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Everything posted by martthebass

  1. I've been waiting ages for the star shaped version of this to come up for sale.
  2. These are 'Jazz' width - 1.5". At least mine was and the standard US Sterling is. Most comfortable neck ever.
  3. Another nice local gig in Rotherham last night. A well run and packed social club with a verrry compact stage. The audience were up for it from the start, I was just about sat on the drummers lap 😂 The club was full by the time we’d got the gear in which compromised the sound check somewhat but we managed. It was a 3 spot gig which is unusual for us but it made the night go quickly. That’s the last local one for a while, next week it’s the seaside - Withernsea.
  4. I had one of these. Seriously nice basses and as you say the Sterling version is pretty rare. Originally wired in series IIRC, it really did wipe the floor with the Stingray I had soundwise. GLWTS
  5. Strangely I get goaded at jamnights around my parts because I'm one of the few bassists who's mainly finger style. I feel compelled to get a pick out and show them the middle (unplaying) finger.
  6. It just goes to show that we all have different ears/expectations. I've been using MB (LM3/MM500 with 2 NY121s) for a good few years and get a great rock tone not just to my ears but also fellow musos.
  7. A local one for us last night, literally a 5 minute drive from home. A well stocked club and remained that way to the end. Fortunately no major technical issues on this one as we just used the tops as the venue was doable without big subs so the drummer was acoustic rather than electronic. Gave the little MW sig Mustang a run as it’s been a while since I’d used it, I’d forgotten how easy this thing was to play. We’re playing this one next on NYE so hoping for a repeat crowd as experience has taught me not to expect too much of NYE.
  8. I think I caught something on the local evening news on this…. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-south-yorkshire-66963409.amp
  9. My favourite JD song, always brings a tear to me eye.
  10. Ditto, not one I’ve really played much but I was asked to play it at a jam a few weeks back. Drop D on a Mustang - not the most effective combo 😂
  11. The one I’m looking at does and I think that might be the easiest solution. I’d probably opt for a single active sub taking the mixer feed and use the internal crossover feeding the tops. Just trying to convince the band after the first failure….
  12. The Xovers have been returned but we still need to resolve the passive subs which we can't now employ.
  13. Can you give some examples of suitable products. I've got a 600W power amp lying around that could be used for the tops.
  14. Thanks for this Phil. We were hoping that there would be a relatively cheap fix to adding the subs, unfortunately that doesn't look like it's the case. We were advised to go down the passive route by the vendor.....I wish I'd listened to myself and gone with my original gut of adding a high power active single sub with an active stereo Xover into the tops. Thanks for the comment on the passive Xovers....I also had my doubts they could handle the current but we were assured they could. They have now been returned but we are left with 2 passive subs which are no use to us.
  15. Sadly no documentation. These were recommended by the store on the basis of our current powered mixer and tops/subs (we acquired the subs at the same time). My concerns align with yours in that for some reason I think the load being presented is <8ohms; at 4ohms the amp gives 1000W per side. We have noted the amp running into clip when the Xover fails pushing it into protection mode which pretty much rains on our parade. When we use the tops alone (8ohm), without the Xover - no problems.
  16. We was using a pair of these but at least one each time overheats and fails...... https://www.google.com/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwjz497I_LaBAxVFBwYAHVVDCFUYABAOGgJ3cw&ase=2&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI8-PeyPy2gQMVRQcGAB1VQwhVEAQYASABEgKaUvD_BwE&sig=AOD64_0t6AWIU32BjrrMh3T-zG1WqVdzGg&ctype=5&q=&nis=4&ved=2ahUKEwj_pdfI_LaBAxW3U0EAHYUrAp0Qww8oAnoECAQQCw&adurl=
  17. An update to this...... Unfortunately 2 very fraught gigs and 2 exploded crossovers later we are at an impasse. Despite the passive crossovers supposedly being rated for 1000W they seem to be being slaughtered by our Dynacord powered mixer which should only be delivering c.700W into 8 ohms. The only passive crossovers we seem to be able to find on the market are these or rebranded versions of these. I have no idea on active crossovers, could anyone advise?
  18. We only got the Dynacord new last year….not really looking to make another investment of that size at the mo. The retailer assured us the passive crossover route was the way to go….we’ll see.
  19. A gig in a large ballroom on the outskirts of Rotherham for us last night. Sadly underpopulated which didn’t help in a hall the size it was. It had been programmed the same day as a local end of summer outdoor shindig and unfortunately good old Kimmy Wilde was a bigger draw than us 😂 Major problems again with PA crossovers, we’ve managed to blow 2 now despite them supposedly being rated above our max wattage. A loud bang in the second spot followed by smoke can be off putting….we managed through to the end but couldn’t do an encore.
  20. Not entirely sure. The crossover on one side died early on and it was a cascade of chaos after that. The crossovers and subs are new and on 60day return so we’ll see what the vendor has to say.
  21. Fortunately we didn’t have one on Saturday Dave but we need to get sorted for this coming Saturday as we’ve got a big room to fill.
  22. A couple of days have passed since our gig on Friday. We played well and had a fair crowd who were on their feet from early in the first spot. Unfortunately our new updated PA decided to fight us.... First a crossover died despite checking everything out early in the week. Second, smoke emanated from one of the new subs...😞 And lastly the Dynacord shut down a few channels to save itself. Despite this we soldiered on and pretty much got away with it. Big gig on Saturday to come and solutions to be developed to deal with it...
  23. In the last band we had an HK Audio set up with a Allen & Heath powered mixer. We used the 12" tops with a single HK active sub. The sound was great but when we split the band I just got the tops. I remembered that using a powered mixer with active and passive components was a real faff so this time to simplify things just went down the passive route with our powered mixer. On first try out yesterday I was quite impressed with how much they have filled out the sound and the tops don't seem stressed at all even with the Roland kit.
  24. I moved from trace to 2 NY112 cabs from MarkBass. Small, light and fit in the boot of a Mini (5dr).
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