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Everything posted by ossyrocks

  1. LTFs fitted to my '73 Precision last night. No truss rod tweaking required. These are great! Similar tension to the Thomastiks that were previously on there, but maybe slightly less. Great feeling strings, with that lovely LaBella wrap under your fingers. I'm getting a set for the Jazz now, which is having a major upgrade anyway. Cheers everyone! Rob
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  3. Some recent reviews, including the Elf. They liked it. https://www.guitarworld.com/features/best-bass-amps-for-every-budget?fbclid=IwAR2t6Vjvdt4JxbKeNn3TFOjDQ2Nb-ZtQv3RrOe8uFNDlAMAu_EfdZEyDerc
  4. He's not mentioned anything about the rout on the back in his descriptions, either on ebay or Facebook, which I do find odd. Rob
  5. My thoughts. Combos are more cumbersome and heavy to move. I like the flexibility of heads and cabs and the fact you can mix and match. In case of amp failure, a combo is a little more tricky to swap over to a backup. But, I'm sure that amp will sound great.
  6. '74 Jazz popped up on ebay. Not much info given. There's also an odd filled rout on the back, which is not talked about in the description. Interestingly, I accidentally clicked "Buy it now" (honest it was an accident guvner) and it wouldn't let me buy it as the buyer has not specified a shipping charge. Rob https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/325561683571?hash=item4bccfd0e73%3Ag%3ANHkAAOSwzB1kBJVO&amdata=enc%3AAQAHAAAAoJnRa2a9FG7Ha3fFp%2BWB0ryNObXK0EY6M%2BCP%2FCNSbpbEflp3Y2eMvxd38kYGlOwncvylvNKihAtkmGQJzNAhHuNidE5hnZad5z1Wnb3p%2FfyouoYLH4L6eCeMG8hk8WSB6PbWRQnYKK0qfokeJqMqBTuoF03ZQqw1bxP7V%2BLHAey3zVefpkgqVo%2Bf8V0dB3Vm3C%2Fi0dc4dTm32bvDBtflLUs%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR_K99KTWYQ&LH_ItemCondition=4 Edit: Also for sale of Facebook, UK Bass Marketplace - Buy, Sell & Trade. Without pictures of the rout on the back and still no mention of it. Comments are also turned off.
  7. Caved. LTFs ordered from Bass Direct. £40 is a real bargain, probably the cheapest strings I’ve bought since my first set of PIcatos on my first bass.
  8. That’s nice of you to offer that Tony, thanks, but I know you’re looking yourself. I may just have to try LaBellas on my ‘73 P. So it’s a toss up between 760FLs which I’m familiar with, or LTFs. I think LTFs just to give them a go. But then I’ll have to play them in for an age again! First world problems! Rob
  9. Cheers Lee. When I put the Thomastiks on my vintage P is was the mids that immediately struck me, and I really like the way they sound. I do feel the difference in the wraps between those and the LaBellas, and I do prefer the feel of the LaBellas, so smooth. Hmm. Rob
  10. I’ve not tried the LTFs, and lots of people rave about them. I have 760FL’s on my AVRI Precision, and the heavier 760FS’s on my Jazz. Also Thomstiks on my vintage P. If I tried a set, what could I expect in terms of the difference in tone and feel? Rob
  11. Me too, and still do. Adding a second cab is always an option too, stacked vertically of course, it’s tall! Mine doesn’t see as much action as my little Elf and Barefaced One10’s though, but that’s down to the gigs I’m doing. Rob
  12. I saw this this morning too. He was a really great bass player. I’ve seen him play twice, both times with JB. On the second occasion, I met him and chatted outside the venue for a few minutes. He was a very gentle and mild mannered sort of guy. Only 69 years old, too young. Rest in peace. Rob
  13. I gig mine, with one or two Barefaced One 10’s. Admittedly, the band isn’t loud by any stretch of the imagination, but the master is only on about 3. Rob
  14. I’m pretty sure I’m going to be able to use it. This won’t be your regular Bassman.
  15. I was looking around for a small valve head for a while. In the end I bought a vintage Fender Bassman 50 which had been badly messed around with previously. I’ve taken it to Martin Garton to be completely rebuilt and reimagined as a usable gigging amp. I’ll have an amp with cool vintage looks, but seriously reliable and toneful (I hope) Rob
  16. Nice looking bass, and not far away from …… What’s the weight please?
  17. It looks nice, but Blimey, £3k for a reissue! Is that where they are now? It's quite a lot more than I paid for my '73 last year too. Rob
  18. I've had a look at this, and I've never seen anything like it, across the whole range of vintage Fenders, not just basses. I very much doubt that it's a factory refin. Rob
  19. I'm glad you sold it. It will now stop me looking at it !
  20. Brief update. Martin has been very busy with customer builds, but has managed to get some time with my amp this week. The last time I saw it, he had gutted the entire board and was starting the rebuild from scratch. This week we discussed options. We've agreed that the Bass Channel will be rebuilt pretty much stock blackface. The Normal channel is where he's going to do things a little differently. He's going to make input 1 & 2 completely independent of each other, with this channel having more gain stages (more valves). Input 1 will have lower gain for active basses or for my pretty pokey Precision to run cleaner for a more jazz/clean blues vibe. Input 2 will be higher gain to get a more growly blues/rock tone. He's paying careful attention to voltages and filtering too, to get the most out of the amp for bass. At the end of the day, this will be a very different amp than it was, with Martin rebuilding the entire circuit from the ground up utilising his ideas and component choice. I must say, I'm looking forward to getting it home. Rob
  21. That was my thread linked up there ^ about the BF One10 for sale on the Fretboard Forum. I bought one of them, and now have two. I can’t speak highly enough of these cabs, they are remarkable. I have a gig tonight in a pub for Valentines, I’m just taking one BF One10 cab and my Trace Elliot Elf (similar to the BAM200), and I doubt I’ll have the amp running at more than 3 or 4 on the master. It sounds to me from what you’re saying that these cabs fit the bill perfectly. Rob
  22. I hear you, but……his live work with the John Mayer Trio is just where I would dream to be. It’s the pinnacle. Fretted Precision…….
  23. Hope this is allowed. A chap called Pete is/was selling two of these. I’ve bought one, and it’s here already, the other is up for grabs. I wouldn’t normally do this, but I will in this case as the seller was brilliant to deal with, packed it really well, and sent it overnight insured, and insisted I only pay on receipt if I was happy. Well I am, it’s cleaner than the one I already had, and I thought that was nice. Here’s the link https://www.thefretboard.co.uk/discussion/comment/3499430#Comment_3499430 Rob
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