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Everything posted by BassMunkee

  1. BUMP Come on folks, there's loads of stuff here - and it's all good stuff too! It's going on Ebay as of next week so you've got a bit of time yet, to take it off my hands. The power block is pending, but the rest is very much available.
  2. I use them all the time. They are brilliant. They look simple because they are simple, they don't need to look complicated or flashy. In fact I have an effects loop switcher for sale if anyone wants one...
  3. I occasionally use a stainless steel pick. Now THAT'S attack...
  4. [quote name='William James Easton' post='461944' date='Apr 14 2009, 11:38 AM']peee emed[/quote] Replied for the power bank. Anymore for anymore?
  5. I use both, but - with my active Ibanez I tend to use fingers more, and with my passive Aria I tend to use pick more...
  6. [center]**ALL PRICES HAVE NOW BEEN LOWERED** Right all, Now I have my bass pod, I'm going to start offloading stuff I don't need. SO: [b](OTHER STUFF)[/b] [indent]*SOLD* Red Onion Single Loop Switch from new red powder coated. This is a version with a standard 9 volt power socket and a battery + blue LED - [b]£10[/b] - (£31 new) Behringer programmable dual A/B switch (AB200) from new + battery - [b]£5[/b] *SOLD PENDING PAYMENT* GLX Noise Gate [b]£10[/b] [/indent] [i][b]NOTE: postage will be 2nd class recorded on all items and is NOT included in the prices.[/b][/i] I have never gigged any of the items in this list and since I have had them none of them have ever left my house. All of the pedals are in working order. Genuine reason for sale. PM me if you want any more info. Cheers![/center]
  7. Toshiba Satellite laptop - 2gb ram, 2ghz dual processor intel, Cakewalk Sonar Power Studio 660.
  8. Chuckle. I had to carry it up hill for about a mile from the shop to my car - I didn't realise it was quite so heavy. I was thinking "It better be f**kin worth it!"
  9. You're not picking up a ground loop are you...?
  10. Thank you very much both of you! The guy who actually does the videos is very cool at what he does, and he seems to like what we do enough to want to do this - which is very nice of him.
  11. [quote name='benwhiteuk' post='456054' date='Apr 7 2009, 07:42 AM']Ahh, very interesting, I might do this! You know what, I might actually plug the USB cable into it and see what I can download Never done this before as I didn’t really see much point in it, but I think I’ve been a bit too blinkered as to my “plug and play” mentality [/quote] Well you see I'm the sort of person who has to plug everything into everything and press all the buttons IMMEDIATELY! Um, there is a firmware upgrade available from line 6 - but you'll need to install the line 6 monkey and set up an account - if you haven't already done so. Takes about 10 minutes all in. There's some "deep editing" software which I have downloaded as well... for future use... (I know you've owned one for ages, so apologies if the above sounds a bit patronising, it's not meant to).
  12. [quote name='benwhiteuk' post='456002' date='Apr 7 2009, 12:10 AM']The volume pedal on mine doesn’t completely mute the signal, but I actually find this really useful. Other than that I cant offer much advice as I don’t really have a clue about the functionality of it despite owning it for almost 4 years! [/quote] LOL! Actually I was going to PM you, as I know you have one! As it turns out it seems that it needed recalibrating, I found the instructions for it on the Line6 forum and also once I had upgraded the firmware on it. So for anyone - (including your good self) - who doesn't know: Hold bank UP and turn the unit on, Release bank UP and press AMP to clear the settings then cycle the pedal to the heel down position, then to the toe down, until the WAH light goes on. Then wait 10 seconds or so, release the WAH back to volume, press save and then cycle the unit. That should sort it - seems to have done so on mine. (Currently at least)! Other than that, SO FAR, it seems like a great piece of kit, though I have only had a couple of hours to play on it.
  13. Hi all, I bought a Pod XT Live today - it's great - BUT I have a question about the pedal, when it's in volume mode. Regardless of whether I position the volume pedal pre or post the amp in the signal chain It cuts out the amp model but it doesn't cut out the effects. I have set the volume that it should be to 0 when the is down but I can still hear the effects. Am I missing something? I thought the whole point of a volume pedal was to mute everything...? Or is this a stupid question and if so, why??
  14. You can get a powerblock from Maplin for a very reasonable price.
  15. Just because a bass is under £250 doesn't make it bad...
  16. BassMunkee

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