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Everything posted by ossyrocks

  1. My better half bought me a Christmas Elf. Not had much time with it today for obvious reasons, but what time I did have was very interesting. How can such a tiny thing be sooo loud? It’s not just that, it has great tone too. It’s going to be my main amp, with the One10, for the jazz band I’m rehearsing with. Rob
  2. I just have been a good boy this year because Santa (MrsRocks) has been very generous with me.
  3. That’s the way I justify it to my better half. I think my 73 has gone up quite a bit since I bought it in February.
  4. This is a tough one for me to answer as I’m relatively new to bass. This time last year I possessed a Squier Affinity P Bass and a Fender Rumble 15. My gear has gone from zero to hero in 12 months, with a Fender Roadworn series Jazz, a Markbass rig, a vintage Fender Bassman and a few pedals. But the greatest thing I bought this year, and has had the most impact on me personally must be my vintage 1973 P bass. It’s light, plays wonderfully, sounds immense, and inspires me to play every day. Rob
  5. I play guitar in a community music group. All ages and abilities, and I do it just to help people out, people who otherwise wouldn’t get to play with other musicians and do gigs, or even get out of the house sometimes. The “set list” is about 60 tunes, with different people singing and playing on portions of it, although I generally help out on all of them. We’ve settled on Songbook Pro. It handles all kinds of formats, from Ultimate Guitar downloads to scanned PDFs of handwritten sheets. Set lists can be created, rearranged and shared with everyone to load on their own cheap android tablets, so we’re all singing from the same hymn sheet. With so many tunes, it’s impossible to get everyone to learn everything by heart, so it really makes life easier to have all the chords and lyrics in order and just swipe left for the next tune. Rob
  6. That’s just what I’ve done. I’ve bought the 2016 AV ‘63 this morning over on The Fretboard Forum. I can see you’ve been looking at it and commenting, so I hope you’re not too miffed with me for buying it! Rob
  7. I'd probably buy an AVRI too if one cropped up. I just think these MV basses are interesting, but I don't want to buy without trying first. With an AVRI, I probably would buy without holding it in my hands first, because I kind of know what to expect.
  8. What's the nut width on the 70's one, there's no info on the MV website? Bass Direct list the '62 at 43mm, I just wondered if the '72 was narrower? My '73 P bass is 41mm. I think I can cope with the extra 2mm though. Lots of reasons ^here to just jump on one. The Fiesta Red P is under 9lbs and has £100 off because of a ding on the back of the body, which I'm sure I can live with! I rarely buy new guitars. The last ones were some Custom Shop Gibsons which were being sold off at discount prices in 2018, and I bought them because they were so cheap. I sold all three for a profit later. I doubt this would be the case for this bass though. Thanks for the help chaps. Rob
  9. Now I feel rather foolish, I don’t know how I missed that. There are only two in stock, and they are a six hour round trip away. Are they the only dealer?
  10. I’m looking around for something precisiony, and I’m quite intrigued with the Modern Vintage MVP4-62. However, no amount of googling is getting me any closer to finding anything in the UK. What am I doing wrong? Who has them, who’s tried one, who’s got one? Cheers, Rob
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  12. Thanks for all the advice on the LMB-3, and sorry to have hijacked the thread a bit. I've received the one I bought on ebay this week and have just tried it out. It doesn't work! Either on battery or 9v power, only the Level control functions, the rest of the controls have no effect on the sound whatsoever, in any position. I've requested a return via Ebay. A bit disappointed! I'll put an ad in the Wanted Section. Rob
  13. I bought a TU-2 from Chris this week. He’d posted it even before I’d paid! Great to deal with. Rob
  14. That’s great, thanks! I’m looking forward to getting used to it. Rob
  15. I’ve just bought a secondhand LMB-3 to put together an old style Boss BCB-30 board. TU-2, LMB-3 and SYB-5. This is only my second compressor ever. I’m using a vintage P bass through a Mark Bass LM3 and a Barefaced One10 at the moment. I have a TE Elf head on the way though. It’s a low volume contemporary jazz band I’m doing. For those that have experience of the LMB-3, can you give me some pointers on where to start with it? I just want it to even out my inconsistencies, give me a little punch (but not top end), but still allow a bit of dynamic in my playing when I need it. Cheers, Rob PS. The SYB-5 is just for one tune at the moment, Chameleon by Herbie Hancock. I’m right in thinking this should be last in the chain aren’t I?
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  17. I’m selling this one. It was my first compressor, and I did a fair bit of research before buying it, and got a lot of advice here too. Good condition, but has a small nick on the front left corner which I have tried to show, and has Velcro on the bottom. Includes original power supply. Price includes postage to mainland UK. Price reduced to £110. Cheers, Rob
  18. That does look nice. Who's going to ask the obligatory question first? I'm not, as I'm not looking for a Jazz, but if this was a P, it would be my first question......
  19. Dayum. Good luck with the sale, I really like the look of these. I need to try one though.
  20. I'm actively looking for another vintage P bass, but every single one is about £1000 or more than I paid for my '73 only in February this year, and that was from ATB Guitars who I consider to be a "high end" dealer. Take that '71 at Reidy's for instance, £3999 and the fretboard is buggered. Are they actually selling, that's the question? Rob
  21. Ok, yes, I’m prepared to ship. I have a box which my Precision came in, and some bubble wrap. I haven’t shipped a guitar for a while, so not sure of the cost these days, but I’m sure it can be worked out. Rob
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