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Everything posted by Clarky

  1. [quote name='Doddy' post='928539' date='Aug 18 2010, 12:22 PM']I'm all for playing what fits the song,but playing essentially the same thing in every song makes me think that it's nothing to do with musicality. If a player like Will Lee or Nathan East was to play a simple root note line you know that it's because it is the best thing to play,whereas with someone like Adam Clayton I get the feeling that that is all he can do.[/quote] In the nicest possible way, I hope you never come to one of my gigs! My playing is on a similar technical plane as Guiggsy/Clayton etc
  2. [quote name='Doddy' post='928529' date='Aug 18 2010, 12:08 PM']But does a player like Guigsy or Clayton play chugging 8th notes because musically it's the best thing to play,or because they are limited by their abilities and that is all that they can play? To me there is a big difference.[/quote] Even if that is the limit of their abilities, if it fits the song where's the problem? Can you honestly say that Hadrien Feraud would improve "New Year's Day"?
  3. [quote name='molan' post='928385' date='Aug 18 2010, 09:45 AM']Good man - I think this bass is so versatile & really rewarding to play. Still think it'll look great at a punk gig too![/quote] Hmmm, maybe Punkfest on Saturday instead of the Alembic????
  4. Not selling my AC Willie Weeks so this really has to go. Final offer, £100 price cut - so its £1300 cash or bass*-plus-cash to eqivalent value. Any interest folks? * where bass = Nash/Fender/Sadowsky/Alembic
  5. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='928356' date='Aug 18 2010, 09:08 AM']Nup... but I sold a guitar to Shakin' Stevens.[/quote] Not an "old piano behind the green door" then?
  6. I played this bass for a long time last night and enjoyed it so much that I am withdrawing it from sale. I will find the dosh I need for the taxman elsewhere.
  7. Seems to me that there's a big confusion in this thread between technical ability and musicality. I would have thought an awful bassist is someone who has no empathy/fit/vibe with the band he/she plays in. Adam Clayton may be a 16th/root note chugger but what he does fits U2, likewise Level 42 would not be the same without Mark King. Joy Division would have been a much lesser band without Hooky. If someone's playing fits the music, then I fail to see how they can be described as "awful". Thats just snobbery. As it happens, I find a lot of bassists with huge technical ability (eg Hadrien Feraud) unlistenable - doesn't make them awful though, even if thats how the music sounds to me.
  8. Having thought on further, there are other household things I could sell (non-music related) in order to raise some moolah if the Alleva and fretless don't sell. So I am not selling this lovely bass. Thanks for replies everyone. There WoT, you can speak to me again
  9. [quote name='tino' post='927903' date='Aug 17 2010, 07:29 PM']I think you may be quite surprised to find this model currently makes around £25,I understand if you need to be seated it truly is a vast amount of money for a lump of wood and a few strands of wire, As I do not have one in my collection I could possibly stretch to £26. Dont sell it unless legging it really is not an option[/quote] I know your game. I wouldn't accept less than £28. Chiseller
  10. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='927852' date='Aug 17 2010, 06:44 PM']It's very pretty, but I'd have to sell everything I own...[/quote] maybe you'd like a backup fretless in case your current fretless, errrr, goes out of tune mid-gig?
  11. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='927843' date='Aug 17 2010, 06:40 PM']If you sell this, I shall never talk to you again...[/quote] Perhaps you would like to buy my Alleva-Coppolo and prevent this disastrous non-communication scenario ever rearing its ugly head, WoT?
  12. Thanks for those links. Over 2k seems pushing it, but then I already have experience of over-paying at V&R with my fretless
  13. [attachment=56862:clarky_basses_040.JPG] I'm really not looking to sell this bass. However, if I don't find a taker for my AC Willie Weeks and noone wants my 76P fretless this is something I may have to grudgingly contemplate in order to pay the (Spanish) taxman. Thus wondered what you good folks think this is worth? 1972 Precision in Jamerson stylee, all-original except I replaced some stripped bridge screws with new repro screws from Howard, The Bass Doc (I have the originals still). Weighs 8.5 pounds (IIRC; maybe less). B width (1.625") neck is very easy in the hand. Low action and very resonant. No hard case. Has been seen by Old Horse Murphy, jonthebass and others and was originally sold to me by BC'er Chris Kelly 18 months or so ago Like I say, I am hoping it won't come to this
  14. [quote name='basshead56' post='927777' date='Aug 17 2010, 05:26 PM']original pus included[/quote] I'd clean it first mate! On topic, LEB, that is a damn fine price if the bass is original and not a heavyweight
  15. [quote name='rasher80' post='927575' date='Aug 17 2010, 02:14 PM']Am i the only person who LIKES Peter Hook? [/quote] Nope. I like his work in Joy Division and early New Order a lot (think he started repeating his tricks later on in new Order). The bass line from '24 hours' is an all-time classic to count with some of the Motown great bass lines IMHO - and its difficult to think a bass line could ever fit that song better
  16. Clarky


    Rare as hen's teeth - didn't you once mention that this was made for and owned by Paul Turner (whilst playing with Jamiroquai)? Have a bump on me!
  17. Bump with a pic of Willie Weeks from the 70s playing a Fender bass that could have served as the inspiration for his Alleva-Coppolo signature ... [attachment=56839:B1L2giKu...__SL600_.jpg] Alleva for comparison: [attachment=56840:194.jpg]
  18. [quote name='Shonks' post='927216' date='Aug 17 2010, 09:24 AM']unfortunately the guys on the site deemed it nesaccary to susspend Marcus from the site!! shame we wont be hearing from the master again....fun while it lasted. We bow to the dictatorship!! [/quote] His profile page doesn't say he is suspended???
  19. Thanks again. As an opener I have put up a message in the 'Troubleshooting' section in the Alembic Club ...which will almost certainly be read by the Alembic factory-based mods. Fingers crossed
  20. [quote name='BassBod' post='926821' date='Aug 16 2010, 07:41 PM']Alembic pots are very high quality, and not the type you can easily buy. On my Epic the volume turns more freely than the others, but I don't find it a problem. I'd suggest calling Alembic and ordering a replacement - they are hit and miss on email. It will cost a bit, but should be a push fit rather than soldering. If it isn't noisy or erratic I'd be tempted to live with it a bit longer....[/quote] Thanks BassBod, I will drop them an email. Would prefer a fix rather than spending on a whole new pot if poss, so I will see how much they want
  21. I am 99% certain its our old friend Sean, the Big Beef Chief
  22. The volume pot on my Spoiler turns very freely as there is little friction or 'grab'. Generally this is not a problem as I have the volume on full (ie, pot turned to maximum) and if I need to cut the volume completely, there is a standby (pickup disengage) selector switch. Occasionally though I do knock the pot while playing and it shifts the volume down all too easily, meaning that I have to scrabble quickly to turn the pot to max again. I have no knowledge of the workings of pots so could anyone tell me if there is an easy fix for this or whether I need a replacement knob-shaft (oo err missus, Frankie Howerd time again) or similar? Thanks in advance folks
  23. Same thing happened to me with some LaBella flats I bought from US when they were out of stock in the UK. I ended up paying something like £45 all-in, when the UK price (when in stock) was about £29 and the US price 'seemed' about the same including postage. Yet I bought a Sansamp pedal costing five times as much from the US and that slipped through the net with no import duties/charges - it seems like its pot luck
  24. [quote name='Bilbo' post='926640' date='Aug 16 2010, 04:25 PM']Your list of listening material is a great one. I just struggle to see how, having heard those guys, you can give Moondance any credibility at all [/quote] Didn't once say I like it, Bilbo! Just wondered why it irked you so. Can't stand Van the Man personally ... he is unfortunately a fave of Mrs C so I do get subjected, eg I saw him at Hammersmith Apollo two years ago and he did "swing" versions of all his classics (Brown-Eyed Girl in a jumping jive version anyone? Thought not) Even Mrs C was moved to leave before the end. Dire
  25. [quote name='Bilbo' post='926602' date='Aug 16 2010, 03:57 PM']If this sounds like a jazz walking bass line to you, I suggest you listen to anything with Ray Brown on it before you do anything else.[/quote] I said it was a pop-inflected take on a walking bass line and I stand by that. I didn't say it was "correct". I'm just surprised it gets your goat so much as I assume that it has probably single-handedly got a fair number of pop fans to listen to Jazz. As for your suggestion about listening to other players, despite being best known on BC as a punk bassist, as it happens I have dozens of Jazz albums featuring not just Ray Brown ("We get requests" has been my wake-up CD on my alarm for the last two years), but also other DB greats including Paul Chambers, Scott LaFaro, Oscar Pettiford, Charlie Mingus, Jimmy Blanton etc. And I can see that they "swing"
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