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Stephen Houghton

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Everything posted by Stephen Houghton

  1. This is a friend of mine Bernie Smith he's just done some gigs with Chic, Bernie's on the left he plays keys. He gets about a bit!
  2. I cant access anything on soundcloud either, even my own account, its got to be a problem at there end.
  3. Voted, great work once again by all those taking part, one stood out for me and the production was excellent. Well done everyone :-) I just couldn't come up with anything for the image this month. Will have a pop on the next one hopefully
  4. Voted Dad di it for me as his was spot on for the pic, Leonard Smalls came a very close second. great effort everyone I need to get off my ass and put something down even if its speed composition like Skol's entry (hats of to you for that one in the time you had). Will put something in next month
  5. Here is a friend of ours called Bernie Smith he is a top session keys player and has played with most of the top performers, here he is with Gazza Barlow and the other photo is when he worked with Annie Lennox for a long period. My claim to fame is I'm a second cousin of John Lydon AKA Rotten out of the pistols. You couldn't meet a nicer guy!
  6. Hi my names Stephen and after quite a few years of heavy bass use I have now controlled the habit and own only two and one of those is a Uke bass which I tell myself doesn't count. I have however started getting a habit in studio gear which has developed into a worse problem than I had in the first place, I am now on a couple of guitars, various rack effects, monitors, microphones, amps, cabs. keyboards and I spend most my days dreaming of which bit of gear I need next. The wife doesn't appreciate this habit and I spend most of my time in a room until the early hours playing with it all. I spend hours scouring the internet looking for things I 'NEED' I need help, I am a gearaholic
  7. Not a bit jealous, grrrrrrrrrrrrrr f############ jammy bas####
  8. Any ideas how to go about posting videos or links, as the link option that comes up never works for m, it just hangs when I paste a link in it?
  9. Just seen him in Liverpool one of the best gigs I have ever been to the guy isn't human, live he wipes the floor with the stuff you see of him on youtube. Sound and tone was awesome and his timing was machine like and I mean beyond human. Blew me away, still in shock!
  10. Just got in from an amazing night, I am totally blown away, what Vic can do with a bass is out there, its official the guy is not from this planet. At one point in the evening mid solo he spun the bass around his neck 360 degrees and didn't miss a note. I have seen him on YouTube but it doesn't come close to his live performance. His band was awesome which included his brother Reg on guitar and a great female vocalist called Crystal, drums and keys. Anyway I am now going to burn my gear and hang myself with my bass strings
  11. Got tickets for Liverpool on the 15th, cant wait to see the man himself in action
  12. Just got tickets for Victor Wooten in Liverpool at The Kazimier Tuesday 15th July 2014, good venue and tickets are only £20.00 cant wait, anyone else going? He's also doing Leeds and London.
  13. Didn't have time to do anything for this one (shame on me it was my pic ) but have just voted and there are some really good tracks this month as usual, hard choice but I voted for the one I thought fitted he pic well, but it was close. Well done to all who made the effort
  14. Spread the happiness Remember Being happy doesn’t mean that everything is perfect. It means that you’ve decided to [b]look beyond the imperfections,[/b] Wise words by some wise person, no idea who but good advice anyway!
  15. Found it hard to get hold of decent Orange tolex, the stuff on these is OK but not very heavy duty, but that's fine as they aren't really going anywhere. Just wanted to tidy things up studio wise, if I were you I would look for black tolex as its easy available and you can get decent quality quite easily. If they are just for studio like mine and not really being manhandled I could send you the link to where my mate got this from, I don't think it was too expensive to buy. He would knock you some up if you told him what you wanted, he's in Wigan so Chester isn't too far, he makes to your spec. Let me know if your interested?
  16. Sorry but cant really do any trades I need the cash, to pay for stuff I already bought, cant resist buy's and all that
  17. Here is my setup, my mate just knocked me the rack boxes up from scratch as a prezzie, very nice man indeed Updated gear and lost the Line 6 rack unit, Novation Supernova racked synth module Focusrite Scarlett 18i20 Focusrite Platinum Penta Compressor TC HelIicon Voiceworks plus TC G Major 2 KRK Rockit G3's Shure SM58 Behinger C3 Zoom A3 Edirol Keyboard Orange SP 212 Genz Benz Shuttle 9.2 Takamine Acoustic Turner 83CE Acoustic Ernie Ball Stingray 5 Gibson Epiphone LP modified
  18. "Love the setup" he says slavering over the picture
  19. [b]'Holy sh*t that's cheap now!!!'[/b] I know, if you're interested get in before its gone
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