. In my experience, people who have something to say that's worth hearing generally don't offer their "wisdom" unsolicited like this....
  2. That's really bad. What's wrong with some people that makes them think this in any way appropriate? At the end of the day, your singer has the gig, she's getting up there and performing, and anybody who doesn't like her singing can go and play their own gigs. I hope she's ok.
  3. Thanks, yep, there seem to be a good second-hand market but here in Ireland it would probably take a while before something suitable crops up. I'm still interested to find out what the newer ones are like if anybody has any experience.
  4. I've tried searching but there's a confusing number of different versions with similar names so I thought I'd start a new thread. Anybody got any experience of these newer models e.g. https://www.thomann.de/ie/warwick_rockbass_streamer_lx_5_mrh.htm I'd like a five string and I've always liked the Warwick sound, but I don't have money for anything too pricey so I was wondering how these cheaper ones hold up?
  5. This is highly individual, and probably doesn't even apply to many people who are driving etc, but I never drink before or during a gig, not even a small beer beforehand. I find it always messes with my concentration.
  6. There seem to be a couple of things going on with this thread. There can definitely be a bit of a "joyless" approach taken by some experienced players towards people starting out that says that you'll only get decent after years of rigourous technique and lessons (I haven't heard anybody on Basschat take this approach btw). And then are other people who think that you should get a bass and just start playing and having fun. The two are not mutually exclusive, and as somebody who is self-taught (in the sense of having virtually no in-person lessons) I definitely think that just playing is possible. However, bad technique on DB more than most instruments can definitely hold you back - both in terms of causing pain/injury, but also (as @neilp points out above) in terms of playing in tune. I'm not as good a player as I'd be if I'd adopted a more consistent/rigorous approach to playing and practicing, and I've had several points where I've had to re-learn and ditch bad habits (particularly after watching better players than myself in person or online). But I've always enjoyed the journey and so I guess what I'm saying is that DB is both fun AND challenging at the same time, but it's definitely worth paying attention to getting some of the basics right when it comes to technique. And there are people here on Basschat that can definitely help with this....
  7. Haha - it crossed my (very immature) mind as well .....
  8. I found this video pretty helpful so thought I'd share it: Obviously there are lots of approaches to playing scales, but I liked this one as the shifting is consistent and it only takes a small modification to generate each of the other scales as well. Not for a second claiming that this is the best solution for all situations but I've found it's a nice one to have in the arsenal....
  9. I bought a bow from this seller when my daughter played DB on recommendation from her teacher https://www.ebay.co.uk/str/yitamusicviolins I only play pizz so I can't vouch for them directly but it seems fine
  10. Not sure about how much low end is required. I find for jazz gigs on DB you don't really want that "feel it in your gut" low end anyway so the PJB works well. But if I wanted more of that kind of thing I'd probably match the Gnome/BAM with the TE Bassbox 110 cab instead (which is still very light)
  11. I have a Gnome amp (the smallest one) and a PJB C2 cab and it's loud enough for jazz gigs with drums, keys, guitar, singer in pub/restaurant.
  12. Haha, yep, they're very expensive alright. I've had the same set on for about six years and they were second hand when I got them. They still sound OK but I keep thinking about getting some new ones....
  13. I'd agree with @Bloopdad1 about Evah Pirazzi - I use the light ones and they're really good.
  14. It looks great and I can see why you enjoy playing it. In terms of advice I'd say getting your right hand (plucking) technique as close to DB is probably first on the list as this will have more impact that you might think on making it sound more like an upright (assuming that's what you want, of course...) Since it's same scale as BG then I'm not sure about left hand technique, but it's probably worth trying to get familiar with 1-2-4 fingering anyway and raising your elbow so your wrist isn't too bent. But ultimately all that matters is that you carry on enjoying it!
  15. That action is at the higher end for a steel string "jazz" setup. Not badly so, but it might be worth considering getting a setup and/or adjustable bridge when you next have some money after buying decent strings
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