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Everything posted by JamesBass

  1. [quote name='Hutton' timestamp='1378888511' post='2205941'] I'm getting fed up with folk passing sweeping statements and not stating that it is merely their opinion. An early 80s P bass for instance is for sale at the moment. It is made by an excellent maker and is no doubt a superb bass. However, is it really necessary to add that it is better than USA Fenders of the same era. I have two early 80s P basses and they are both fantastic basses. I'm not saying that they are any better or worse than any other P bass of the early 80s but to claim that the 80s bass for sale is far better is ridiculous. It is misleading to say so in the for sale forum without stating that it is the posters opinion. I don't want to clutter the post which is trying to sell the bass by making my point. This is not another Fender verses the rest post. It just happens that the P bass for sale post is the example I'm using. By all manner of means compliment a bass to help the sale but don't say it's better than something else. The next post down may be trying to sell the very bass that is being denigrated. It's not difficult to add IMO! This, of course, is only my opinion. Rant over. [/quote] Modern society seemingly think that just because the internet was initially setup to be a scholars tool, that their OPINION has become fact. Freedom of speech is all fair and well but I find Freedom of Silence to be the bigger and more interesting option nowadays, especially when on the internet.
  2. Any Rush album is good, the song writing, the playing, the production has always been good! Obviously there are some that people prefer but that's what makes opinions great!
  3. [quote name='Ashdown Engineering' timestamp='1378758457' post='2204425'] Any questions on CTM's etc just shout, also you guys are aware we run a UK Custom Shop on site at the Farm in Essex? We often have people come down to tune and tweak their amps when they want something very particular, it's great fun and Dave Green really enjoys nailing exactly what someone is after. Also nice to know as a customer that your amp sounds like your amp and different to everyone elses, thats the beauty in making things in the UK as far as we're concerned. Also done quite a lot of crazy finishes over the years too [/quote] I'd love to know the exact details of any of your all valve bass heads, especially what you could do in terms of customisations? Great to see brands still chiming in every now and then on here
  4. only pedal I use is my boss chromatic tuner. I own but rarely use a boss bass overdrive but since I'm looking at a valve amp I don't want anything to disrupt that lovely warm tone, unless I push the gain of course!
  5. Count while playing?! Christ no, I hope by the time I'm live and playing the song that I will know it and any nuances that my band or the band I'm playing with add to it, if I'm short notice then I'll not count but often stand further back and keep an eye on the drummer and follow his rhythms for most things. I used to count all the time but when I started to do backing vocals the whole counting thing has become an impossibility to me and my simple man brain! It's corny but I like to just feel the groove and react to it?
  6. I can't help you with the seller I'm afraid but, HAPPY BIRTHDAY
  7. I'm gassing for a Fender Slab Body P Bass or a custom job to the same effect I'm also after either a MatAmp GT200, HiWatt custom 400/200w, Ashdown CTM300 and I'd LOVE to pair any of them with a barefaced 69er!
  8. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1378582697' post='2202193'] I'd guess its this one. [/quote] OH MY GOD! If only my damn car wasn't playing up! That is one hell of a tidy amp! Would love to hear it!
  9. [quote name='Matte_black' timestamp='1378547265' post='2201633'] I'm trying to get more informations about the 427 and CTM300... Ashdown site doesn't really carry a lot of informations [/quote] I agree with you there, think it'd be a more get on the phone or email type job with those amps!
  10. Matamp are always great, so many people rate them and they are very accommodating, as things stand I'm looking to get my first ever all valve head in the near future and I'm VERY impressed by the Ashdown CTM300. I'm in no way clued up enough to answer your post fully, luckily the ever present and vastly knowledgeable Mr Foxen has chipped in already!
  11. [quote name='thunderbird13' timestamp='1378389725' post='2199553'] Violin , ukele, amd guitar and 3 vocals ! [/quote] With that setup get one of the singers to get a kiddies bass drum and have that count the beat? It'd add a nice subtle beat to the music?
  12. Explain to her that it's a way to earn money and that if you do X amount of gigs then in X amount of months you'll be able to pay for the bass and something she might like/want?
  13. [quote name='ras52' timestamp='1378484660' post='2201063'] What about the ones you haven't come across? [/quote] Open minded but skeptical Although I suspect I'm just as much a part of the problem but there we go aha
  14. Musicians union membership for me. Get great benefits from it aside from the insurance, which I believe is up to £2000 free then you pay an extra £25 to go unlimited? I think, it's something like that anyway!
  15. [quote name='EliasMooseblaster' timestamp='1378462566' post='2200583'] I suspect you and I would get on well. [/quote] Well let's be honest those things are perhaps the greatest on the planet! Women are great but don't half go on and moan and whine (Appologies for the stereotyping ladies but all of your kind I've come across are the same!)
  16. From what I've heard if you could convince Slab 66 on here to sell you the pick ups he uses for his basses you'll get that live at leeds tone.
  17. Food. Beer. Whisky. P basses, particularly slab bodies, all valve bass amps and Rickenbackers...
  18. Back in black. I also then went from that to Run To The Hills and The Trooper. I was just shy of my 10th birthday. Pretty much exactly 10 years ago now! Wow, scary to think that!
  19. I'm a nice guy but have a VERY short and often pathetically tripped fuse! I can go from a loveable laugh to a rabid killer in the blink of an eye, something that I'm not proud of but has helped in many situations!
  20. [quote name='slab66' timestamp='1377708154' post='2190665'] [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/-/281158633890?roken=KtZdln"]http://www.ebay.co.u...90?roken=KtZdln[/url] [/quote] Don't want to revive a dead thread but is that P built to the specs of all the others you've done? Pickups etc? Cheers Gareth, James
  21. The lad who played the acoustic guitar with the disgusting hair and personal hygiene was atrocious! Can't believe they said he was different and good, was just another generic indie singer with little talent!
  22. I've never personally ordered a bass from Thomann but can assure you that they are very good, a friend ordered a bass from them and it came well packaged and quickly.
  23. Certainly sounds to me like you guys as a band need to appreciate the EQ ranges, perhaps one band practice you bring it up and get the singer to adjust the EQ settings as you all go? Having the understanding as a band that a good EQ can help with your overall sound will improve you as a band, you become more aware of who is playing what and where in the mix it all lies, getting in to the studio helped with my band, you really don't realise at times just how much you step on each others ranges!
  24. You certainly do loose top end first, so if you're worried about that get a hearing test done, the results might shock you! As for in the mix, have you tried raising the pickup on the D and G string side, that may help a little and if not then there could well be something in the mix that is sitting on top of your fills as you play them. The gear certainly doesn't sound like the problem, although EQing could be a problem? Hope that helps
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