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Everything posted by Maude

  1. This is the thing, 99% of the time it'll be fine because most people aren't scammers. But it's when you get caught out that it hurts. I'm far to trusting and generally believe that people are good, but I've been stung for a large amount of money in the past and won't let it happen again. It horrible to have to doubt everyone though.
  2. To be honest, I'm not sure but just wouldn't do it in case. If they are collecting then they can pay cash or a bank transfer. I know some buyers might not have the money and want to buy on credit, which they could do if paying with PP, but I just wouldn't risk it. PP have their rules and if you break them then they don't care if you're being scammed or not, they will follow their rules. Maybe worth looking up whether it would apply to collection only sales, but I've a feeling you could still be scammed as the buyer could claim that you agreed to post/courier the item to them if they paid via PP. For me personally, if anything is being collected then it's cash or bank transfer, or no sale.
  3. Yes. The second I read that the buyer asked if it OK to pay with PayPal and then collect in person massive shiny alarm bells started ringing. Hopefully in this case it will be alright as he's left positive feedback, but the scam is for the buyer to claim they haven't received their item, PayPal will ask you for proof of shipping, if you can't provide it then they will refund the buyer his money. You lose your item and the money. The buyer could still do this and claim the feedback was mistakenly left and meant for another item. If they claim and you can't provide proof of shipping you will lose.
  4. (White Man) In Hammersmith Palais - The Clash
  5. Similarly, "What's your best price?". If I'm selling a bass for £500, my best price is £500, or more if you want.
  6. Aren't they all black sharpie coloured? 😉
  7. That's playing Prog with a lazy drummer for ya! 😉
  8. In the same way that the correct answer to the 'Stones or Beatles?' debate is The Kinks, the answer to the 'Oasis or Blur?' debate is Pulp. Jarvis Cocker wrote some great lyrics.
  9. "What I wouldn't give to see her pee, between two parked cars on a well lit street." NOFX See Her Pee. OK maybe not 😬.
  10. This might be just about the right length 😉.
  11. There are several normal pubs, not music venues, in Plymouth with weekend warrior, not professional, cover bands playing every weekend at the moment. I work in Plymouth and keep getting asked when my bands will be playing again and I say we're not allowed, to which colleagues reel of all the bands that were playing at various pubs in the city last Saturday. None of these places are ticketed music venues, just your average pub that puts bands on at the weekend. I just don't know what the rules are. I thought we weren't allowed to, but if we're not how are they getting away with it? They advertise the the gigs on Facebook and the bands have videos of them playing in the pubs posted online so it's no secret.
  12. Funny you should say that. They haven't got their name on these. 😁
  13. Here we go 🙂. https://reverb.com/uk/item/4071344-fender-8250-5m-nickelplated-steel-taperwound-5-string-bass-strings
  14. I may be dreaming it but that packet with the sunburst Jazz looks identical to the Fender taperwound 5 string set I bought a while ago. Where there's a big gap above 'Nickelplated steel' it had the Fender logo. 🤔
  15. Although way over the 30 minute mark at 50 minutes, the 'Short Music For Short People' compilation has an impressive 101 tracks by 101 bands.
  16. There's this bridge available as a replacement for the standard one if you can't find a Pro. https://www.ebay.com/itm/233672307709
  17. That 'Antiprocrastination Song' drags on though doesn't it.
  18. Yes, there's solid block underneath the bridge. There has to be to hold the original bridge. Personally I'd go with the similar styled bridge with the adjustable saddles for intonation to keep the looks the same. Having said that I've just kept the original and the intonation is all but bang on. There is actually quite a lot of adjustment with the original. The wooden saddle has a single central screw in a longitudinal slot, allowing movement up and down and twisting. I've just biased it so that the G and D are spot and the A very, very close and the E is a whisker out. But you're less likely to need the E string higher up. Unless you're doing chordal playing it's not noticeable at all really.
  19. Possibly, yes. But I'd be more concerned as to why it has split. It doesn't look to follow the grain so I wouldn't think it was just old wood drying out or anything. If you glue it will the force that has caused it split continue to put stress on the crack? Or has it took an impact to cause it and won't have similar continued stress on it?
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