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Everything posted by ambient

  1. [quote name='Monckyman' timestamp='1400597678' post='2455309'] Megalolz. The vocal sample at the beginning of track Another's arms is the singer I'm currently working with, Jane Weaver from her "Fallen by Watchbird" CD. They forgot to clear it and a few long transatlantic phone calls were had. I liked Parachutes, but not much else. [/quote] You'd have thought they'd have learned their lesson with Joe Satriani.
  2. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1400615784' post='2455563'] Frankie actually IS funny. That review was just an arrogant reviewer who's up his own chuff with his own sense of self f***ing importance. I'm not defending Coldplay, I liked them a lot early on, they were a great band, but I've not liked the way they developed because it just not my thing. Doesn't mean it's a load of f***ing f***ing f*** though, does it. [/quote] I didn't realise they had developed . That's partly why I don't particularly like them, they're a band that promised a lot when they first appeared, and they just seem to follow the same formula each time. They even had Brian Eno produce them, I couldn't hear what he'd actually done.
  3. [quote name='GrammeFriday' timestamp='1400534128' post='2454812'] Easiest way to spot the difference is to look at the headstock. US 6ers arrange tuners in a 3+3 config (like your Modulus); Kingstons are 4+2. [/quote] Also the truss rod cover is black on the Kingston. Very nice basses .
  4. [quote name='GrammeFriday' timestamp='1400483742' post='2454166'] That guy IS Andrew Gouche! And he's playing the USA model, not the Kingston. Here's another guy - Bubby Lewis - playing the Kingston version. Interesting to a/b them! [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pTOGSYBFux8[/media] [/quote] Yeah, I know it's Adrian. The item on talkbass lead me to believe he was reviewing the Kingston model.
  5. ambient


    Still available 😊
  6. [quote name='GrammeFriday' timestamp='1400458161' post='2454109'] Agree with this 100%, and with Dingus's post above. A case in point is my MTD Kingston AG5 - insanely great bass for 1/3 of the price of a US model. I couldn't give a toss that it is made in a factory in China rather than in Mr Tobias's log cabin in a forest in upstate New York - it plays and sounds brilliant. [/quote] I've always wanted to try the 6 string MTD AG model. There's a video of a guy playing it here [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VFmP_fRCz5U"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VFmP_fRCz5U[/url]
  7. [center]Bump for a great keyboard, make me an offer.[/center] [center] [/center]
  8. Nice amp, I've always heard good things about these.
  9. [quote name='Fayfay' timestamp='1400437236' post='2453866'] I ordered mine one year ago. It was nearly finished since 4 months. The East preamp was missing. (east was flooded in last decembers + huge lack of communication...) Jon received it 4days ago. So the bass [i]should[/i] be finished in the next days. [/quote] My experience with John East is that he replies to emails almost immediately, and despatches items pretty much the same day that they're ordered. If that's the reason you've been given for the delay in your bass, then personally I wouldn't believe it.
  10. ambient


    Still available 😊
  11. ambient


    Still available - make me an offer I can only refuse, offer me something I can sell on plus some cash.
  12. ambient


    Some interest, but still available.
  13. [center]Bump.[/center] [center]Offers welcome, collection preferred.[/center] [center]Includes a quality keyboard stand.[/center] [center] [/center]
  14. So - Matt Garrison Janek Gwizdala Michael Pope Ettiene M'Bape Yves Carbonne Victor Wooten Michael Manring Anthony Jackson Anthony Wellington Dominic Di Piazza Richard Bona Hadrien Feraud Jimmy Johnson Stanley Clarke Jimmy Haslip Mick Karn Colin Edwin Percy Jones Andrew Gouche Alain Caron There's a list of 20 or so, either great or iconic bassists, who all use 'high-end' basses, a smattering of Fodera, Wal, Alembic, Smith. Are they loaded and just showing off ?
  15. ambient


    Make me an offer type bump.
  16. ambient


    Make me an offer type bump.
  17. Hear on the radio earlier that Mark King plays on a remake of rock around the clock.
  18. [quote name='oggiesnr' timestamp='1400076204' post='2450492'] Ignoring the lumps of firewood at the low end of the market, I wonder how many in an audience could really hear the difference between any two basses on any track? For me high end basses are those that I would love to own aesthetically but know I could never afford/justify. Some basses are just drop dead gorgeous and good luck to those who own them. As far as price is concerned, if you think high end basses are expensive, look at the price of a good double bass [url="http://www.contrabass.co.uk/csbasses.htm"]http://www.contrabas...uk/csbasses.htm[/url]. These are the good quality ones, the high end page is POA only. I know of one orchestral player who sold his bass when he retired (a nice late 19th century english one) for £50,000 and that was by no means top of the range. Steve [/quote] That's what I said in an earlier post. In my opinion, there's high end regards price, and high end regards the instrument. High end to me personally means attention to detail in the build of the instrument, quality of components etc, versatility, you haven't got to keep adjusting the neck relief every 5 minutes, you can stick a set of flats on for a blues gig and not have to spend an hour setting the bass up. My Modulus wasn't expensive in relation to some instruments that you see, Wal's for example of ridiculously pricey. Sei's ACG's, Clement, Overwater are amazing basses, and every bit as good as a Wal, but don't hold their price as well. They are high end basses though with regards to quality. High end also doesn't equate to boutique. Boutique, to me anyway is something like a Ritter with a fancy oddball paint finish. A good analogy is Doc Marten boots. Relatively expensive, but you get a lifetime guarantee. You could just go out and buy a normal pair of boots, and they'll maybe last 6 months before the soles fall off. Boutique is a pair costing 3 times as much because of the label attached.
  19. [center]Bump.[/center] [center]Still available.[/center] [center] [/center]
  20. [quote name='Lw.' timestamp='1400064952' post='2450318'] I've been happy with my simple Focusrite 2i2 - easy to set up with lots of support on their website, sound is good and feels relatively sturdy. [/quote] I think you get Ableton lite with that too ? I have a Focusrite 2i2, it is very good.
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