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Status Updates posted by JapanAxe

  1. Waiting for the call after an audition (on lead guitar) this afternoon. Did everything I could think of to make it work in my favour - learned more songs than they asked for, spent time on getting the sounds right, got there early, did some BVs. I defo want the gig (1 year dep slot) - just have to be patient now.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. JapanAxe


      Got the call this evening but not the one I wanted. A close-run thing on playing ability so the band went for the fella with the right look and a dash of charisma - can’t argue with that.

      I’ve offered to dep if they’re stuck though.

    3. SpondonBassed


      Sorry to hear.  Better luck next time.

    4. JapanAxe


      Hey, it's fine. Can't say I'm not disappointed, but there's always another band. I was up-front with them about prioritising my tribute band (current gigs for 2023: zero) so that may have been a factor. My takeaway from this was to show a bit more energy when I audition!

  2. I joined the EBS Owners Club today - can I expect to be awoken in the early hours for the initiation rite ?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. alyctes


      Does it have to be a current copy, or from a particular date, or what?

    3. TheGreek


      "initiation rite"...??

      Remember...What happens at EBS Owners Club stays in EBS Owners Club.

    4. Rich


      Shh. Don't say any more, you'll give the game away.


  3. Barefaced One 10 - absolutely splendid!

    I picked one up in the 20%-off pre-Christmas feeding frenzy and have used it on a couple of gigs and open mics. I paired it with my Demeter head for Saturday night's country gig in a lively-sounding village hall (with no stage). Every note from my '73 Precision came out solid and clear - a real joy to play.

  4. Tonight is my first gig with Bowie tribute band Rebel Heroes. We'll be playing from 8.30-ish (which could actually be 9.00!) at the Cornerhouse, 1 Christchurch St East, Frome BA11 1QA. For the gear nerds, I will be mostly playing my '63 AVRI Precision through a Demeter head into a BF Super Twin. If you're a Basschatter, come up and say hello - but not while we're actually playing!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. JapanAxe


      Cheers all, the gig was brilliant, I didn't want it to end!

    3. Deedee


      Nice one, glad it went well.

    4. SpondonBassed
  5. Been playing with the Maruszczyk configurator. Oh dear...

    1. CameronJ


      It’s a slippery slope!

    2. Daz39


      Same with the FBass one. *sobs quietly into empty wallet*

    3. mangotango


      Yep, that and the Sandberg one too.

      Thing is, I 've started using fretless as much as fretted basses nowadays.

      So reeeeally I'd need two basses.

      *sobs loudly into empty bank account*

  6. Just tweaked up the gain in my Demeter head. What  a rebel I am!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. SpondonBassed


      @discreet -by 'bring down'  I shall assume that you mean for me to harshen their buzz, as it were.  It's like they're all abusing substances.  Well substantial abuse of the facts anyway.

      How rebellious are you now that you've binned the wet wipes?

    3. discreet


      @SpondonBassed How rebellious? Frankly my dear, I don't give a sh*t. And my anal hygiene has gone right down the pan.

    4. SpondonBassed
  7. New cab incoming - Barefaced Super Twin on its way from Brighton via Fedex, ETA some time tomorrow.

    *dances around like a ninny*

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. JapanAxe


      Ha ha! I wear those things as slippers round the house. Normally I favour kitten heels, or for formal occasions court shoes of course.

    3. SpondonBassed


      I like pumps.  It saves on buying tablets for trapped wind.

    4. discreet


      I reckon slingbacks would suit. :D

  8. Where did the 'status' thing go? Is this it?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Marc S

      Marc S

      I wanted to add a "ha ha" to SpondonBassed's comment - but I've been told I can't add any more reactions today
      .... think I've only added 2? Anyhow SpondonBassed.... Ha Ha :)
      PS. JapanAxe - yes, this is it, as you have already worked out
      EDIT: I see you now have two status updates... this is new & useful :)
      Hmmm, now how do I do that?

    3. JapanAxe


      @discreet - cover photo in place, some suitably trouser-troubling Precision porn :ph34r:

    4. SpondonBassed


      Precision priapism.  Perfect!

      Carry on.

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