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Everything posted by SpaceChick

  1. ...... To ram a bass guitar up your rhythm guitarists arse? The story, 4 weeks ago I tried out for my band, as did the rhythm guitarist. He said it wasn't for him and he walked away... We started our search for a new rhythm guitarist. Two weeks ago, he text our drummer to say he would come back but only if he could bring his bass guitar friend... But the band would have to "Ditch the Girl" ie. Me!! Our drummer told him in no uncertain terms that this was not an option. So last week he said he'd come back on his own. Tonight was the first rehearsal with him back, knowing what I already knew from our drummer, I was not feeling the love before I started. Then a few tracks in, he stopped the band mid track to say he 'Didn't like my groove' well f*ck off then mate!!!! He was being a right patronising tw*t!!!! Then he tried to crowbar in some tracks into our setlist, he asked me what I thought and I told him "We already HAVE a setlist" and one that the band are happy with. He's purposefully trying songs where the bassline is beyond me at the moment, I think he's trying to undermine me to try and get his mate in. I swear, I will not be responsible for my actions! I am going to email the drummer when I have calmed down to say how uncomfortable I felt with him being so patronising. I know I have the drummer and lead guitarists support, and I think I have the lead singers support. I did stuff up a few numbers tonight though as I was feeling really on edge. Do you think I am doing the right thing emailing the drummer? I am loving being in the band, but tonight I spent most of the night feeling angry, under pressure or uncomfortable, which is not fun!
  2. I have this tshirt which I think is cool http://www.zazzle.co.uk/yes_i_am_a_girl_text_only_play_bass_purple_tshirt-235291401826389991
  3. [quote name='SpaceChick' timestamp='1343582098' post='1752325'] Yep, I cat see it on my iPad either [/quote] But I can see it on my work PC Just watched it now I'm in work, and hell girl.... you can rock!!!!! You were bloody brilliant! Saying you can't play... pfft!
  4. I tend to have a toddler-esque temper tantrum... Then slow it down, practice it in batches of 4 bars, then add them together, if I still,can't get it, I have a bigger toddler type tantrum and sulk
  5. My sound is in my head, I wake up in the night with it.... Then I listen to tracks on the radio and realise the sound can be so much better in someone else's head I'm going to keep taking the Meds and hope the sound in my head improves
  6. Yep, I cat see it on my iPad either
  7. I had a bad day in work last week, so in my lunch break I went to the music shop, played a Fender Jazz bass (retailing at nearly £1500) linked up to a 500w amp and shook the building. Whilst it was just what I needed to bring a smile to my face, I can honestly say I prefer my under £300 Ibanez to play. Horses for courses I suppose, but it confirmed to me I won't be getting Bass GAS for a very long time.
  8. There are two tracks we do we were we not "in sync" because it sounds better. One is a track where I play on the beat and he plays off beat, so it's like a tennis volley between us which sounds pretty cool. The other is a track that starts slow..... I do gentle root notes at the start of each bar, whilst he does a gentle rhythm on the cymbals.... Then we come back together loudly and forcefully when the track picks up the pace and movement. I love music I do, and love the bass/drums dynamic..... And even though my drummer is 62 to my 38, he can't half whack his kit (no pun intended you smutty people!)
  9. Ive needed to learn my setlist of 26 songs in a week!!! I have cheated.... Root notes for several, and working on 2-3 tracks a week to make them more interesting/authentic
  10. My band is actually called "Not a Jukebox" Hope the punters get the hint
  11. Apologies if this has been posted before. But my friend sent me this and it really made me laugh. (Parental warning, it contains bad language, but no scenes of a sexual nature ) [url="http://splattermusic.com/oddities/bassists-look-too-bored-with-mark-hoppus/"]http://splattermusic.com/oddities/bassists-look-too-bored-with-mark-hoppus/[/url]
  12. I'm a firm believer in having a teacher. My teacher is AWESOME! He's a bass specialist and teaches at University as well as taking on private students. He inspires me every time I see him, what he can't do on a bass isn't worth knowing, yet he makes me feel good about my playing ability. You need to find a teacher that suits you, there are a lot of mediocre teachers out there and guitar teachers that think they can teach bass too. I feel that I have developed and grown in confidence far quicker by having lessons than I would have done if I'd taught myself.
  13. [quote name='darkandrew' timestamp='1343066229' post='1744702'] Like rain on your wedding day? Or a free ride when you've already paid? [/quote] As an aside, I've never got why these things are Ironic, they are more bad luck; a slight annoyance rather than Ironic.
  14. [quote name='Horizontalste' timestamp='1343034385' post='1743916'] I definitely Blame it On The Boogie. [/quote] well, lets face it would just be wrong to blame it on the sunshine, moonlight or good times!
  15. [quote name='merlin' timestamp='1343030691' post='1743867'] Hi I was really fit and very active at the beginning of the year,I think it saved my life..I thought that I had man flu then a chest infection but carried on working..wrong it was an infection munching away at my heart,its not good when the doc said "oh you have had an heart attack".. So now five months later two stone heaver,not even able to carry shopping,not allowed to exercise,at the moment....yes being fit can save your life,and I cant wait for the all clear.. so all that I can say is listen to your body(.I can still play for short periods) [/quote] So sorry about that. I too had an infection at Christmas, the infection attacked my heart and I developed myocarditis. I was off work for two months, but thankfully now I am well on the road to recovery. I still can't do any heavy lifting or heavy exercise and I get out of breath easily if I overdo it, but I feel I had a lucky escape! I'm only 38!! I think that my healthy diet helped me, although the lack of physical exercise has meant I have piled some pounds on. What it did make me realise was life is too short, so I took up two things I always wanted to be able to do.... the first was learning to knit! This helped me when I was sofa bound for 2 months! the second when I got well enough was learning to play bass!! I am loving both my knitting (she says typing in a hand knitted jumper.... sad but true) and my bass playing.
  16. Well for me, when the moon hit my eye like a big pizza pie, there was no amore... I was pretty much squashed and f*cked!!
  17. [quote name='JakeBrownBass' timestamp='1342863485' post='1741936'] You time would be better spent just working through the bass clef on this. You'll be reading in no time [/quote] I can read but I panic in a hurry!! Where as tab I don't panic (if that makes any sense!)
  18. I have been looking for this.... Thanks (Shall need to transfer to tab for me as I can read tab quicker than bass clef)
  19. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1342804604' post='1741344'] I use ER20s from Splugz... they are a tenner - you can probably find them a bit cheaper on the Bay. [url="http://www.splugz.co.uk/"]http://www.splugz.co.uk/[/url] You can hear everything, have conversations at normal levels and they don't insulate you from the environment. They filter out SPLs that would damage your hearing. Worth getting if only as a stop-gap while you consider more expensive alternatives. You really MUST use something though. It's just not worth damaging your hearing and tinnitus can be a waking nightmare. [/quote] +1 to this They are fab
  20. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Bows down and worships "The Steve"* What amazing skills!!! Question is though..... How many takes per instrument..... If you tell me one, I'm packing up!!
  21. [quote name='ern500evo' timestamp='1342683772' post='1739080'] Go do it now, guaranteed to make you smile! I'm not long home from a 10hr nightshift and should be sleeping but instead I'm now listening to Wham songs on YouTube!! [/quote] I had a meeting today, 1hr drive there, 1hr drive back. Listened to Wham First time I have listened to Wham since I've been a bassist..... OMG awesome basslines!! You have made my day by coaxing me today x
  22. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1342689431' post='1739210'] Hi sis [/quote] I always knew you were a man of taste
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